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RoboCup 2D 仿真组冠军源代码之1998年冠军队——CMUnited98源代码,1998年是卡内基梅隆大学的CMUnited队最后一次问鼎,也正是他们贡献的源代码,才使更多的研究者更轻松的加入RoboCup大家庭。-RoboCup championship 2D simulation source code's 1998 championship team-- CMUnited 98 source code, the 1998 Carnegie Mellon University is the last team CMUnited aspirations. It is their contribution to the source code, thereby allowing more researchers to more easily join the family RoboCup.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher : 刘维超

本论文介绍了RoboCup机器人足球队2D仿真组的设计和实现,完成了 一个完整的符合RoboCup2D仿真组比赛要求的机器人足球队。首先介绍了 RoboCup和其仿真组比赛的背景,接着介绍了仿真组比赛的环境。从第三章 开始介绍了智能体(agent)的基本结构和球队设计的思想,并重点阐述如何设 计队员的各种场上能力,各球员间的配合策略,以及守门员的防守策略。此 外还完成了阵形的实现和转换,以及基本的场上教练的设计。最后通过比赛 对所完成的球队和使用的策略进行了分析和评估。-This paper introduced the RoboCup robot soccer simulation 2D Design and Implementation Group, completed a full race simulation RoboCup2D in line with the requirements of robot soccer team. First introduced RoboCup simulation team game and its background, and then introduced the race simulation environment. From the beginning of Chapter III introduced the agent (agent) the basic structure and design thinking of the team and focus on how to design a variety of market players ability to play the co-ordination among the various strategies, as well as the goalkeeper s defensive strategy. In addition, the realization of the completion of the formation and conversion, as well as the basic design of the coach market. Finally, through the completion of competition on the team s strategy and the use of an analysis and assessment.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 478kb Publisher : 侯健
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