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Description: 这里是我自己学习winsocket2 编程序时候所写的一个聊天室的程序,程序是一步一步完善过来的。 ChartSrv是服务器端 ChartCLient是客户端(可以开多个) 由于里面加入了获取hostname的东西所以速度有点慢,可以注释掉直接使用IP通信就快了。 代码展示了socket2的异步通信的实现,有兴趣的可以一起学习。-Here is my own time learning winsocket2 programmed written by a chat room procedures step by step procedure is to improve overnight. ChartSrv is a server-side ChartCLient the client (can be opened more than) as a result of which joined the hostname to obtain the speed of things so a bit slow, you can comment out the direct use of IP communications on faster. Code demonstrates the socket2 realize asynchronous communication, are interested in learning together.
Platform: | Size: 111616 | Author: wangwei | Hits:


Description: 魔兽T延迟T人工具,基于socket2 SPI实现,对学习SPI编程很有帮助。 pudn真是个好地方啊,管理员大大,这个多给我点分谢谢,自己写的,能过各大平台-kicker for warcraft3,based on sokcet2 SPI,it s helpful and useful for fresher to learn SPI programming...
Platform: | Size: 379904 | Author: 追风 | Hits:

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