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[Other Riddle gamessodoku源代码

Description: 风靡全球的数独游戏原代码
Platform: | Size: 104655 | Author: kevin_3834@163.com | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSodoku

Description: 数独游戏解算C++代码,在vc6.0上运行,控制台,使用回溯法解决,首先输出的是一个满足规则的数独例子,接着可以自己输入已知点的个数及其坐标、数字(要求不能违反规则),然后会生成满足条件的一个例子。-Sudoku solver C++ Code, in vc6.0 run on the console, use backtracking to solve, first of all to meet the output is a single example of a few rules, and then can enter the number of known points and coordinates, numbers (request can not be against the rules), and then meet the conditions will generate an example.
Platform: | Size: 1345536 | Author: hjj | Hits:

[source in ebookSudokuFinal

Description: sodoku game,final version
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: mimi | Hits:

[Data structssodoku

Description: 数独解算器,将9*9数独输入后能迅速解出。少于十个解的题目能在0.1秒内解出。-sodoku computer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王钊 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesSodoku

Description: 数独游戏的通用算法。摘要: 1 数独是一种数学智力拼图游戏,玩法逻辑简单,但解法千变万化。 2 数独解法全是由规则衍生出来的,基本解法分为两类思路,一类为排除法,一类为唯一法。更复杂的解法,最终也会归结到这两大类中。 3 算法的数据结构,基本思想及成果演示 成功计算出了数独题目的结果,并保持了很快的速度.该算法可以解决所有的数独游戏题目,为一种高效率的通用算法. 4 算法有更广阔的改进空间 -Sudoku generic algorithm. Abstract: a number of intellectual independence is a mathematical puzzle, games are played the logic is simple, but ever-changing solution. 2 sudoku solution are all derived from the rules, the basic solution is divided into two ideas, one for the exclusion, the only method for a class. More complex solution, eventually comes down to these two categories in the. 3, the data structure algorithms, the basic ideas and results demonstrate a number of successful single subject calculated the results, and maintain a fast pace. The algorithm can solve all Sudoku title for an efficient general algorithm. 4 algorithm to have a wider room for improvement
Platform: | Size: 763904 | Author: upwinder | Hits:


Description: Sodoku Solver in matlab.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: som | Hits:

[Game Programsudoku

Description: 一个数独的游戏,不但能够自己玩数独游戏,还可以填数让机器去解,也可以让机器出题。界面程序,还能给用户一些提示。 2年前用VS2005开发的,我认为核心和最有意思部分是解数独和出数独的题这一块,所以我后来给这部分功能加了详细的注释。解数独的算法比较好研究,而出数独题则是比较麻烦的,我这里给出了我自己想的一种算法,让机器很快的出一道只有唯一解、已有的数字量合适而且不矛盾的数独题目也是需要很好的算法设计的。而界面我都没加注释,重点关注界面的网友抱歉了。解数独和出数独的在sodukuA.h和sodoku.cpp里面,里面有描述,不清楚的可以发邮件给我,我及时改正: chahao2005@163.com 不过界面有一点小的设计不好,程序刚运行时最小化了,而且机器出题之后你还可以改那些本来应该固定的数字。不过我没时间改了,哪位好心的帮我优化一下界面设计吧。 -A Sudoku game, not only to their own sudoku, you can also fill in the number of the machine to the solution, but also allows the machine problems. Interface program, but also to the user some hints. 2 years ago with the VS2005 development, I think the most interesting part of the core and the stops and the number of unique issues that separate piece, so I give this part of the feature was added a detailed comment. Better the stops of the algorithm alone, out of the Sudoku puzzle is too much trouble, I m here I want to give an algorithm for the machine quickly out of a only one solution, the existing digital right Sudoku is not contradictory and subject also need a good algorithm design. The interface I did not add a comment, focusing on the User Interface sorry. Sudoku alone and out of the stops in sodukuA.h and sodoku.cpp inside, there are descriptions, not clear can email to me, I promptly corrected: chahao2005@163.com However, the design interface is a little bad, just run th
Platform: | Size: 831488 | Author: chahao | Hits:


Description: 题目靶型数独的搜索实现。(原题见noip2009第四题)-Title search of target-based implementation Sudoku
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 金志卿 | Hits:

[Game ProgramSodoku

Description: 数独游戏,有几万个关卡。操作简单,画面优美,有提示功能。有背景音乐。-game sudoku , 10000 levels . have hint function . good pictures and be able to play game easily with background music .
Platform: | Size: 8654848 | Author: zhuyanjun | Hits:


Description: java android(版本2.1以上) 数独游戏源码-android sudoku
Platform: | Size: 12410880 | Author: warner | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamessodoku

Description: 简易数独,,控制台版本,采用回溯算法,适合初学者学习,代码清晰明了。目前对于多解数独只能产生一种解,DEV-C++ 5 编译通过。-Simple soduku for starter.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 金禹宸 | Hits:


Description: Backtracking_Sodoku , Sodoku solving by backtracking
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: masoud | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamessodoku

Description: 一款简单的,运行在c++的,数独程序,自带检错功能-A simple run in c++ Sudoku program comes with error detection function
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: gebeichang | Hits:

[Other GamesSUDOKU

Description: The Sodoku Compelete Back Track C alghorihtm
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: mohammad | Hits:

[Game ProgramHodoku_src

Description: JAVA swing 编写的一款数独源代码 里面具有很优秀的算法 编码:UTF-8 主类:sodoku.Main 包内含有 eclipse 和 netbeans 的相关项目文件 开始方式:点击工具栏上那个“数独小图标”就能开始一局随机的数独,边上的下拉框中表示数独难度。右侧的解题步骤中,颜色越深的表示该算法的思维方式越复杂。-A Sudoku source code written in JAVA swing Which has a very good algorithm Encoding: UTF-8 Main class: sodoku.Main Package containing eclipse and netbeans project file Start: Click "Sudoku small icon on the toolbar can start a Bureau of random Sudoku, the edge of the drop-down box indicates the difficulty of Sudoku. Solving steps to the right, the darker the color the more complex way of thinking of the algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 1259520 | Author: yangguang | Hits:


Description: 求解数独游戏,利用各种有效的功能函数,求接触数独游戏-solve soduko
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: yubotao | Hits:

[Other GamesSUDOKUvfp

Description: Code Source SODOKU Games in Visual FoxPRO (Código Fuente del Juego SUDOKU desarrollado en Visual FoxPro)
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: sscai | Hits:

[Technology ManagementNouveau-Archive-WinRAR

Description: sodoku java (SA) implementation du jeu sodoku avec une génération des solutions
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: Amine | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamessodoku

Description: 简单的数独solver,使用的算法非常简单,很适合初学者交流学习。-Sudoku Solver!Easy to use
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 薛锐 | Hits:

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