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用MATLAB 语言及MATLAB 语言编制的优化工具箱进行优化设计具有语言简单、函数丰富、用法比较灵活、 编程效率高等特点。本文简要阐述了遗传算法的基本原理, 并对英国Sheffield 大学的MATLAB 遗传算法工具箱作了简要 的介绍, 探讨了其在军事目标分配中的应用。-Using MATLAB language and MATLAB optimization toolbox of languages to optimize the design of the language is simple, function-rich, and using more flexible programming and high efficiency. This paper briefly described the basic principles of genetic algorithms, and the University of Sheffield UK MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox brief description of its military objectives in the distribution of applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 73kb Publisher : dh

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英国Sheffield大学开发的基于matlab的遗传算法工具箱GATBX,虽然没有GAOT用的多,但是也很实用-Developed at the University of Sheffield UK-based genetic algorithm matlab toolbox GATBX, although not GAOT used, but also very practical
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 414kb Publisher : mylifeforwar

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《Matlab遗传算法工具箱及应用》Sheffield大学gatbs工具箱所有算例下载及调试说明-" Matlab toolbox and application of genetic algorithms" Sheffield University, all gatbs toolbox download and debug an example that
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 746kb Publisher : liuzhe

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1.附件结构: gatbx.rar: (1) (2)gatbx-toolbox.rar (3)gatbx-example.rar 2.调试所用Matlab版本是6.5,gatbx-toolbox是调试过程中使用的工具箱,有些热心的研友已经提供了该工具箱,之所以再贴一遍,是因为6.5版本下调试该工具箱会出现一些错误提示,在该版本中已经进行了改正,使用该工具箱只需要将压缩包下的gatbx和gatbx\Test_fns加入到Matlab搜索路径即可,另外gatbx-origin是Sheffield大学提供的原始版本的工具箱,未做任何改动,两者可做比较之用 3.gatbx-example是算例调试源码和各算例的调试说明,大家可以对照原书进行比较 4.窃以为gatbx工具箱较之Matlab7新版下的gads工具箱更能让人熟悉和了解遗传算法的原理和计算过程,虽然在可视化方面不及gads-1 attachment structure: gatbx.rar: (1) (2) gatbx-toolbox.rar (3) gatbx-example.rar 2 debugging using Matlab version 6.5, gatbx-toolbox is used during debugging toolkit, and some enthusiastic research has provided the Friends of the toolbox, paste again the reason is because the 6.5 version of the toolkit will be to debug some error, in this version has been corrected, use the toolkit to archive only under gatbx and gatbx \ Test_fns can be added to the Matlab search path, in addition to the University of Sheffield gatbx-origin is the original version of the tools available box, without making any changes, both to do comparison with the 3.gatbx-example is the study of debugging code and debugging examples illustrate, we can compare against the original book 4. I humbly believe gatbx than Matlab7 new toolbox toolbox under gads more people are familiar with and understand the principles of genetic algorithms and calculations, although less than in the visual
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.03mb Publisher : 李祥宝

介绍遗传算法的原理,流程。详细展示了交叉,变异,选择等算子。同时,还介绍了谢菲尔德大学遗传工具箱的使用 。本书对初学遗传算法者很有帮助。-Introduce the principle of genetic algorithms, processes. Detail shows crossover, mutation, selection operator. Meanwhile, the University of Sheffield also introduced the use of genetic toolbox. Genetic algorithms for beginners who book very helpful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.27mb Publisher : CaoJunlong

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使用遗传算法解决函数优化(使用谢菲尔德遗传算法工具箱)-Using genetic algorithms to solve function optimization (using Sheffield genetic algorithm toolbox)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : Li Ning

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使用谢菲尔德大学遗传算法工具箱解决二位函数优化-Sheffield University using genetic algorithms to solve the two function optimization toolbox
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 71kb Publisher : Li Ning

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使用谢菲尔德大学遗传算法工具箱解决线性规划-Sheffield University using genetic algorithms to solve linear programming toolbox
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher : Li Ning

谢菲尔德大学的有关遗传算法的工具箱,用于遗传算法的学习(A toolbox for genetic algorithms at the University of Sheffield for genetic algorithm learning)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 678kb Publisher : 奋斗的阿科
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