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(蒙特卡洛方法) 求出四分之一圆占正方形的比例。随机投点P(x,y)于正方形,π/4的近似值为落在四分之一圆内的点数与总投点数的比值。随机投点次数分别为10000次和50000次,计算π的近似值。 -(Monte Carlo method) are obtained accounting for a quarter of a round square ratio. Voted random point P (x, y) in the square, π/4 for the fall quarter of the approximation of the points won and the ratio of the total vote points. The number of random points, respectively, voted for the 10000 and 50000 times, the calculation of the approximation of π.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8kb Publisher : mazhen
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