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这是一个sip软终端pjsip的开发文档,里面详细介绍了pjsip。是英文的PDF文档。-This is a sip softphone pjsip the development of the document, which detailed the pjsip. PDF documents are in English.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 807kb Publisher : 刘焱磊

基于SIP的客户端,可以实现与服务器的语音视频通信 ,很有用-SIP-based client can be achieved with the server s voice and video communications, very useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.91mb Publisher : ccxxzcv

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27kb Publisher : king

yate是一个软交换的sip电话。也是一个voip服务器或客户端。 主要支持功能: VoIP 服务器 VoIP 客户端 VoIP to PSTN 网关 PC2Phone and Phone2PC 网关 H.323 网守 H.323 多端点服务器 H.323<->SIP 转换代理 SIP session border controller SIP 路由 S IP 注册服务 Jingle 即时聊天 I SDN passive and active recorder IAX2服务器客户端 电话服务器和客户端 呼叫中心服务器 (会议,队列) IVR语音交互应答 预付费,后付费电话卡系统 兼容Asteirsk的zaptel中继卡 支持linux /windows-Yate is a next-generation telephony engine while currently focused on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and PSTN, its power lies in its ability to be easily extended. Voice, video, data and instant messaging can all be unified under Yate s flexible routing engine, maximizing communications efficiency and minimizing infrastructure costs for businesses.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : Banlyst Yeh

为解决视频监控系统客户端的视频播放问题,提出了SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)协议、RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol 协议以及Directshow 技术接收服务 器端发来的视频流数据并实时播放且成功存储的方法。-To solve the problem of video broadcast in the client of video surveillance syetem,a methord of receiving the video stream,real-time play and video stream storage based on SIP protocol,RTP protocol and Directshow technology is presented
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 343kb Publisher : 赵一方

基于SIP协议栈的IP电话客户端 支持音视频传输-IP phone client support audio and video transmission based on SIP protocol stack
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.02mb Publisher : YOU

SIP视频电话客户端 支持linux平台 是通过QT库开发的-SIP video telephony client support for linux platform is developed through the QT library
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : jia wenquan

SIP视频电话客户端 支持linux平台 是通过QT库开发的-SIP video telephony client support for linux platform is developed through the QT library
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.11mb Publisher : jia wenquan

SIP视频电话客户端 支持linux平台 是通过QT库开发的-SIP video telephony client support for linux platform is developed through the QT library
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.53mb Publisher : jia wenquan

SIP视频电话客户端 支持linux平台 是通过QT库开发的-SIP video telephony client support for linux platform is developed through the QT library
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 272kb Publisher : jia wenquan

vc实现基于sip协议的客户端,Linux C实现基于sip协议服务器。客户端类似于QQ聊天工具,可实现文本聊天,语音对讲以及文件传输和视频聊天。-vc the sip protocol-based client, Linux C achieve the sip protocol-based server. The client is similar to the QQ chat, text chat, the voice intercom as well as the file transfer and video chat.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.33mb Publisher : sjz

jVoIP is a simple SIP Phone based on NIST Sip Communicator. The phone won t be a fully functional SIP Client: it won t support REGISTER request it will be design for LAN voice communication This phone won t function behind NAT or FireWall This project isn t actively developed, the interface language is only in italian Features nice and simple to use GUI simple configuration high-level assumptions We will not, consider certain functional areas like internationalization, high security, istant messaging and video phone Screenshots jVoip main window appears like jVoIP settings window appears like Notes This project is built using Eclipse. To checkout source code refer to the CVS instructions. Then to build it you need install and configure JMF, the Java Media Framework. To Do list Localize in english and other languages Remove uneeded class Fix and add comments Related resources Sip Communicator:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.85mb Publisher : lifawen

详细介绍 - [ Android项目源码全功能语音视频通话客户端Imsdroid ] imsdroid 是全功能的SIP / IMS的客户端,它基于doubango框架开发的app,doubango是目前世界上最好的3GPP IMS/RCS 嵌入式桌面系统框架,该框架提供了一套独特的功能,包括音频/视频通话、内容共享、消息、会议、通讯录等。 官网地址: 组件 1、Boghe IMS/ RCS Windows客户端 2、IMSDroid IMS/ RCS Android客户端(使用NGN堆栈) 3、iDoubs IMS/ RCS iOS客户端(iPhone,iPad和iPod Touch)-Detailed introduction- the Android project source full-featured voice video call client Imsdroid] Full-featured SIP/IMS Client is imsdroid. It app doubango framework is developed based on, doubango is currently the world best 3GPP IMS/RCS embedded desktop system framework, the framework provides a set of unique features, including audio/video calls, content sharing, news, meeting, communication book. Website address: assembly 1, Boghe RCS Windows IMS/ client 2, IMSDroid RCS Android IMS/ client (using NGN stack) 3, iDoubs RCS iOS IMS/ client (iPhone, iPad and Touch iPod)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.09mb Publisher : lizheng

jssip 一个基于webrtc的web sip电话功能。可以连接websocket-JsSIP: The JavaScript SIP Library Runs in the browser and Node.js SIP over WebSocket (use real SIP in your web apps) Audio/video calls (WebRTC) and instant messaging Lightweight! 100 pure JavaScript built the ground up Easy to use and powerful user API Works with OverSIP, Kamailio, Asterisk, OfficeSIP and more (more info) Written by the authors of RFC 7118 and OverSIP
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.39mb Publisher : ljt
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