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直接Sochet API 实现UDP- Direct Sochet API realizes UDP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 179kb Publisher : 何加勇

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本人自己写的raw socket收发UDP/Raw包的程序,演示了TTL的设置 当初弄懂UDP的伪头部跟UDP校验和的设置费了一点劲,所以敝帚自珍-I wrote it myself raw socket TX UDP/Raw packets procedures, demonstration of the original TTL settings understood UDP pseudo-head with UDP checksum and the installation costs a bit strong, so broom
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : DoItFreely

udp协议下套接字编程-udp socket programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 卢凤晖

本书第二部分讲述的是在Wi n 3 2平台上的Wi n s o c k编程。对于众多的基层网络协议, Wi n s o c k是访问它们的首选接口。而且在每个Wi n 3 2平台上,Wi n s o c k都以不同的形式存在着。 Wi n s o c k是网络编程接口,而不是协议。它从U n i x平台的B e r k e l e y(B S D)套接字方案借鉴了 许多东西,后者能访问多种网络协议。在Wi n 3 2环境中,Wi n s o c k接口最终成为一个真正的 “与协议无关”接口,尤其是在Winsock 2发布之后。-book on the second part of the Wi n 3 2 on the platform's Wi n o c k programming. To many of the grass-roots network protocol, Wi n s o c k is to visit their preferred interface. But in each Wi n 3 2 platform, Wi n o c k's in different forms exist. Wi n s o c k network programming interface, rather than agreement. From U n i x platform B e r k e l e y (S B D) socket program draws many things, The latter would be able to visit a variety of network protocols. In Wi n 3 2 environment, Wi n o c k s interface will eventually become a real "agreement has nothing to do with the" interface, especially in the Winsock 2 was released.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 353kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

“多播”亦称“多点传送”(M u l t i c a s t i n g),是一种让数据从一个成员送出,然后复制给其 他多个成员的技术-"multicast" also known as "multicast" (M u l t i c a s t i n g), is a way to let members of data from a given, and then copied to a number of other members of the technology
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 831kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

利用“原始套接字”(Raw Socket),我们可访问位于基层的传输协议。本章专门讲解如 何运用这种原始套接字,来模拟I P的一些实用工具,比如Tr a c e r o u t e和P i n g程序等等。使用原 始套接字,亦可对I P头信息进行实际的操作。本章只关心I P协议;至于如何针对其他协议使 用原始套接字,我们不打算提及。而且,大多数协议(除AT M以外)根本就不支持原始套接 字。所有原始套接字都是使用S O C K _ R AW这个套接字类型来创建的,而且目前只有Wi n s o c k 2提供了对它的支持。因此,无论Microsoft Windows CE 还是老版本的Windows 95 (无 Winsock 2升级)均不能利用原始套接字的能力。-use "raw socket" (Raw Socket), we can visit at the grassroots transmission agreements. This chapter specifically on how to use the original socket, I P to simulate some practical tools, For example Tr a c e r t o u e and P i n g procedures, and so on. Original socket, I can right the first P information of the actual operation. I only care about this chapter P Agreement; As to how the other agreements original socket, we do not intend to mention. Moreover, most agreements (except outside AT M) simply does not support the original socket. All original socket are using S O C K R AW _ the socket types to create, but it's only Wi n o c k 2 of the support it. Therefore, Whether Microsoft Windows CE or an older version of Windows 95 (non-Win sock escalation 2) are not using the ori
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 676kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

本附录介绍一些新的A P I函数,有了这些函数,便可在自己的计算机上对I P协议统计情况 进行查询和管理。它们有助于获得下面的能力: ■ I p c o n f i g . e x e(或适用于微软Windows 95的Wi n i p c f g . e x e):显示I P配置信息,允许释放 和更新D H C P分配的I P地址。 ■ N e t s t a t . e x e:显示T C P连接表、U D P监听者表以及I P协议统计情况。 ■ R o u t e . e x e:显示并处理网络路由表。 ■ A r p . e x e:显示并修改供“地址解析协议”(A R P)使用的I P到物理地址翻译表。-This appendix to introduce some new API functions, these functions can be on your computer to the IP protocol statistics query and management. Their ability to contribute to the acquisition of the following: ■ I pconfig. Exe (or apply to Microsoft Windows 95 s Wi nipcfg. Exe): display IP configuration information, allowing the release and update DHCP allocated IP address. ■ N etstat. Exe: show TCP connection table, UDP Listener Table, as well as IP protocol statistics. ■ R oute. Exe: display and handle the network routing table. ■ A rp. Exe: display and modify for ARP (ARP) to use the IP to physical address translation table.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 417kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

windows网络编程之udp原始套接字-windows udp network's original programming socket
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : 沈仲强

DL : 0
可以显示进度条的上传程序PHP,SOCKET-be able to show the progress of the upload procedures PHP, SOCKET
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 尔无赖

本文专门讲解如何运用这种原始套接字,来模拟I P的一些实用工具,比如Tr a c e r o u t e和P i n g程序等等。使用原始套接字,亦可对I P头信息进行实际的操作。-This article specifically on how to use this original socket, to simulate the IP number of practical tools, such as Tr aceroute and P ing procedures. Using raw socket, IP header information can also be carried out on the actual operation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 676kb Publisher : kdo

C # SOCKETservice 很不错的代码,请大家研究!-C# SOCKETservice very good code, please study U.S.!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 217kb Publisher : 毛鹏飞

C# Socket编程例子,多数也是网上找的资料,请大家指出不足指出。-C# Socket programming examples, most are also looking for information online, please identify shortcomings pointed out that the U.S..
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : luomu

windows socket UDP编程源码,vc6.0编译通过-windows socket UDP source programming, vc6.0 compiled through
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : jiangchunhua

socket udp 编程MFC小例子,可直接参考-socket udp small MFC programming examples, reference can be directly
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher :

php和c通过socket通信--udp篇-php and c through the socket communication udp articles
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lh

DL : 0
用socket的UDP发送接收信息的, VB.Net源代码。 -With the UDP send socket to receive the information, VB.Net source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : 沐NeMo

linux下的udp socket通信,包括client和server端程序代码。-Udp socket communications linux under , including both client and server sides.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 白鸽

DL : 0
用Java Socket完成如下功能:建立客户端和服务器端通讯,服务器端地址为本地端口自拟。两端以TCP形式通讯,假设客户端Class叫Client,服务器端Class叫Server。当运行 java Client Hello时,服务器端能接受客户发来的Hello字符并打印”Receive Hello”然后返回给客户端“How r u doing”字符串 客户端收到后打印”Received How are you doing”. 此时服务器端服务始终运行并未停止并等待其他Socket连接(客户端运行一次可以停止),直到客户运行 java Client Bye时 服务器端收到”Bye”并打印”I don’t wanna die”后 服务器停止运行。-Java Socket complete with the following functions: the establishment of client and server communications, server-side address of the local port from be. TCP in the form of communication at both ends, assuming that the client Class called Client, server-side Class called Server. Java Client Hello When running, the server can accept Hello Guest sent characters and print the " Receive Hello" and then go back to the client " How ru doing" string after the client received print " Received How are you doing" . This When running server-side service is not always stop and wait for the other Socket connection (the client can stop a run), until the customer is running java Client Bye received at the server-side " Bye" and print " I don' t wanna die" after the server to stop run.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : wangdan

winsock实现网络通信(UDP)异步模式-winsock network communications (UDP) asynchronous mode
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 136kb Publisher : 陈相镇

DL : 0
Android UDP socket通信 Android UDP socket通信-Android UDP socket communication Android UDP socket communication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : zengyang
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