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一个SQL SERVER 做数据库的企业网站-SQL SERVER Database to do a corporate Web site
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18.35mb Publisher :

一个很好的网站留言簿!-a very good web site visitor's book!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 338kb Publisher : 井中月

形象中国全站程序 Ver 2.0.1 ACCESS版 编写环境Win2003+IIS6.0+ACCESS2000 使用环境Win2K+IIS5.0/6.0+ACCESS 使用前请将数据库改名,并设置扩展名为.asp防止下载!并修改Config.asp里站点数据库及论坛数据库地址! 默认管理员(全站及论坛) 帐号:admin 密码:admin888 默认管理登陆页面:Admin_Login.asp-image of the entire Chinese stations Ver 2.0.1 version prepared ACCESS environment Win2003 IIS6.0 ACCESS2000 use of the environment Win2K IIS5.0/6.0 ACCESS database using the former name request, and set up the extension. Asp prevent downloading! Li and revised Config.asp Forum site database and the database addresses! the default administrator (the station and the Forum) : Account admin password : admin888 default management landing pages : Admin_Login.asp
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.1mb Publisher : 刘国强

acm亚洲区竞赛的一个题目(关于任务调度的)以及我的程序实现Asia Regional_Taipei Site Dec.10-13.1999Program EBroadcast Scheduling -acm Asia a topic of race (on the task scheduling), and I realize the procedures Asia Regional_Taipei Site GC.6/Dec.10- 13.1999Program EBroadcast Scheduling
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 付治钧

以前企业建网站,需要请人制作。不但时间长、麻烦多、价格高,日后需要请人维护网站,非常麻烦! 现在好了,您可以通过,自助网站平台”方便地建立网站;强大的网站管理系统,只要会打字,就可随时管理网站内容! 只要您会打字就可轻松拥有一个属于自己的商务网站,全方位展示你的产品,在线订购,轻松管理。网上创业就是这么简单!您还犹豫什么?-site before construction enterprises needed to be produced. Not a long time, trouble, high prices, the future need to ask the people to maintain websites, very trouble! Now all of you can, self-help website platform "to facilitate the establishment of website; Powerful Web site management system, so long as typing, can be ready to manage site content! As long as you can be typed easily own a business website, displayed in all aspects of your products, online ordering , making it easy to manage. Internet start-ups is simple! what you hesitant
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.36mb Publisher :

DL : 0
本程序为小的聊天室,可以使用在你开发的网站上,做为附加功能.-the procedures for a small chat rooms, you can use in the development of the site, as additional features.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 何坚

功能对象(系统管理员): 1.可以新建N个用户网站,删除用户网站. 2.可以设置修改用户网站有效期,用户继费管理. 3.修改用户网站资料,管理用户网站内容. 4.可向所有用户发站内短信. 5.设置系统行业区域,让用户站选择分类. 6.随意添加模板,无须其他设置.用户站就可以选择模板. 7.支持彻底删除用户资料. (用户网站管理员): 1.修改站标,选择网站模板. 2.随意添加删除栏目. 3.随意添加删除管理网页,强大的在线web编辑功能. 4.有信息发布系统(你可以吊用数据库),产品管理系统,订单管理系统. 5.支持站内短信,用户留言. 6用户网站访问方法(例如有个用户站名为ip363)就访问 object (system administrators) : 1. Can the new N-site users, delete users website. 2. Users can set up to amend the site is valid, user fees following management. 3. Revised site users, Web content management users. 4. To which users have the station messaging. 5. the system of regional industry, enabling users to choose station classification. 6. arbitrarily adding template, no other set. users can choose to stand on the template. 7. to support the deletion of user information. (Webmasters users) : 1. Xiu change stations marked choose website template. 2. add to delete arbitrary columns. 3. add to delete arbitrary management website, a strong online web editing. 4. there is a message delivery system (you can use hanging database), the product management system, order managemen
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : 绿冬

一个音乐下载网站的源代码,东西不错,推荐下载-a music download site's source code, things are not bad, download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.13mb Publisher : 风海

可以做论坛,贴吧,留言簿,社区等等互动网站,可以生成html主页、html精华主页和精华贴子的第一页可以生成html,管理员可以在线添加吧主,添加屏蔽词语,屏蔽IP,屏蔽会员,管理员填加,删除贴吧,回收站管理,更改贴吧样式,可以选择html自动生成,贴子移动,清空回收站,分类,改名称等功能. 管理员/密码:admin/admin -can do forums, message boards, guest book, the community, etc. interactive Web site that can be generated html Home, html essence Home and essence of posting the first page can generate html, administrators can add it on-line owners, add the words shielding, shielding IP, shielding members, administrators fill Canada, affixed to delete it, Recycle Bin management, affixed it to change modes. html can choose automatic generation, mobile posting, emptied Recycling, classification, and rename functions. Administrator/Password : admin/admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : 王红武

这是一个动易的网站管理系统.适合一般的文章管理等等各种网站管理.-This is a dynamic Web site easy management system. The article suitable for general management and so on various website management.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.62mb Publisher : 王鹏

电子商务ASP程序重新提供完全修正版,做一个电子商务网站所必须-e-business process re-ASP offer fully revised version of an e-commerce site so necessary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 125kb Publisher : 林风

源码介绍: 本程序修改美化原同普网络像册 程序功能: 1.无限分类 2.可以为每张图片设置一个缩略图 3.支持Flash格式文件 4.搜索功能 5.无组件上传功能 6.带留言板功能与网站公告功能 7.可在线修改网站名称与LOGO和样式 8.使用MD5加密 9.增加在线音乐 10.增加来访统计功能 管理登陆页面:login.asp 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin -source introduced : the changes in procedures with the original landscaping Cape album procedures network functions : 1. unlimited Categories 2. pictures can be set up for each one thumbnail 3. support Flash format 4. Reactive Search can 5. no functional components upload 6. with the message board function and functional website Notice 7. online Web site can change the name and LOG O and type 8. use MD5 encryption 9. increased online music 10. increased visiting statistics functional management landing pages : log default administrator : admin Password : admin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 422kb Publisher : 王丹丹

此文件不错!希望该网站能多收集此类文件供广大网民浏览和使用!-this document is true! Hope that the site will gather these documents for the majority of Internet users browse and use!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 小波

第一步、将数据库与文件都升级到最新的SiteWeaver6.6版本(具体升级步骤可以参考"升级及转换程序"文件夹) 第二步、导入SiteWeaver6.6所需的标签与模板(具体步骤可以参考“标签与模板导入”文件夹) 1、将“标签与模板导入”文件夹中的Temp文件夹复制到根目录,覆盖原有文件夹。 2、进入后台-系统设置-网站通用模板管理,选择导入模板,将“ajax模板”导入到文章频道模板中。 3、进入后台系统设置-自定义标签管理-导入标签,选择所有标签,然后点击导入标签按钮导入所有标签。-A first step, the database and documents are to upgrade to the latest version of SiteWeaver6.6 (specific upgrade steps can refer to upgrade and the conversion process folder) the second step, import the required tags and SiteWeaver6.6 template (concrete steps can be Reference tab and import templates folder) 1, will be label with the template import folder in the Temp folder are copied to the root directory, covering the original folder. 2, into the background- System Settings- Web site management generic template, choose Import Template to ajax template articles imported into the template channel. 3, into the background system settings- custom label management- Import tab, select all the labels, then click on Import button to import all tab labels.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.13mb Publisher : kol

著名的版本控制软件。做OpenCV移植代码到DSP上的朋友恐怕要在于老师的要求下使用这个东西吧。不过我觉得还是蛮好用的。-Well-known version control software. Do OpenCV to DSP, porting code from a friend I am afraid that the teacher is required to use this stuff under the bar. But I think it is just fine useful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18.65mb Publisher : 郭建勋

SVN服务端工具 server tools
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.96mb Publisher : 林元慈

某购物商城网站源码-Source of a shopping mall site
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : stephen

这是一个SVN自己看需要就给你们了,可你们尽然不让我下载郁闷-This is an SVN to see their own need to give you, and can be depressed that you necessarily will not let me download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.84mb Publisher : za

ASPCMS开放源码的一套企业网站管理系统,主要面向企业进行快速的建造简洁,高效,易用,安全的公司企业网站,一般的开发人员就能够使用本系统以最低的成本、最少的人力投入在最短的时间内架设一个功能齐全、性能优异的公司企业网站。-ASPCMS by Wuhan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. on the development of valley networks and a fully open-source enterprise Web site management system, mainly for the construction business for fast simple, efficient, easy to use, secure corporate Web site, the average developer to use The system at the lowest cost, minimal human input in the shortest period of time set up a full-featured, high-performance corporate website.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : 莫霜晨

site-1.6.17.zip是SVN,用于Java程序员编写代码更便捷-SVN 便于Java开发便捷
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.32mb Publisher : liweiwei
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