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这是一个简单的网页生成引擎,使用完成后可以预览,也可以观看原始码,或者下载该页面,在网页编辑器众多现成的,其实好玩性质大于实用性质。-This is a simple website generation engines, can be used after the completion of preview can also watch the source code, or to download the pages, the website editor numerous off-the-shelf, playful nature than practical nature.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.65kb Publisher : 田可峰

其实网上已经有不少现成的软件,它们可以帮你做到一些共享软件的时间控制,比如试用30天,试用100次等。前些天给台湾人写的软件现在需要要一个试用版,由于是繁体,想用网上已有的软件<<幻影加密系统>>来做,但在繁体下一运行就把机子搞死了,害得我新装了繁体2000。后来想想还是自己写算了。-fact, there has been much off-the-shelf software, they can help you do some of the time-sharing software control, such as the 30-day trial, the trial 100 inferior. A few days ago the people of Taiwan to write software now needs to be a trial version, as is traditional, has been to use the Internet software lt; Lt; Mirage encryption system gt; Gt; To do, but in the next run put traditional loom die for, depriving me of the traditional design of 2000. Then think about or just write themselves.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.39kb Publisher : 赵长华

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什么,你只是一个MIS编程的人员,你对图形编程不太懂,但有时个又要用到它,我这里提供了常用的函数,每个都有说明的,还有图形转换进度的喔,现成的拿来就可以用的喔。-what you MIS is a programming staff, you do not understand graphical programming, but sometimes months have used it, I am here to provide a common function, each with the note, There graphics conversion progress Oh, off-the-shelf can be used on the brook.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.58kb Publisher :

现成的企业电子网站源码,含access数据库,稍加修改,就会成为您的了。-off-the-shelf e-business website source, with access database, a little change, you will become of it.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : 小郑

COM2008 分类信息发布系统 V4.0 免费版 一套现成的分类信息网站发布系统,拥有完善的数据分类和简洁的网页设计-COM2008 classified information dissemination system V4.0 free version of a set of off-the-shelf classification of the Department of Information website EC, it has a good classification of data and simple web design
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 357.48kb Publisher : gzk

此程序实现了一个wince下的选择目录(浏览目录)的对话框,并将其封装成了DLL,用户只需调用一个函数就可以了。 不知道大家发现没有,wince下没有浏览目录的现成的东西,在网上搜索很久也没有找到,所以自己写了一个,希望大家用得着。-this program achieved a Jack choice for the catalog (browse catalogs) dialog box, Packaging has become its DLL, users simply call a function on it. Not everyone found not know, Jack was no off-the-shelf catalog browsing things, the Internet search did not find a long time, wrote one, and we hope that it needs.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 77.25kb Publisher : 曾潜明

这个在状态栏中模拟程序进行的进度条,效果非常好,有现成的类,很容易再次利用-state in the column simulation program for the progress of the very good results, off-the-shelf type, very easy to use again
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 67.97kb Publisher : 风浪

等腰三角波发生器,在simulink 中有的是锯齿波和三角波的现成模块,可是等腰三角波的就没有了,现提供给大家。-isosceles triangular wave generator, which in some Simulink ramp and triangular wave off-the-shelf modules, But isosceles triangle wave, there is no, it is available to everyone.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.33kb Publisher : 王丽

多页面显示的浏览器,用VB做起来很容易哦,给大家一个参考,不过要在实际使用中,也许还要屏蔽WINDOWS功能键,网上搜一下,有很多资料,但2000/XP下的麻烦些,需要现成的发 pages of the browser, using VB is easy to do, oh, a reference to you, But in practical use, and perhaps shielding Windows function keys, on-line found that a lot of information, but 2000/XP more trouble, the need for off-the-shelf MAIL :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 36.7kb Publisher : 阎兴涛

使用现成的已经编写好的控件当然是很方便的事情,但是有的时候随着C#编成应用的不断深入,已有的控件已经不能满足实际需求,所以不得不自己在现有控件的基础上扩展功能,本程序通过一个扩展button控件功能而形成自己开发的控件,可以给CSharp开发者一个简单明了的参考。简单不失一般性-use off-the-shelf component has prepared a good course is a convenient thing, Some, however, when C# organization with the in-depth application, the controls have already unable to meet the actual demand. So I have to own the existing controls on the basis of the functional expansion, The procedures through an expansion button controls its own function and the development of the controls, CSharp can give developers a simple reference. Simple without loss of generality
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.71kb Publisher : 朱向荣

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这是电子商务实验的最后作品。根据实验要求,我们选择了实现一个B2C电子商务网站。 本网站具备用户注册和管理、订单管理、货架管理等典型电子商务系统的基本功能。达到了实验要求。参考三艾电子的商务平台.加入了验证码功能, md5加密算法。-This is the last e-commerce experiment works. According to the experimental requirements, we have chosen to achieve a B2C e-commerce website. This site has registered users and management, order management, shelf management and other typical e-commerce system's basic functions. Reached the experiment. Reference 3 Ai electronic business platform. Joined the functional verification code, md5 encryption algorithm.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 575.09kb Publisher : xxx

VTS(VisuaI Test Shelf) V3.4.7的源代码。VTS是美国国家联邦实验室N.I.S.T.所开发的BACnet协议下的报文的测试工具。BACnet(A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Network)是由美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师协会制定的开放楼宇自动控制网络数据通信协议。-VTS (Visual Test Shelf) V3.4.7 source. VTS of the United States federal laboratories N.I.S.T. BACnet developed by the newspaper under the agreement text test tools. BACnet (A Data Communication Protocol for Buil ding Automation and Control Network) by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers developed the opening of Building Automation and Control network data communication protocol.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : Frank Hsu

功能:在AT91SAM7-EK 板上实现用串口(DBGU)操作mmc /sd 上的ucfs文件系统,支持fat文件格式。实现了文件(夹)建立,读写,删除,格式化,容量显示等基本功能,有需要的朋友可以继续添加新功能 。实现了ucos接口,要用到其他的存储介质更容易。因为有现成的ucfs接口驱动。详细情况见文件包中的说明 。 不是高手,做的不好的地方请大家谅解。-functions : In AT91SAM7-EK board realized using serial (DBGU) Operating mmc / sd text on the ucfs Ware System, fat file format support. Implementation of the document (SCH) Establishing literacy, delete, format, capacity display basic functions, need friends can continue to add new features. OUT Interface realized that we had to use other storage media more easily. Because of off-the-shelf ucfs driven interface. See details of the documents included in the note. Not masters, do the bad things that please understanding.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 565.38kb Publisher : moise_yc

JAVA如何调用DOS命令,用Java编写应用时,有时需要在程序中调用另一个现成的可执行程序或系统命令,这时可以通过组合使用Java提供的Runtime类和Process类的方法实现。-JAVA How to call the DOS command, use Java to write applications, sometimes need to call in the proceedings of another off-the-shelf system commands or executable programs, when used in combination with Java can be provided by category Runtime and Process category method.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : wangmin

课程设计用的哦,还算好,现成的报告,下了看看吧-Curriculum design used in Oh, pretty good off-the-shelf report, a look at it
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : 秦仁

Linux Shelf Scripting Tutorials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 935kb Publisher : Mendel Aizner

XORP is a modular, extensible, open source networking platform that can be leveraged by: * Network operators wanting to reduce cost by running open source networking applications on off-the-shelf hardware. * Network equipment vendors wanting to expand market presence for their special-purpose hardware. * Network application writers vendors wanting to expand market presence for their special purpose hardware. * Network researchers wanting a platform for experimentation and invention. -XORP is a modular, extensible, open source networking platform that can be leveraged by: * Network operators wanting to reduce cost by running open source networking applications on off-the-shelf hardware. * Network equipment vendors wanting to expand market presence for their special-purpose hardware. * Network application writers vendors wanting to expand market presence for their special purpose hardware. * Network researchers wanting a platform for experimentation and invention.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.53mb Publisher : pudner

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fatJar源代码,这是一个Eclipse插件,用于把JAVA项目直接打包,并能把架包一并包括。-fatJar source code, which is a Eclipse plugin, JAVA programs used to direct packaging and shelf packages can be included.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 70kb Publisher : 傅信诰

WordPress主题YOO-Shelf模板-WordPress Theme YOO-Shelf Template
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.16mb Publisher : 吴明

微信小程序小书架源码示例,可直接无Appid使用,支持。(WeChat small program little shelf)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : 景禾禾禾
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