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lwip在ucos上的移植,使用的工具是skyeye,是一个稳定的代码。大家可以参考一下!-lwip in the transplant, the use of the tool is skyeye, is a source of stability. We can take a look!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 308.11kb Publisher : 郑旭明

lwip在ucos上的移植,使用skyeye仿真ARM7平台。版本为ucosii for skyeye 1.8.4。对于在ucos上实现比较完整的轻量级TCP/IP协议栈,具有很好的参考价值。-lwip in the transplant, the use of ARM7 skyeye simulation platform. Version 1.8.4 ucosii for skyeye. CHANGING in achieving a more comprehensive lightweight TCP / IP protocol stack, is a good reference value.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.1mb Publisher : 成平

介绍uC/OS-II 在SkyEye上的移植分析.uC/OS-II 作为一个优秀的实时操作系统已经被移植到各种体系结构的微处理器上,也是目前较为常用的公开源码的实时内核。从这里入手学习嵌入式系统开发的基本概念,以及在 SkyEye 里构造一个可以运行的RTOS,能够使我们更深入地了解嵌入式开发的流程,在没有硬件的条件下也能对ARM的体系结构有个初步的认识。-on Phone / OS-II in the transplant SkyEye analysis .uC / OS-II as a excellent real-time operating system has been transplanted to various Architecture microprocessor, It is at present more commonly used open-source real-time kernel. From here start learning embedded system development of the basic concepts SkyEye Lane and the construction of an RTOS can run, enable us to a deeper understanding of embedded development processes, In the absence of hardware conditions can also ARM Architecture is a preliminary understanding.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 133.76kb Publisher : 朱凤宇

:本文首先描述了开放源码的嵌入式硬件仿真环境SkyEye的总体架构,然后对SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计、实现与验证过程进行了深入的阐述,并且分析比较了LCD模拟的不同实现方式。开源嵌入式GUI系统-MiniGUI和Linux操作系统在SkyEye模拟器上的成功运行说明了SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计实现是正确和可靠的。-: This paper first describes the open source embedded hardware simulation environment SkyEye the overall framework and then on the simulator SkyEye LCD and TouchScreen simulation module design, implementation and certification process conducted in-depth exposition, analysis and comparison of the different LCD simulation methods of implementation. Open-source embedded GUI system-MiniGUI and Linux operating system in the simulator SkyEye successful operation of the note SkyEye Simulator LCD and TouchScreen simulation module is designed to achieve a correct and reliable.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 464kb Publisher : 无恒

lwip在ucos上的移植,使用的工具是skyeye,是一个稳定的代码。大家可以参考一下!-lwip in the transplant, the use of the tool is skyeye, is a source of stability. We can take a look!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 308kb Publisher : 郑旭明

lwip在ucos上的移植,使用skyeye仿真ARM7平台。版本为ucosii for skyeye 1.8.4。对于在ucos上实现比较完整的轻量级TCP/IP协议栈,具有很好的参考价值。-lwip in the transplant, the use of ARM7 skyeye simulation platform. Version 1.8.4 ucosii for skyeye. CHANGING in achieving a more comprehensive lightweight TCP/IP protocol stack, is a good reference value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12.1mb Publisher : 成平

minitos是一个实时的嵌入式操作系统,源码提供,目前支持TCP/IP,文件系统-minitos is a real-time embedded operating system, source code provided, currently supports TCP/IP, File System
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 174kb Publisher : liy

介绍uC/OS-II 在SkyEye上的移植分析.uC/OS-II 作为一个优秀的实时操作系统已经被移植到各种体系结构的微处理器上,也是目前较为常用的公开源码的实时内核。从这里入手学习嵌入式系统开发的基本概念,以及在 SkyEye 里构造一个可以运行的RTOS,能够使我们更深入地了解嵌入式开发的流程,在没有硬件的条件下也能对ARM的体系结构有个初步的认识。-on Phone/OS-II in the transplant SkyEye analysis .uC/OS-II as a excellent real-time operating system has been transplanted to various Architecture microprocessor, It is at present more commonly used open-source real-time kernel. From here start learning embedded system development of the basic concepts SkyEye Lane and the construction of an RTOS can run, enable us to a deeper understanding of embedded development processes, In the absence of hardware conditions can also ARM Architecture is a preliminary understanding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 133kb Publisher : 朱凤宇

嵌入工linux开发的源码,关于PDA GUI的,做这方面工作的朋友可以下载来参考一下了,-embedded in the development of the linux source, on the PDA GUI. done this kind of work can be downloaded to a friend reference, Oh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.66mb Publisher : 周兆维

关于skyeye,它是一个极好的嵌入式模拟软件,这是一个关于skyeye的使用例子,没有涉及到版权问题。在没有硬件平台的情况下,可以真实地体验享受嵌入式的开发过程-on skyeye, it is a very good simulation of embedded software This is one of the examples of the use skyeye not relate to copyright issues. In the absence of the hardware platform, we can truly enjoy the experience of the embedded development process
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : pan

该软件实现了多个硬件平台的仿真,对想学习ARM但还没有开发板的工程师是个很好的选择。-The software realization of a number of hardware platforms, simulation, and want to learn ARM development board but not the Engineer is a good choice.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 552kb Publisher : tianfeng

skyeye是一个嵌入式学习用的仿真工具本文: skyeye下运行uboot 然后可以运用一个矩阵程序-Skyeye embedded learning is a simulation tool used in this article: skyeye run uboot and then can use a matrix procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 406kb Publisher :

skyeye是一个可以模拟嵌入式硬件开发板的系统软件-Skyeye is a simulation of embedded hardware development board system software
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 860kb Publisher : jjx

这是一个ARM开发板的指令级模拟器,对于手头没有开发板的人是个不错的软件。本人在linux下多次安装均没问题。拿出来与大家分享。压缩包内有安装方法。(原创)-This is an ARM development board of the instruction-level simulator, do not have the development board are a good software. Under linux I have no problem to install on many occasions. Out to share with you. Compression packages have installation method. (Original)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.08mb Publisher : hyz

一款支持模拟ARM和blackfin DSP处理器的软件,在不需要真实硬件下运行ARM Linux, uClinux, uc/OS-II (ucos-ii)等 将tar.gz 改为tar.bz2-SkyEye is an Open Source Software Project (GPL Licence). Origin from GDB/Armulator, The goal of SkyEye is to provide an integrated simulation environment in Linux and Windows. SkyEye environment simulates typical Embedded Computer Systems (Now it supports a series ARM architecture based microprocessors and Blackfin DSP Processor). You can run some Embedded Operation System such as ARM Linux, uClinux, uc/OS-II (ucos-ii) etc. in SkyEye, and analysis or debug them at source level.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 867kb Publisher : lg

SkyEye作为一个硬件仿真的实验环境和流行的RTOS uC/0S—I I操作系统耋占合,为学习嵌入式开发提供了良 好的环境。本文首先介绍了uC/0S—II的体系结构和移植步骤,然后介绍了关键文件的移植算法。-SkyEye as a hardware emulation of the experimental environment and popular operating systems RTOS uC/0S-II die together accounted for embedded development study provided a good environment. This paper introduces the architecture and uC/0S-II transplantation steps, and then introduced the transplantation method of key documents.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 193kb Publisher : 任宪勇

DL : 0
本文主要介绍了SkyEye硬件模拟平台起源,背景和发展状况。SkyEye是一个可以模拟嵌入 式硬件开发板的系统软件。通过SkyEye的了解,有助于对嵌入式硬件系统有更深入的认 识,特别是对操作系统、驱动程序如何与嵌入式硬件系统进行交互有更深刻的了解。-This paper introduces the hardware simulation platform SkyEye origin, background and development. SkyEye is an embedded hardware development board simulation of system software. SkyEye understanding through the help of embedded hardware systems have a better understanding, especially for operating systems, drivers, hardware and embedded systems to interact more profound understanding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 962kb Publisher : 逻辑

这是skyeye软件的清华研究组的原创的文档,没有什么技术方面的信息,但是对于要研究嵌入式的初学者来说是很有必要的。-This is a skyeye software research group Tsinghua original document, there is no information on the technical aspects, but for beginners who want to study embedded is necessary.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 162kb Publisher :

Skyeye的平台搭建,以及Skyeye的详细介绍-Skyeye platform structures, as well as a detailed description Skyeye
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 299kb Publisher : Peter

skyeye+for+windows(at91rm9200),skyeye为硬件仿真软件,此为at91rm9200的仿真镜象-skyeye+ for+ windows (at91rm9200), skyeye is a hardware emulation software, this is the mirror image of the simulation at91rm9200
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.61mb Publisher :
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