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[Software EngineeringSimPowerSystems-powerflow

Description: 关于matlab simpowersystem的例子,有助于掌握matlab潮流计算-About matlab simpowersystem example, help to control power flow matlab
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: 小强 | Hits:


Description: 电力电子仿真模型,非常实用,适合学习SIMULINK建模的朋友-simpowersystem
Platform: | Size: 944128 | Author: BEN | Hits:


Description: matlab设计,有助于学习simulink知识-matlab design knowledge to help learning simulink
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: smile | Hits:


Description: SimPowerSystem 是MATLAB的一个工具箱,主要用于电力系统、电力电子电路的仿真。-SimPowerSystem is a MATLAB toolbox, is mainly used for electric power systems, power electronic circuit simulation.
Platform: | Size: 3416064 | Author: 李慧 | Hits:


Description: matlab simulink教程。适用与matlab的电力系统建模仿真。包括电机,电源,电力电子,和新型电力器件的仿真建模。-matlab simulink
Platform: | Size: 1273856 | Author: 徐建云 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSimPowerSystems-guide

Description: MATLAB-Simulink-simpowersystem user guide
Platform: | Size: 3512320 | Author: wa | Hits:


Description: 介绍了利用Matlab中的Simulink及PSB工具箱建立线路距离保护仿真模型的方法,并用S函 数编制相间距离保护和接地距离保护算法程序,构建相应的保护模块,实现了三段式距离保护。仿真结 果表明,所建立的三段式距离保护模型能够正确反映在保护区内的不同类型的短路故障并发出动作信号,使断路器跳闸实现输电线路的保护功能。 -A distance protection simulation model of transmission line was established by using Simulink and SimPowerSystem toolbox inMatlab. S-function was used to programe the distance protection of phase faults and earth faults and the relevantprotectionmodelswere created to build distance protection.The simulation results show that the three-stage distance protectionmodel can respond to allkinds of faultswithin protection zones correctly and send correct signal to the breaker of the line.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: nn0914 | Hits:


Description: Matlab下进行用simPowerSystem进行电路仿真的指导性文档-Matlab, the guiding document for circuit simulation using simPowerSystem
Platform: | Size: 3416064 | Author: guofuming | Hits:


Description: 简单介绍了部分matlab里面simpowersistem的应用,-A brief introduction to some inside matlab simpowersistem applications,
Platform: | Size: 1284096 | Author: 田汝冰 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programbopi32

Description: 用MATLAB的simulink和simpowersystem,搭建一个BOOST电路。输入电压15~25V,输出电压40V,输出电流0.5A。-Using the MATLAB simulink and simpowersystem, build a BOOST circuit. Input Voltage 15 ~ 25V, output voltage 40V, output current 0.5A.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 许杨 | Hits:


Description: rectier in simpowersystem of matlab
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: momomoh | Hits:


Description: dynamic load in simpowersystem of matlab software
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: momomoh | Hits:


Description: pwm in simpowersystem of matlab software
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: momomoh | Hits:


Description: igbt in simpowersystem of matlab software
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: momomoh | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsystem

Description: ieee 39 bus test system (New England Test System) in MATLAB/SimPowerSystem
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: sirwan | Hits:

[Software Engineering97a09089db2de8d5bac08690642567a0

Description: This paper describes the opportunity of implementing a model of a Mho type distance relay with a three zones by using MATLAB/SIMULINK package. SimPowerSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of distance relay, transmission line and fault simulation. The proposed model was verified under different tests, such as fault detection which includes single line to ground (SLG) fault, double line fault (LL), double line to ground fault (LLG) and three phase fault, all types of faults were applied at different locations to test this model. Also the Mho R- jX plain was created inside this model to show the trajectory of measured apparent impedance by the relay. The results show that the relay operates correctly under different locations for each fault type. The difficulties in understanding distance relay can be cleared by using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Platform: | Size: 371712 | Author: armin jun | Hits:


Description: 基于SimPowersystem自带help文件翻译的中文说明书,翻译到位,高清实用,推荐。by SimPowersystem -Matlab Tutor Material in Chinese for SimPowersystem Toolbox
Platform: | Size: 2015232 | Author: dhyhust | Hits:

[simulation modelingsimulink_power_system

Description: matlab电力系统建模仿真详细示例说明,适合新手。(Matlab power system modeling and simulation example)
Platform: | Size: 11613184 | Author: llymm | Hits:


Description: simpowersystem库的应用说明(The application description of the simpowersystem Library)
Platform: | Size: 3458048 | Author: 我是坏儿童 | Hits:

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