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[Embeded-SCM DevelopSJA1000中文资料

Description: 确定SJA1000 CAN 控制器的位定时参数
Platform: | Size: 426158 | Author: ancent | Hits:


Description: phillips公司的can总线sja1000芯片英文原版资料,软件编程人员必备手册!
Platform: | Size: 222528 | Author: holybear | Hits:


Description: linux下sja1000-can设备驱动程序的范例
Platform: | Size: 30147 | Author: caijia1987 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopSJA1000驱动程序(C&ASM)

Description: SJA1000驱动程序(分别用C&ASM书写)-SJA1000 Driver (respectively 52 Writing)
Platform: | Size: 569344 | Author: 李冰 | Hits:


Description: SJA1000的驱动函数,can功能函数。-SJA1000 drive function, can function function.
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 王军文 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programsja1000

Description: Philips sja1000 can controller. it contains example on how to control this device
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 其他 | Hits:


Description: CAN总线控制器SJA1000的自测程序,硬件是利用SJA1000tx1管脚发出接收中断-SJA1000 CAN controller of the self-rated procedures, the hardware is used to give an acceptance SJA1000tx1 pin interruption
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: sf | Hits:

[assembly languagecan+sja1000

Description: ,片选接到p1.5 复位端 p1.4 中断端接到 int0 82c250工作在斜率模式下 ,RS 接51k电阻到地。 2,SJA1000与82C250的接口,逻辑上为SJA1000输出0(显性位),表现为低点平输出给82C250,则82C250输出 差分的低电平。SJA1000输出1(隐性位),表现为高电平或悬空输出给82C250,则82C250输出悬空状态。 3,周立功的中SJA_BCANCONF.ASM中对输出控制寄存器 的TX0的输出 极性的位的定义不对。 还有里面定义有接收错误标志码,不知道何时用。-, The election received a P1.5-chip client p1.4 interrupt reset int0 82c250 client received in the slope mode, RS then 51k resistor to ground. 2, SJA1000 with the 82C250 interface, logic for SJA1000 Output 0 (dominant bit), showing low level output to the 82C250, while the low-level differential output 82C250. SJA1000 Output 1 (recessive), and the performance of the output is high or left vacant to the 82C250, the vacant state 82C250 output. 3, Zhou Ligong in the SJA_BCANCONF.ASM of output control register TX0 output polarity bit the definition of wrong. Inside the definition also has to receive error flag code, I do not know when to use.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 叶子 | Hits:


Description: P89C52对SJA1000的经典设计 使用了ZLG的隔离收发一体芯片 不可错过!-P89C52 of SJA1000 classic design uses isolation ZLG transceiver chip not to be missed!
Platform: | Size: 1101824 | Author: 李馨帆 | Hits:


Description: 用89C51来控制SJA1000的源码程序,C语言编写-SJA1000 with 89C51 to control the source process, C language
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 徐铭泽 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSJA1000

Description: 这个是一个关于CAN总线的控制收发器SJA1000的波特率的设计方法,希望对大家有用-This is a study on the CAN bus transceiver control the baud rate SJA1000 design method, in the hope that useful to everybody
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: llm0818 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxsja1000

Description: sja1000在linux下面的驱动程序。-SJA1000 in linux the following drivers.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: minona2 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programsja1000

Description: sja1000配置文件,晶振为必须为16MHZ-SJA1000 profile for the need to 16MHz crystal oscillator
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: cool | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemsSJA1000-CAN_controller

Description: can通讯控制器sja1000的数据手册-can the data communications controller SJA1000 manual
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: 李佳丽 | Hits:

[Com PortSJA1000

Description: 基于SJA1000和STC89C54的CAN转RS232透明数据传输 -SJA1000 and STC89C54 based on the CAN to RS232 transparent data transmission
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: sw | Hits:


Description: 可以实现在PC与CAN总线的连接。采用的89C51和SJA1000芯片的接法。里面包括原程序的电路斩-Can be achieved in the PC and CAN bus connection. Used 89C51 and SJA1000 chip connection. Procedures which include the original circuit Tsam
Platform: | Size: 396288 | Author: 吴国华 | Hits:


Description: CAN总线控制器SJA1000的设置和初始化代码,及收发函数。-CAN bus controller SJA1000 setup and initialization code, and sending and receiving function.
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: mu | Hits:


Description: SJA1000独立CAN控制器用户手册,用于CAN总线的开发设计参考-CAN controller SJA1000 independent user manual for the CAN Bus development and design reference
Platform: | Size: 614400 | Author: qzt | Hits:

[Driver Developsja1000

Description: 这是Pxa270下的can驱动程序,can控制器是sja1000.对驱动开发人员有借鉴意义-This is the PXA270 driver can under, can the controller is sja1000. To drive the development of referential significance to staff
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 叶新栋 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxSJA1000-CAN

Description: 有关SJA1000的CAN总线驱动,对于学习CAN总线有很大的帮助-Related to the CAN bus driver SJA1000, CAN bus for the study of great help
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: Mr.zhang | Hits:
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