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Description: MailMessage m = new MailMessage() m.From =\"leo43@1dwd.com\" m.To = \"leo43@qq.com\" m.Subject = \" 请问你们的图书光盘不能正常使用是怎么回事\" m.Body = \"非常抱歉,原始的配套光盘有错,现在您可以到中国水利水电出版社的网站上下载正确的源代码\" m.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text m.Priority = MailPriority.High //SmtpMail.SmtpServer=\"smtp.mail.com\" SmtpMail.Send(m) -MailMessage m = new MailMessage () = m.From "leo43@1dwd.com" m.To = "leo43@qq.com" m.Subject = "Does your CD library use is not normal matter how" m.Body = "very sorry, matching the original discs are wrong, and now you can go to the China Water Conservancy and Hydropower publisher's Web site to download the correct source code" m.BodyFormat = = MailFormat.Text m.Priority MailPriority.High / / SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "smtp.mail.com "SmtpMail.Send (m)
Platform: | Size: 475067 | Author: 赖恒 | Hits:


Description: SMYP服务器,实现接受电子邮件功能,显示BMP格式图片-SMYP server, access to e-mail functions, BMP format picture show
Platform: | Size: 49636 | Author: guojia | Hits:

[Other resourceASP.netEmail

Description: 首先,我们来介绍一下.NET类库种自带的SMTP类。   在.NET中的System.Web.Mail名字空间下,有一个专门使用SMTP协议来发送邮件的类:SmtpMail,它已能满足最普通的发送邮件的需求。这个类只有一个自己的公共函数--Send()和一个公共属性—SmtpServer -First, we have to introduce them.NET class library types of built-in SMTP category. In.NET the System.Web.Mail Namespace, is a specialized use the SMTP protocol to send mail categories : SmtpMail. It has been able to meet the most common mail needs. The only category of a public function -- Send (), and a public attribute-SmtpServer
Platform: | Size: 9188 | Author: yubaozhu | Hits:

[Other resourceSmtpServer

Description: ... 用JAVA实现SMTP 服务器
Platform: | Size: 14701 | Author: 黄军 | Hits:


Description: MailMessage m = new MailMessage() m.From ="leo43@1dwd.com" m.To = "leo43@qq.com" m.Subject = " 请问你们的图书光盘不能正常使用是怎么回事" m.Body = "非常抱歉,原始的配套光盘有错,现在您可以到中国水利水电出版社的网站上下载正确的源代码" m.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text m.Priority = MailPriority.High //SmtpMail.SmtpServer="smtp.mail.com" SmtpMail.Send(m) -MailMessage m = new MailMessage () = m.From "leo43@1dwd.com" m.To = "leo43@qq.com" m.Subject = "Does your CD library use is not normal matter how" m.Body = "very sorry, matching the original discs are wrong, and now you can go to the China Water Conservancy and Hydropower publisher's Web site to download the correct source code" m.BodyFormat = = MailFormat.Text m.Priority MailPriority.High// SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "smtp.mail.com "SmtpMail.Send (m)
Platform: | Size: 475136 | Author: 赖恒 | Hits:


Description: SMYP服务器,实现接受电子邮件功能,显示BMP格式图片-SMYP server, access to e-mail functions, BMP format picture show
Platform: | Size: 1990656 | Author: guojia | Hits:


Description: 首先,我们来介绍一下.NET类库种自带的SMTP类。   在.NET中的System.Web.Mail名字空间下,有一个专门使用SMTP协议来发送邮件的类:SmtpMail,它已能满足最普通的发送邮件的需求。这个类只有一个自己的公共函数--Send()和一个公共属性—SmtpServer -First, we have to introduce them.NET class library types of built-in SMTP category. In.NET the System.Web.Mail Namespace, is a specialized use the SMTP protocol to send mail categories : SmtpMail. It has been able to meet the most common mail needs. The only category of a public function-- Send (), and a public attribute-SmtpServer
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: yubaozhu | Hits:


Description: ... 用JAVA实现SMTP 服务器-... Realize SMTP server using JAVA
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 黄军 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLSMTPserver

Description: SMTPserver is a freeware application that shows how to use the ADVsystems TWSMTPserver Delphi component.
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: biolyzer | Hits:


Description: smtp server delphi平台下的smtp server组件包。包括所有源代码文件-SMTP Server Components Suite Package Required Component Package: Indy Author: Riceball(riceballl@hotmail.com) visit the my SMTPServer homepage for more info and get the latest version and source. Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/smtpsrv Note: the recent Indy Package include a TIdSMTPServer component now, so you must delete this in the Indy Package to install the SMTP Server Components Suite Package. License : This project is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (see the "License.txt") you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. TIdSMTPServer i
Platform: | Size: 70656 | Author: ma | Hits:


Description: 基于SMTP协议的邮件服务器,主要用来接收收邮件。-SMTPsever
Platform: | Size: 696320 | Author: 陈志福 | Hits:

[Delphi VCLdelphi_design_of_high_level_programming_code_SMTPS

Description: delphi高级编程SMTPServer设计代码delphi design of high-level programming code SMTPServer-delphi design of high-level programming code SMTPServer
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: dangqq | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSMTPServer.IndyDemos.Programming.Code

Description: SMTPServer IndyDemos编程设计代码SMTPServer IndyDemos Programming Code -SMTPServer IndyDemos Programming Code
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: , | Hits:

[Email ClientMailSend

Description: 利用System.Web.Mail这个名称空间.在这个名字空间下,有一个专门使用SMTP协议来发送邮件的类:SmtpMail,它已能满足最普通的发送邮件的需求。这个类只有一个自己的公共函数--Send()和一个公共属性—SmtpServer,您必须通过SmtpServer属性来指定发送邮件的服务器的名称(或IP地址),然后再调用Send()函数来发送邮件。您可以在Send函数的参数MailMessage对象中设置邮件的相关属性,如优先级、附件等等。除了以MailMessage对象为参数(如上述代码),Send函数还可以简单的直接以邮件的4个主要信息(from,to,subject,messageText)作为字符串参数来调用。-The use of System.Web.Mail namespace. In the name space, there is a special SMTP protocol used to send the message class: SmtpMail, it has been able to send messages to meet the most common needs. This class is only one of their public functions- Send () and a public property-SmtpServer, you must SmtpServer attribute to specify the sending mail server' s name (or IP address), and then call the Send () function to send a message. Send function, you can set the parameters of MailMessage object mail-related properties, such as priority, accessories and more. In addition to the MailMessage object as an argument (such as the above code), Send function, you can simply e-mail directly to the 4 key messages (from, to, subject, messageText) as a string parameter to call.
Platform: | Size: 51200 | Author: shen6041 | Hits:


Description: lin 简易smtp服务器,很不错,希望分享给大学,供学习使用。-linlin simple smtp server, very good, want to share to the University for learning to use.
Platform: | Size: 1769472 | Author: 林刚 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsmtpserver

Description: 利用winsock实现SMTP协议一个客户端和一个服务器-Using winsock SMTP protocol, a client and a server
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 甘泽 | Hits:


Description: Delphi7下大量Indy Demo网络应用实例演示源代码。数了一下,一共有35个。可以研究一番了哦。-BasicClientServer CGIMailer Chat DayTimeServer DemoBaseServer DNSResolver Client Echo Finger FTP HTTPServer IdDateTime IdTCPDemo ImageServer MailClient MDxHashDemo MessageSaveLoad ParseURI PingGUI Pop3 Server Proxy RExec Rsh SendReceiveRecords SMTPRelay SMTPServer TCPDataset TCPStreamClientServer Telnet Server TelnetClient TimeClient TimeServer Traceroute Tunnel UDPChargenAndEcho UDPClientServer
Platform: | Size: 552960 | Author: steven | Hits:


Description: 用JAVA实现的一个简单的邮件服务器,可以用来接收邮箱发来的邮件-Can be used to receive E-mail messages sent by a simple mail server using JAVA
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wuzhen | Hits:


Description: SMTP Server The SMTP Server component (ces.smtp.server.dll) provides the ability for programs to implement a SMTP Server and process the incoming email in custom code. To use this component your code needs to do the following: Implement the EricDaugherty.CES.SmtpServer.IMessageSpool interface (Optional) Implement the EricDaugherty.CES.SmtpServer.IRecipientFilter interface Create an instance of EricDaugherty.CES.SmtpServer.SMTPProcessor and start it as a thread./li> Refer to the documentation included with the distribution for details on method usage parameter information. The SMTP Server component can be downloaded from the Getting Started page. SourceForge This project is hosted by SourceForge. All downloads (available from the Getting Started page) are hosted by SourceForge, as well as the source control. You can browse the CVS Repository online. You can also browse the SourceForge Project Homepage for CSES. Build-SMTP Server The SMTP Server component (ces.smtp.server.dll) provides the ability for programs to implement a SMTP Server and process the incoming email in custom code. To use this component your code needs to do the following: Implement the EricDaugherty.CES.SmtpServer.IMessageSpool interface (Optional) Implement the EricDaugherty.CES.SmtpServer.IRecipientFilter interface Create an instance of EricDaugherty.CES.SmtpServer.SMTPProcessor and start it as a thread./li> Refer to the documentation included with the distribution for details on method usage parameter information. The SMTP Server component can be downloaded from the Getting Started page. SourceForge This project is hosted by SourceForge. All downloads (available from the Getting Started page) are hosted by SourceForge, as well as the source control. You can browse the CVS Repository online. You can also browse the SourceForge Project Homepage for CSES. Build
Platform: | Size: 147456 | Author: jiaxianhua | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net