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[Web Serverjava_clientSever

Description: 这是一个使用Java编写的基于Socket的Client及Sever,能够提供Client及Server之间的通信。-It is a Java-based Socket Client and Server. able to provide between Client and Server communication.
Platform: | Size: 4231 | Author: hattie | Hits:


Description: UDP发送和接收数据包客户端,功能还可以,希望站长能满意.谢谢.-UDP send and receive data packets client, functions can also hope that the director is satisfied. Thank you.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: myrabit | Hits:

[Web Serverjava_clientSever

Description: 这是一个使用Java编写的基于Socket的Client及Sever,能够提供Client及Server之间的通信。-It is a Java-based Socket Client and Server. able to provide between Client and Server communication.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: hattie | Hits:


Description: 单线程的,socket-based通信,简单sever-client通信-Single-threaded, socket-based communications, a simple sever-client communications
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: lengyan | Hits:


Description: chat room,have both server and client.client can talk publicly or privatly sever can send message to all clients or choose one.-chat room, have both server and client.client can talk publicly or privatly sever can send message to all clients or choose one.
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: ayi | Hits:


Description: 基于Java的聊天工具,非常好的借鉴学习材料,运行通过。-chat client and sever
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: make chat sever&client use socket
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: trung | Hits:


Description: 简易的QQ程序代码 , 有客户端,服务器程序-easy qq CODE,have sever and client ,is very easy
Platform: | Size: 8695808 | Author: 高玉龙 | Hits:


Description: Server Client project to get PC health of remote sever.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sudeep | Hits:


Description: 应用分类列举的方法,研究了基于B/S结构的空间关系数据库的集成两类模式— — 以服务器为主空间数据库集成模式和以客户端为主空间数据库集成模式。列举了这两种模式的各种方案:CGI模式、Sever API模式、Java Servlet和Applet模式、插件(plug-in)模式、Active X控件模式。以Mapobjects IMS的CGI为例,给出空间关系数据库集成方案的应用模式,表明了这种方案的可实践性。最后,指出了基于B/S结构空间数据库集成方案的研究方向。-Application of classification method cited study based on B/S structure of the integration of two types of spatial relational database model-- to the server-based spatial database integration model and to client-based spatial database integration model. Both models listed programs: CGI mode, Sever API mode, Java Servlet and Applet mode, plug (plug-in) mode, Active X control mode. To Mapobjects IMS of CGI, for example, relational database integration solutions are given space application mode, that this scheme can be practical. Finally, pointed out that based on B/S structure with database integration research program.
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: viewsky | Hits:


Description: JAVA SOCKET 实现 主机与客户端的通信 JAVA SOCKET 实现 主机与客户端的通信-Java communication between the sever and client Java communication between the sever and client
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: jamie | Hits:


Description: 1.Run Server.java first to monitor 2.read n_port. In this program and the n-port are 6060. 3.In the Client window, you will see "Remember the n_port and r_port are both 6060" "Please input the host name of server" 4.Since I tested the program on computer with number ENVGEDDES27.NEXUS.UWATERLOO.CA type "ENVGEDDES27.NEXUS.UWATERLOO.CA" and press "enter" 5.The Client window will show "Sever host name is: ENVGEDDES27.NEXUS.UWATERLOO.CA" "Please input a introduction:" 6.Type who you are and say hello. For example: "Hello, this is Mary" 7.At this time, the Client machine will remind you to input message: "please input msg:" 8.Type what you want to say. For example: "Nice to meet you!" 9.The program will show: "FROM SERVER: .uoy teem ot eciN" and remind you the program is end: "end"-Use TCP and UDP to send and reseive msg and reserve it
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: yixing | Hits:


Description: java写的android平台上的一个新闻客户端的服务器端源码-java app for android platform a news client server-side source code
Platform: | Size: 946176 | Author: MARK | Hits:


Description: 详细的TCP sever client 应用,非常常用,java 编写-Detailed TCP sever client application
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 郭龙 | Hits:


Description: 一个安卓开发的即时通信客户端和服务器端软件。-android client and java sever IM
Platform: | Size: 1482752 | Author: 13558702280 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacksocket

Description: 用于实现Java中TCP/IP协议中sever端与client端的通信,对java初学者认识socket编程有很大的帮助。-Java is used for communication in TCP/IP protocol and the client side of the sever end, understanding for beginners java socket programming of great help.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[Software Engineeringjava-aplicacion_cliente_servidor-master

Description: this an client/sever application -this is an client/sever application
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: jora | Hits:

[JSP/JavaTFTP Client&Sever

Description: 用Java实现了一个以TFTP协议传输文件的程序 包括服务器端和客户端(A file transfer program by using TFTP protocol, including sever and client part.)
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 御景_ | Hits:

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