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Symbian OS 解释:使用C++为智能手机编程-explained : Use of the C programming smartphone
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : 少年

《Developing Software For Symbian Os - An Introduction To Creating Smartphone Applications In C》英文原版书籍,适合Symbian C++初学者。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : PeiXiaoyu

Smartphone Operating System Concepts with Symbian OS:手机编程,英文版,PDF格式
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : Austin

■ 嵌入式系統軟硬體技術介紹與未來趨勢分析
■ PDA和Smartphone軟硬體技術介紹
■ 最新 SoC嵌入式處理器架構
■ Intel XScale架構與TI OMAP介紹
■ 嵌入式系統熱門周邊與介面標準
■ 嵌入式即時作業系統分析與選用技巧
■ WinCE, EPOC, PalmOS, Linux等PDA OS深入探討
■ 嵌入式系統軟體開發技術要訣
■ 行動資訊設備的產品與分析比較
■ 剖析Java在未來無線通訊產品上的相關技術
■ Java Phone和 J2ME平台技術
■ 日本DoCoMo iMode無線網路內容服務與軟體開發
■ 嵌入式Linux的組態與雛形板實地測試
■ 嵌入式WinCE .NET的剖析
■ 華文地區嵌入式系統發展狀況分析


Update : 2009-02-06 Size : 993.98kb Publisher : fe700000

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Symbian OS 解释:使用C++为智能手机编程-explained : Use of the C programming smartphone
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : 少年

《Developing Software For Symbian Os - An Introduction To Creating Smartphone Applications In C》英文原版书籍,适合Symbian C++初学者。
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : PeiXiaoyu

Smartphone Operating System Concepts with Symbian OS:手机编程,英文版,PDF格式-Smartphone Operating System Concepts with Symbian OS: mobile programming, the English version, PDF format
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : Austin

UIQ 是一个灵活的、可客户化的用户界面和开发平台。 UIQ 与领先于市场的开放式智能手机操作系统Symbian OS 预集成并经过测试-UIQ is a flexible, customizable user interface and development platform. UIQ with market-leading open smartphone operating system Symbian OS pre-integrated and tested
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.93mb Publisher : 陈卓

一个适用于使用Symbian操作系统的智能手机的图片浏览软件源码,使用 2003开发,参考价值大,可移植性强,很适合学习Symbian编程的人士。-Apply to the use of a Symbian OS smartphone software source browser picture, use the vc++. Net 2003 development, the reference value, portability, and very suitable to study Symbian programming.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : 王奔

《Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers》本压缩包中包含了电子书和源码。 Series 60是在Symbian OS下进行智能手机应用程序开发的主要平台,它拥有广大的用户群。本书是诺基亚与EMCC软件公司共同推出的一本Series 60开发的权威参考书,为Symbian OS下的C++编程提供全面指导。全书共13章,循序渐进地讲解Symbian OS基础、Series 60 GUI应用程序设计基础、应用程序各种UI控件、移动通信和多媒体开发知识,以及应用程序的调试与测试等。全书包含了60个实例应用程序,每个都有完整的 C++代码和安装脚本,涵盖了Series 60开发的方方面面。本书适用于所有Symbian OS手机应用开发人员:初学者通过本书可以打下牢固基础,掌握必须的技能;有经验的开发人员则可以通过本书获得丰富的、有价值的参考资料。-《Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers》This compressed package contains e-books and source code. Series 60 is a Symbian OS smartphone under the main application development platform, which has a large user base. This book is EMCC Software Nokia to launch a Series 60 of the authority of the development of reference books, under the Symbian OS for C++ programming to provide comprehensive guidance. Book of 13 chapters, a gradual and orderly manner based on Symbian OS to explain, Series 60 GUI applications design, applications, a variety of UI controls, mobile communications and multimedia development expertise, as well as applications such as debugging and testing. Book contains 60 examples of applications, each with a complete C++ code and installation scripts, covering every aspect of the development of Series 60. This book applies to all Symbian OS mobile application developers: beginners through this book can lay a solid foundation to master
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.18mb Publisher : 冷秋魂

《Developing Software for Symbian OS: An Introduction to Creating Smartphone Applications in C++》此书介绍了在Symbian OS上开发程序覆盖到的主要知识。-《Developing Software for Symbian OS: An Introduction to Creating Smartphone Applications in C++》 The overall goal of this book is to provide introductory coverage of Symbian OS and get developers who have little or no knowledge of Symbian OS developing as quickly as possible.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : 冷秋魂

DL : 0
Quick Recipes on Symbian OS Mastering C++ Smartphone Development ebook
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : sam

诺基亚塞班智能手机操作系统高效C++编程,学习塞班编程不可或缺的参考资料-Nokia Symbian smartphone operating system, and efficient C++ programming, learn essential programming reference Saipan
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.09mb Publisher : kell

Quick Recipes on Symbian OS Mastering C++ Smartphone Development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : Giang

随着经济与科技的快速发展,智能手机一步步进入普通人得生活,它将成为人们获取信息的主要设备,因此基于Android手机的手机地图服务需求越开越迫切,为外出旅游的人们提供了极大地便利。Android是Google开发的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统。它包括操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用程序,是为移动终端打造的真正开放和完整的移动软件。本文对目前应用的Symbian、WindowsMoblie、Mac OS X和Android平台的现状进行了分析与比较,主要阐述以面向对象程序开发语言JAVA,以eclipse为开发工具,基于智能手机Android之上设计一个导览系统。本文主要介绍安徽大学,界面友好 、操作便捷,具有良好的可扩展性和可维护性,系统经过测试,可以稳定运行,能够满足手机用户基本的地图服务需求。-With the rapid development of economy and technology,Smartphone enters into the lives of ordinary people step by step,it will become the main device to obtain information,Therefore,based on the Android mobile phone mobile map service needs become more and more urgent for people who travel offers great convenience.Android is the Google development opens the source handset operating system based on Linux platform. It includes the operating system,the Middleware,he user interface and the application procedure. It is for the mobile terminal to create a truly open and complete mobile software. In this thesis,there is a analysis and comparion about the status of the current applide platforms like Symbiam ,WindowsMoblie,Mac OS X and Android ,this thesis Mainly expounds the development of object-oriented programming language java, eclipse as a development tool, to design a navigation system-based smartphone on Android. This paper mainly introduces the anhui university,user-friendly,easy to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 80kb Publisher : 虞小湖

這是一款藍芽終端機軟件, 用Nokia IDE for Jave Me(Eclipse)軟件平台開發, 最初測試機台是Nokia 2730c 智慧手機. 當然也可以在不同作業系統平台執行. 測試過的有smartphone 2003, pocket pc 2003(WinCE), Palm OS等比較早期的機型. 只要裝有Java Runtime都可以執行, 只要你的藍芽驅動支援基本上不分OS平台都可以使用. 共有6個java源碼檔案, BTterm.jar 是執行檔. Nokia 2730c 保證可用, 而且好用實用.-This is a BlueTooth Terminal App. It is originally developed with NOKIA IDE for JAVE ME(Eclipes), targeted at NOKIA 2730c smartphone. It is also working properly on different OS with java runtime installed. Tested platform: smartphone 2003, pocket pc 2003(WINCE), Palm OS. There are 6 java source files, the executable file is BTterm.jar. Working guaranteed!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 103kb Publisher : kevin lai

CryptoPro DSS (Digital Signature Server) is a cloud-based service that allows you to use Russian cryptographic algorithms for hash function, digital signature and symmetric encryption on literally any device (laptop, tablet, smartphone) with any platform (Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, etc.) because everything you need is just any web-browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). And you can use any authentication services with SAML 2.0 support (like Gemalto Protiva Strong Authentication Service) for authentication at CryptoPro DSS.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 277kb Publisher : stas
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