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Description: 用FLASH做的小动画,利用形状补间,由四颗心幻化成文字“生日快乐”
Platform: | Size: 44157 | Author: wsx | Hits:


Description: 汇编程序 用51单片机和蜂鸣器实现播放生日歌-compilation procedures used 51 microcontroller and buzzer achieve broadcast birthday song
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 钱逸群 | Hits:


Description: 用FLASH做的小动画,利用形状补间,由四颗心幻化成文字“生日快乐” -FLASH done with a small animation, the use of the shape of inter-meeting, from 4 hearts metamorphosed into text Happy Birthday
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: wsx | Hits:

[WEB Codeshengri

Description: 每个人的生日都是个迷,星相命理给我们生命的启示,不同的生日都会有不同的命运, 让我来帮你揭开“生日密码”的神秘面纱,从另一个方面来看你我他/她,让这一切变 得不再神秘,你我他/她的生日密码尽在其中-Each person s birthday has been a fan Astrology inspiration to our lives, different birthday, there will be a different fate, Let me help you kick the birthday of the password the mystery, from another point of view you and me/her, so that all this is no longer a mystery, you and me his/her birthday in which to make password
Platform: | Size: 1309696 | Author: dsa | Hits:

[Windows Developshengri

Description: 平均生日计算器。一个带有图形界面的平均生日计算器。根据用户输入的多个生日,求得这多个生日的平均值,最终得到一个平均生日。-The average birthday calculator. A graphical interface with the average birthday calculator. Based on user input of a number of birthday, birthday achieve this more than the average, and ultimately to be an average birthday.
Platform: | Size: 1883136 | Author: steven | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developshengri

Description: 能显示祝某某生日快乐的个性字,同时播放"祝你生日快乐"的歌曲。-Happy birthday to show Zhu Moumou personality character while playing " Happy Birthday" song.
Platform: | Size: 303104 | Author: 赖鹏 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringShengRi

Description: 输入您的(公历或农历)生日(年、月、日、时辰)和性别,就能得到您相关的星座、袁天罡计数、八字等信息。这是我在一年来做的VBA代码,由于水平并不高,期望大家指证,谢谢!-The input (Gregorian or Lunar) birthday (year, month, day, hour) and gender, will be able to get your constellation, 袁天罡 counting, horoscopes and other information. This is the VBA code that I do in a year, the level is not high, I hope testify, thank you!
Platform: | Size: 3569664 | Author: bruly | Hits:


Description: 送给女朋友的生日礼物,一定会感动女朋友哦,一定会的-I love you
Platform: | Size: 7225344 | Author: 李玉 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmatlab-shengri

Description: 这是一个实现空间生日蛋糕的例子,可是在其中修改赠送者和接受者的名字,很有意思哦-This is an example of spatial birthday cake, but where you can modify the name of the giver and the recipient, very interesting oh
Platform: | Size: 524288 | Author: 李宁 | Hits:

[Other Gamesshengri

Description: 该游戏是一个生日礼物,编译语言为c,对于了解一定c语言知识的人是不错的提升资料-The game is a birthday gift, a compiled language is c, c language knowledge for understanding certain people is a good upgrade information
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 李飞 | Hits:

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