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[Printing program881

Description: 一种高效的聚类算法给定要聚类的N的对象以及N*N的距离矩阵(或者是相似性矩阵), 层次式聚类方法的基本步骤(参看S.C. Johnson in 1967)如下:-An Efficient Algorithm for the cluster must be the object of N and N * N distance matrix (or similarity matrix), the hierarchical clustering method the basic steps (see S. C. Johnson in 1967), as follows :
Platform: | Size: 432218 | Author: 毛显锋 | Hits:

[Other resourceUB

Description: 改程序实现UB算法,对Web日志文件进行分析,产生相似度矩阵-reform program UB algorithm, the Web log file analysis, the similarity matrix produced
Platform: | Size: 1945 | Author: 姜少峰 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsAlgebra

Description: 基本矩阵运算 : + - *, power, transpose, trace, determinant, minor, matrix of minor, cofactor, matrix of cofactor, adjoint, inverse, gauss, gaussjordan, linear transformation, LU decomposition , Gram-Schmidt process, similarity. b) Basic vectors functions : norm, distance, innerproduct,coldim, rowdim, rank, nullity. *-basic matrix calculation :-*, power, transpose, trace, determinant, minor, matrix of minor, cofactor, the matrix of cofactor, adjoint, inverse, Gauss, gaussjordan, linear transformation, LU decomposition, Gram-Schmidt process, the similarity. B ) Basic vectors functions : norm, distance, innerproduct, coldim, rowdim, rank, nullity.*
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 改程序实现UB算法,对Web日志文件进行分析,产生相似度矩阵-reform program UB algorithm, the Web log file analysis, the similarity matrix produced
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 姜少峰 | Hits:

[Printing program881

Description: 一种高效的聚类算法给定要聚类的N的对象以及N*N的距离矩阵(或者是相似性矩阵), 层次式聚类方法的基本步骤(参看S.C. Johnson in 1967)如下:-An Efficient Algorithm for the cluster must be the object of N and N* N distance matrix (or similarity matrix), the hierarchical clustering method the basic steps (see S. C. Johnson in 1967), as follows :
Platform: | Size: 432128 | Author: 毛显锋 | Hits:

[Industry researchCameraCalibration

Description: This paper introduces an affine invariant of trapezia, and the explicit constraint equation between the intrinsic matrix of a camera and the similarity invariants of a trapezium are established using the affine invariant. By this constraint, the inner parameters, motion parameters of the cameras and the similarity invariants of trapezia can be linearly determined using some prior knowledge on the cameras or the trapezia. The proposed algorithms have wide applicability since parallel lines are not rare in many scenes. Experimental results validate the proposed approaches. This work presents a unifying framework based on the parallelism constraint, and the previous methods based on the parallelograms or the parallelepipeds can be integrated into this framework. Key words: invariant parallelism constraint camera calibration 3D reconstruction
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: 王峰 | Hits:


Description: 模糊矩阵分析中建立模糊相似矩阵(标定)的各种方法的MATLAB程序-Fuzzy matrix analysis to create a fuzzy similarity matrix (calibration) of the various methods of MATLAB procedures
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 康凯 | Hits:


Description: 一些矩阵运算的函数,包括两个矩阵相加,两个矩阵相减,两个矩阵相乘,矩阵复制,矩阵求逆的全选主员高斯-约当法,矩阵的三角分解(LU分解),求Hessenberg矩阵全部特征根的QR法,约化一般实矩阵为Hessenberg矩阵的初等相似变换-A function of a number of matrix operations, including the sum of two matrices, subtract two matrices, the two matrices, matrix duplicate, matrix inversion Select All the main members of the Gaussian- about when the law, the triangular matrix decomposition (LU decomposition ), seeking Hessenberg eigenvalue matrix of all the QR method, some of the general real matrix to Hessenberg Matrix elementary similarity transformation
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: chen changqing | Hits:


Description: this m file is describe Similarity matrix for an image
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Y眉cel Muhammet Sadi | Hits:


Description: AP是在数据点的相似度矩阵的基础上进行聚类.对于规模很大的数据集,AP算法是一种快速、有效的聚类方法,这是其他传统的聚类算法所不能及的,-A semi-supervised clustering method based on affinity propagation (AP) algorithm is proposed in this paper. AP takes as input measures of similarity between pairs of data points. AP is an efficient and fast clustering algorithm for large dataset compared with the existing clustering algorithms, such as K-center clustering. But for the datasets with complex cluster structures, it cannot produce good clustering results. It can improve the clustering performance of AP by using the priori known labeled data or pairwise constraints to adjust the similarity matrix. Experimental results show that such method indeed reaches its goal for complex datasets, and this method outperforms the comparative methods when there are a large number of pairwise constraints.
Platform: | Size: 375808 | Author: lilan | Hits:

[Windows Develophasse

Description: 通过Hasse matrices 和偏组合技术来进行化学计量研究的一个工具。-The Diversity/similarity measure based on Hasse matrices is a novel chemometric approach based on the partial ordering technique and the Hasse matrix
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 宁宁 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: tra ba huy | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsspectralclustering-1.0

Description: 一款功能强大的分类算法软件包,在matlab环境下使用。详见如下网站 http://mloss.org/software/view/133/-A MATLAB spectral clustering package to deal with large data sets. Our tool can handle large data sets (200,000 RCV1 data) on a 4GB memory general machine. Spectral clustering algorithm has been shown to be more effective in finding clusters than some traditional algorithms such as kmeans. To perform clustering on large data sets, we implement various ways of approximating the dense similarity matrix, including nearest neighbors and the Nystrom method.
Platform: | Size: 15799296 | Author: ZC | Hits:


Description: 模糊聚类中,相似矩阵到等价矩阵的改造程序-Fuzzy clustering, the similarity matrix to the equivalent matrix of the adaptation process
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: lin | Hits:


Description: 基于图模型的图像分割并行算法研究与实现,该方案通过网格划分来实现相似度矩阵的并行计算同时考虑到相似度矩阵的稀疏性和矩阵向量乘运算的内在并行性, 在该方案中本文设计并行算法来求解特征值问题在环境下的实验结果表明, 该并行方案是提高图模型分割方法实时性的有效途径.-Image segmentation based on graph model of parallel algorithm and implementation of the program through the mesh to achieve similarity matrix of parallel computing the similarity matrix, taking into account the sparsity of matrix vector multiplication He' s inherent parallelism in the program in this article Design of parallel algorithms to solve the eigenvalue problem in the environment under the experimental results show that, 该 parallel programs is Tigao graph model segmentation in real time to Xing' s Youxiao way.
Platform: | Size: 575488 | Author: 郭事业 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringnk2

Description: 半监督异常行为监测pdf,提出新的基于半监督学习的行为建模与异常检测方法,采用基于动态时间归整的归一化距离来建立相似矩阵-Semi-supervised monitoring abnormal behavior pdf, propose a new semi-supervised Learning based on behavior modeling and anomaly detection methods, based on Dynamic Time Warping of the normalized distance to create a similarity matrix
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: 王自 | Hits:

[Special Effectsshibie

Description: 基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法 梁毅雄 龚卫国 潘英俊 李伟红 刘嘉敏 张红梅 提出了一种将傅里叶变换和奇异值分解相结合的人脸自动识别方法.首先对人脸图像进行傅里叶变换,得到其具有位移不变特性的振幅谱表征.其次,从所有训练图像样本的振幅谱表征中给定标准脸并对其进行奇异值分解,求出标准特征矩阵,再将人脸的振幅谱表征投影到标准特征矩阵后得到的投影系数作为该人脸的模式特征.然后,对经典的最近邻分类器算法进行了改进,并采用模式特征之间的欧式距离作为相似性度量,从而完成对未知人脸的识别.采用ORL (Olivetti Research Laboratory)人脸库对本文提出的人脸识别方法进行验证,获得了100.00 的识别率.实验结果表明,本方法优于现有的基于奇异值分解的人脸识别方法,且对表情、姿态变换等具有一定的鲁棒性. -Face recognition based on singular value decomposition method Deliberate simultaneously Gong Weiguo Li Wei Hung Stephen Lau, Hong-Mei Zhang Ying-Jun Pan Paper, a Fourier transform and singular value decomposition of the combination of automatic face recognition. First of all, the face image by Fourier transformation, it has the same characteristics of the displacement amplitude spectra. Secondly, all training The amplitude spectrum of the sample images given in standard face representation and its singular value decomposition, find the standard characteristic matrix, then the amplitude of spectral characterization of human faces projected onto the standard characteristic matrix of projection coefficients obtained as the face of the model features . Then, the classical nearest neighbor classifier is improved, and the use of Euclidean distance between pattern features as the similarity measure, thus completing the identification of unknown human faces. using ORL (Olivetti Research La
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: houhj | Hits:


Description: Generates the values in a ROC curve given a similarity matrix. For use in evaluation of biometric recognition systems (e.g. fingerprint, face, iris, etc.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: B | Hits:


Description: Generates the values in a Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) curve given a similarity matrix. For use in evaluation of biometric recognition systems (e.g. fingerprint, face, iris, etc.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: B | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: MOHAMMED | Hits:
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