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本程序将用户信息设计成一个类,使用对象模拟对 象数据库,将用户信息保存到数据文件中。并实现打开 文件,保存文本,添加&删除用户信息等功能。 在运行的过程中,用户须先填上自己的姓名、性别 ,然后选择自己所在省份、城市。点击“Add”按钮, 该用户信息即可添加进面板左边的文本区,点击 “Delete”时,可删除该用户的信息,点击“Open”可 打开一个文件,点“Prior”可将该用户信息上移一行, “Next”下移一行,“First”上移至文本区第一行, “Last”信息下移至最后一行,“Save”保存左边的文 件为一个文本文档。-user information designed as a category, the use of object oriented database, user information stored data files. Open the document and to achieve and preserve the text, add users to delete information capabilities. In the course of operation, users must fill in their names, sex, which then choose their own provinces, cities. Click on the "Add" button, the user can add the information into the text of the left panel, click on "Delete", the deletion of the user's information, click on "Open" can open a file, click on "Prior" user information may be on his shift, "Next" his depression "First" shifted to the first line of text area, "Last" Information moved to the last line, "Save" to preserve the documents le
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.08kb Publisher : 思达

这是java3D系列的书籍,是从虚拟无忌 上下载的,上面其他的书籍也很多哦,有时间去逛逛哦-This is the series of books, is to download Virtual Sex, above other books are many, oh, oh, time to go shopping
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : 司南

三弯矩插值法 lagrange多项式插值 多项式最小二乘法 龙贝格积分法 分段线性插值 三转角插值 这些是数值分析中常用的集中经典方法,运用matlab展示出来!-three polynomial interpolation Hangzhou least squares polynomial interpolation Romberg integration subparagraph Line sex angle interpolation three interpolation these numerical analysis is commonly used in concentrated classical methods, and use Matlab show!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : jasa

username` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `sex` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `question` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `answer` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `bumen` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `email` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, `flag` int(10) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `systemop` int(10) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `regtime` VARCHAR(100) , -username `VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `sex` VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `question` VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `answer` VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `` bumen VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `` email VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, `` flag int (10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `systemop` int (10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `` regtime VARCHAR (100),
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.53mb Publisher : sime

汇编写的“QQ性别名称任意修改器”,可以修改性别为任意字符(不能超过2个字节)-compilation book, "Sex QQ arbitrary name change," and Sex changes can be arbitrary character (not more than 2 bytes)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 宋芬

DL : 0
Mario游戏,与PC版超级马里类似。动作类游戏,益智性。-Mario games, with the PC version of Super Mali similar. Action games, puzzle sexual.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : heronic

(1)设计一个人事管理的People(人员)类.考虑到通用性,这里只抽象出所有类型人员都具有的属性:name(姓名),number(编号), sex(性别),birthday(出生日期),id(身份证号)等等.其中"出生日期"定义为一个"日期"类(具有属性:year(年),month (月),date(日)内嵌子对象.用成员函数实现对人员信息的录入和显示等必要功能操作(自己独立思考设计).要求包括:构造函数和析构函数,拷贝构造 函数,内联成员函数. (2)从People(人员)类派生出student(学生)类,添加属性:班号char chassNO[7];从People类派生出teacher(教师)类,添加属性:职务char principalship[11],部门char department[21].从student类中派生出graduate(研究生)类,添加属性:专业char subject[21],导师teacher adviser(为(教师类内嵌子对象);从graduate类和teacher类派生出TA(助教生)类,注意虚基类的使用,重载相应的成员函数. (3)对People类重载"=="运算符和"="运算符,"=="运算符判断两个People类对象的id属性是否相等;"="运算符实现People类对象的赋值操作. (4)定义一个对People类对象数组按编号排序的函数,一个按编号查找people对象的函数. -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 235kb Publisher : 罗子

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 刘冬

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定义一个Dog类,包含name、age、sex、weight等属性以及对这些属性操作的方法。实现并测试这个类-Dog define a category, including name, age, sex, weight and other property of such property, as well as methods of operation. Implementation and testing of this type
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

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关于检测色情图片和色情视频的三篇经典论文,供相关开发人员参考。-For the detection of pornographic images and sex video classic three papers related to the development of staff for reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.71mb Publisher :

实现桶形移位器的所有功能,包括逻辑移位算数移位-fjlaj laj ajf lasjfaj fdljasj dufauw sdfj aj
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46kb Publisher : liwei

对图像进行显示,之后可对图像对性几何变换,空间域变换,频域变换等一系列基本操作,对初学图像编程人很有价值-Right image shows the image of sex can, after geometric transformation, spatial domain transform, frequency domain transform such as a series of basic operations, the image of the program were valuable to beginners
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.36mb Publisher : jtu

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flex 页面时飞入飞出六面体旋转等效果源码-flex fly into flying out of the page rotation effects hexahedral Source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 331kb Publisher : chenyan

Sex Secrets Body Language Psychic Seduction
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 138kb Publisher : aleafelf

数独游戏,简易版,提供五种难度要求自动出题解题,有人性化操作界面。-Sudoku game, simple version, to provide five kinds of difficulty that require the automatic topic and problem-solving, it was sex-based interface.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.72mb Publisher : gongchen

DL : 0
1.使用动态内存分配生成动态数组来完成3*3矩阵转置函数 2.应用string类定义字符串,实现两个字符串的连接 3.修改实验4中的选做实验中的people类。具有如下属性:姓名char name[11],编号char[7],性别char sex[3],生日birthday,身份证char id[16]。其中“出生日期”定义为一个“日期”类内嵌函数对象,用成员函数实现对人员信息的录人和显示。要求包括:构造函数和析构函数,开呗构造函数,内联成员函数,聚集。在测试程序中定义people类的对象数组,录入数据并显示-1. Using dynamic memory allocation to generate dynamic array to complete the 3* 3 matrix transpose function 2. Application of the definition of string string class to realize the connection of two strings 3. Modify the selection experiment 4 to experiment in the people category. Has the following attributes: name char name [11], number char [7], gender char sex [3], birthday, birthday, ID card char id [16]. The " birth date" is defined as a " date" class nested function object, member functions to achieve the information recorded on the personnel and the show. Requirements include: the constructor and destructor, open chanting constructor, inline member functions, together. People in the test procedure defined in the class of object array, data entry and display
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : YIDIANER

this game sex tetris good luck good job-this is game sex tetris good luck good job
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 203kb Publisher : summerhits

How God s Word Applies Today Learn What The Bible Really Says About Sex! How should Christians view and treat those living in defacto relationships? Do men and women today really have to wait until they are married before having sex? And what happens if they don t?
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 137kb Publisher : Zafpyr

Boosting Sex Identification Performance_CMU_2005
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 788kb Publisher : byeongjun jeong

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This is a book in spanish talking about how to have good sex with girls.
Update : 2020-05-10 Size : 3.52mb Publisher :
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