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本代码通过异步套接字实现点对点通信,基本想法是用于多个客户端直接相互通信而不经过服务器。-This article presents a peer-to-peer application sample with asynchronous sockets. This project was born from the desire to have some way that would allow for multiple client applications to communicate between each other. These clients would be in a network environment without having a relay server as in IRC. The goal was to achieve an environment of a collaborating workgroup by sharing a white board where all the elements could write/place their notes and contributions. As a result, there’s only a server which acts as a peer repository, so that new peers can join a given workgroup and be aware of who is online already, and then all the data is communicated directly from client to client.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 315kb Publisher : 王波

Twisted是高性能面向通信的event-driven 网络引擎, 支持HTTP, NNTP, IMAP, SSH, IRC, FTP, and others-Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and licensed under the MIT license. Twisted projects variously support TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, multicast, Unix sockets, a large number of protocols (including HTTP, NNTP, IMAP, SSH, IRC, FTP, and others), and much more.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : richard

Unix高级编程实例之socket编程。代码比较详尽,相当有帮助-Examples of high-level programming of Unix programming socket. A more detailed code, very helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : guodan
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