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你可能会认为生成一个带柔和阴影的特效文字与生成一个带光圈的特效文字是完全不同的,其实他们所用到的技术是完全相同的,只是在设置上有些许变化。 在带柔和阴影的效果中,我用到了GDI+中的一些插值模式来生成模糊的文字轮廓,当位图绘制平面放大时,插值模式决定原来某点像素应该怎样和周围的融合。 低质量的插值只是简单的把一个像素变换成同色色块,高质量插值如高质量双线性插值与高质量双三次插值会考虑像素色的平滑与反走样,我发现高质量双线 性插值模式最好。-you may think that a generation with a soft shadow effects of the letter and generate an aperture with the magic words are completely different, they actually have to use the technology is identical, the only set slightly changes. With soft shadows in effect, I used the GDI some of the interpolation model to generate fuzzy outline of the text, when the Bitmap Rendering Large Plane, interpolation mode decision of a point of what should pixels and around integration. Low-quality interpolation just simply put a pixel transform into the same color against a high-quality interpolation such as high-quality and high-quality bilinear interpolation bicubic interpolation will consider pixel color with a smooth anti-aliasing, I found quality bilinear interpolation mode best.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 933.39kb Publisher : 陈兴锐

实现soft shadow的源代码,国外的研究人员做的,比较底层,很值得学习。-achieve soft shadow of the source code, the foreign staff of the study, compared the bottom, is worth learning.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 234.55kb Publisher : 张维镇

你可能会认为生成一个带柔和阴影的特效文字与生成一个带光圈的特效文字是完全不同的,其实他们所用到的技术是完全相同的,只是在设置上有些许变化。 在带柔和阴影的效果中,我用到了GDI+中的一些插值模式来生成模糊的文字轮廓,当位图绘制平面放大时,插值模式决定原来某点像素应该怎样和周围的融合。 低质量的插值只是简单的把一个像素变换成同色色块,高质量插值如高质量双线性插值与高质量双三次插值会考虑像素色的平滑与反走样,我发现高质量双线 性插值模式最好。-you may think that a generation with a soft shadow effects of the letter and generate an aperture with the magic words are completely different, they actually have to use the technology is identical, the only set slightly changes. With soft shadows in effect, I used the GDI some of the interpolation model to generate fuzzy outline of the text, when the Bitmap Rendering Large Plane, interpolation mode decision of a point of what should pixels and around integration. Low-quality interpolation just simply put a pixel transform into the same color against a high-quality interpolation such as high-quality and high-quality bilinear interpolation bicubic interpolation will consider pixel color with a smooth anti-aliasing, I found quality bilinear interpolation mode best.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 933kb Publisher : 陈兴锐

oglu_soft_shadow oglu的opengl阴影图形事例,死于初学者-oglu_soft_shadow oglu opengl shadow of the graphic examples, died beginners
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 103kb Publisher : a11a

实现soft shadow的源代码,国外的研究人员做的,比较底层,很值得学习。-achieve soft shadow of the source code, the foreign staff of the study, compared the bottom, is worth learning.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 234kb Publisher : 张维镇

软阴影实现源码,由ATI提供 DirectX 8.1-Soft shadow on the realization of source from ATI to provide DirectX 8.1
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 64kb Publisher : 刘琰

Variance Shadow Maps 实时软阴影程序代码demo-Variance Shadow Maps in real-time soft shadow demo code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.45mb Publisher : xu

详细描述了软阴影的原理以及生成方法和工作流程-soft shadow
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 81kb Publisher : fendou

还是关于阴影的文档资料。nvidia--关于使用hlsl语言的。-Shadows are an important visual cue. Unfortunately, most real-time techniques f computing shadows generate hard and, in the case of shadow-maps, aliased shadows. We can soften the edges of the shadows by employing percentage-clos filtering. In fact, a sufficiently large percentage-closer filter approximates soft shadow boundaries well. High quality soft shadows, however, require a large number of samples.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 456kb Publisher : lilinx

Fast Soft Shadows via Adaptive Shadow Maps
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.52mb Publisher :

基于膨胀腐蚀算法的软阴影生成.caj 基于膨胀腐蚀算法的软阴影生成.caj-Dilation and erosion algorithms based soft shadow generation. Caj
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 332kb Publisher : shj

DL : 0
Exponential Shadow Maps 哈塞尔特大学介绍软阴影的论文,相当精彩-Exponential Shadow Maps Hasselt University introduces soft shadows papers, quite wonderful
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : 申文涛

通过光线追踪的方法,将一个纯数学的模型(球体中心坐标,颜色rgb值)等等转换为一个三维的图片,而且能够模拟光照效果/柔和阴影/景深等等,且带有抗锯齿功能-Through using the method of ray tracing, the model is a purely mathematical (center of sphere coordinates, color RGB value) and converted to a 3D picture, and can simulate the effects of the light/soft shadow/depth and so on, and with the anti aliasing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.03mb Publisher : terran

Shadow Shader c++ soft shadow sample source
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 54kb Publisher : siks

DL : 0
复化三点Gauss-lengend公式求pi,比较了软阈值,硬阈值及当今各种阈值计算方法,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响。- Complex of three-point Gauss-lengend the Formula pi, Comparison of soft threshold and hard threshold and today various threshold calculation method, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effect.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : foufiejangbing

DL : 0
人脸识别中的光照处理方法,比较了软阈值,硬阈值及当今各种阈值计算方法,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响。- Face Recognition light treatment method, Comparison of soft threshold and hard threshold and today various threshold calculation method, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effect.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : saigaijui

考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响,实现串口的数据采集,比较了软阈值,硬阈值及当今各种阈值计算方法。- Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Achieve serial data acquisition, Comparison of soft threshold and hard threshold and today various threshold calculation method.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : qeifantingfeng

前已提出的频谱感知方法主要包括匹配滤波器检测、 能量检测、 循环平稳特征检测以及多分辨率频谱感知. 这些方法均为单节点感知方法.然而,在阴影和深度衰落情况下, 单个节点的感知结果并不可靠, 因此, 需要对多个节点的感知结果进行融合,以提高检测可靠性, 即协作感知技术. 文献采用“或” 准则对各个 CR 感知结果进行融合. 文献则提出了基于 D-S 证据理论的协作频谱感知算法,虽然该算法的性能比“或” 准则或“与”准则要好, 但需要存储大量历史信息, 算法的计算复杂度也很高. 文献中分析了采用似然比检测(likelihood ratio test, LRT) 的软判决与采用“与” 准则的硬判决的性能, 结果表明采用软判决的协作感知性能更优(Previously proposed spectrum sensing methods mainly include matched filter detection, energy detection, cyclostationary feature detection and multi-resolution spectrum sensing. These methods are all single node sensing methods. However, in the case of shadow and deep fading, the sensing results of single node are not reliable, so, It is necessary to fuse the sensing results of multiple nodes to improve the detection reliability, i.e. cooperative sensing technology. In the literature, "or" criterion is used to fuse the CR sensing results. In the literature, a cooperative spectrum sensing algorithm based on D-S evidence theory is proposed. Although the performance of the algorithm is better than "or" criterion or "and" criterion, a large amount of historical information needs to be stored, The computational complexity of the algorithm is also very high. In the literature, the performance of the soft decision based on the likelihood ratio test)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : UU仔

Real-Time Shadows is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of real-time shadow techniques. It covers a large variety of different effects, including hard, soft, volumetric, and semi-transparent shadows. The book explains the basics as well as many advanced aspects related to the domain of shadow computation. It presents interactive solutions and practical details on shadow computation. The authors compare various algorithms for creating real-time shadows and illustrate how they are used in different situations. They explore the limitations and failure cases, advantages and disadvantages, and suitability of the algorithms in several applications.
Update : 2023-02-04 Size : 46.18mb Publisher :
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