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Description: 这个产品是通过遥控器控制定时时间来决定P1.0口输出高电平和低电平的时间,在P1.0口接一个继电器后,从而控制电磁阀开和关,以达到对石油含水量的定时智能排放。现已应用在上海金山炼油厂,反映良好。 -this product is remote control through regular time to P1.0 I decided to allow high output and low-level output time , I received a P1.0 relays, control solenoid valve opened and shut. to achieve the moisture content of the oil regularly smart emissions. Application has been in Shanghai Jinshan refineries, reflecting good.
Platform: | Size: 3326 | Author: 钟声 | Hits:

[Other resourcesmd(a)motzwjg

Description: 用KEIL 开发,和编码器相连,进行对步进电机及电磁阀的控制-with KEIL development, and the encoder connected, the stepper motor and solenoid valve control
Platform: | Size: 14441 | Author: zhouwj | Hits:


Description: 这个产品是通过遥控器控制定时时间来决定P1.0口输出高电平和低电平的时间,在P1.0口接一个继电器后,从而控制电磁阀开和关,以达到对石油含水量的定时智能排放。现已应用在上海金山炼油厂,反映良好。 -this product is remote control through regular time to P1.0 I decided to allow high output and low-level output time , I received a P1.0 relays, control solenoid valve opened and shut. to achieve the moisture content of the oil regularly smart emissions. Application has been in Shanghai Jinshan refineries, reflecting good.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 钟声 | Hits:


Description: 用KEIL 开发,和编码器相连,进行对步进电机及电磁阀的控制-with KEIL development, and the encoder connected, the stepper motor and solenoid valve control
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: zhouwj | Hits:


Description: 在现代化的工业生产设备中,有大量的数字量及模拟量的控制装置,例如电机的起停,电磁阀的开闭,产品的计数, 温度、压力、流量的设定与控制等,工业现场中的这些自动控制问题,若采用可编程序控制器( P C ) 来解决自动控制问题已成为 最有效的工具之一,本文叙述P C 控制系统设计时应该注意的问题。-In modern industrial production equipment, there are a large number of digital and analog control devices, such as motor starting stop, solenoid valve opening and closing, product count, temperature, pressure, flow and control settings such as, industrial site automatic control of these problems, the use of programmable logic controller (PC) to solve the automatic control issue has become one of the most effective tool, this article describes the design of PC control system should pay attention to.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: nahong | Hits:


Description: 光电智能检测系统是通过89S52单片机对键盘、显示器、外部电路及检测设备的控制而实现的。 自动饮料机智能续杯装置是在光电检测系统的基础上开发而成的,该系统应用一个对射式光电传感器和一个反射式光电传感器实现信号检测,另一方面又通过键盘发出指令实现智能控制,从检测设备到输入输出电路再到被控制的电路都紧紧围绕着AT89S52单片机来完成。最终系统实现了对饮料液面的检测和对电磁阀开关的智能控制。 -Intelligent photoelectric detection system through 89S52 micro keyboard, monitor, external circuit and test equipment control achieved. Automatic beverage machines continued Cup smart devices in the photoelectric detection system based on the developed and the system launched a photoelectric sensor and a reflective photoelectric sensor signal detection realize, on the other hand, commands issued through the keyboard realize intelligent control, from the testing equipment to input and output circuits to be controlled tightly around the circuit are to complete single-chip AT89S52. Realize the ultimate system for the detection of liquid beverages and the solenoid valve switch intelligent control.
Platform: | Size: 1712128 | Author: lncoral | Hits:


Description: 通过电压控制电磁阀的流量,电压范围-10~10V,PWM频率10khz,-Through voltage-controlled solenoid valve flow, voltage range of-10 ~ 10V, PWM frequency of 10khz,
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: beyondmcu | Hits:


Description: MT20 EMS 系统技术手册 德尔福发动机管理系统是以德尔福MT20发动机控制模块(ECM)为核心的系统,简称为MT20发动机管理系统。 第一章 系统介绍 第二章 58齿同步逻辑及MAPCID 第三章 燃油系统 第四章 点火系统 第五章 怠速系统 第六章 空调控制系统 第七章 碳罐电磁阀控制 第八章 风扇控制 第九章 里程累计系统 第十章 故障诊断 -MT20 EMS system technical manual engine management system is based on Delphi Delphi MT20 Engine Control Module (ECM) as the core of the system, referred to as MT20 engine management system. System Introduction Chapter I Chapter II 58-tooth synchronous logic and fuel system MAPCID Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V ignition system idle system air-conditioning control systems Chapter VI Chapter VII of the solenoid valve to control carbon cans Chapter VIII Chapter IX mileage fan control Chapter X the cumulative system fault diagnosis
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: whr | Hits:


Description: 基于avr单片机的氢气测控系统源代码,包括LED的显示,电磁阀的开关以及键盘驱动。-Avr-based single-chip measurement and control system of the hydrogen source, including LED display, solenoid valve switches and the keyboard driver.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: zhangyu | Hits:


Description: 数值分析 手机动画能发离开时东方乃是哪里 考虑到那发动机佛的法 电磁阀海口市点卡收费 -Numerical Analysis of mobile phone animation could only leave when the East is where the Buddha considered the engine of the Act where the solenoid valve Haikou City Card charges
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 缪炜星 | Hits:


Description: 利用PWM原理控制电磁阀的实例,对于这方面研究的人很有价值-Use of PWM control of solenoid valve principle examples of research in this area were of great value
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: lfw | Hits:


Description: AT89s52的定时输出高电平方波的电磁阀控制程序。-AT89S52 high square wave output of the timing of the solenoid valve control procedures.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 何柳 | Hits:


Description: 此程序主要是用于智能节水箱的控制,通过判断是否有人方便,再判断水位,来控制电磁阀是否补水,加废水-This procedure is mainly used for water-saving intelligent control box, through to determine whether it was convenient, and then determine the water level, whether the solenoid valve to control pay, plus water
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: hs | Hits:

[OpenGL programOil-firedboiler

Description: 燃油锅炉 (1)打开手动风机开关,风机指示灯亮; (2)打开手动点火开关,此时点火变压器和点火油泵启动,点火开始; (3)依次打开油泵启动开关,供油电磁阀开关,风门开关; (4)关闭点火开关。 -Oil-fired boiler (1) Open the manual fan switch, fan light indicator (2) Open the manual ignition switch, when the ignition transformer and fuel pump to start the ignition, started the ignition (3) followed by open pump start switch, oil solenoid valve switch , throttle switch (4) close the ignition switch.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: zh | Hits:

[Software Engineeringsol_valve

Description: solenoid valve control program
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: dust | Hits:


Description: 本文以AT89S52单片机为核心,设计了全自动洗衣机控制系统。本系统实现了对洗衣机整个洗衣过程的控制,包括用户参数输入、洗衣、脱水和结束演奏四个阶段。控制系统主要由电源电路、数字控制电路和机械控制电路三大模块构成。电源电路为数字控制电路提供稳定的5V直流电压,为电动机提供220V市电;数字控制电路负责控制洗衣机的工作过程,主要由AT89S52单片机、两位共阴数码管、按键、蜂鸣器、LED指示灯组成;机械控制电路实现水位检测、电机驱动、进水、排水等功能,主要由水位检测器、电动机、传动系统部件、进水排水电磁阀组成。-In this paper, AT89S52 microcontroller core, design a fully automatic washing machine control system. The system of washing machines to achieve the control of the entire laundry process, including user parameter input, laundry, dehydration and the end of playing four stages. Control system mainly consists of power circuit, digital control circuit and mechanical control circuit constituted the three major modules. Power supply circuit for the digital control circuit to provide a stable 5V DC voltage for the motor to provide 220V electricity digital control circuitry responsible for controlling the washing machine s working process, mainly by the AT89S52 microcontroller, two were overcast digital control, button, buzzer, LED instruction Light composition mechanical control circuit water level detection, motor, water, drainage and other functions, mainly by the water level detectors, motors, transmission parts, water drain solenoid valve component.
Platform: | Size: 296960 | Author: 买永乐 | Hits:


Description: 控制设备为喷胶机、电磁阀以及电机拖动的纸带组成。喷胶的目的是控制喷胶的长度,在纸带上形成一段一段的胶体,此胶体的长度与间隔可以人工设定。 将编码器安装机器的滚轮上,由机器的滚轮带动编码器旋转,Dsp通过采集编码器的脉冲知道此时滚轮旋转角度及当前的速度,根据当前的速度计算出补偿量,用Dsp控制八电磁阀动作,目前先做控制一个电磁阀动作。-Control equipment for the glue machine, solenoid valves, and motor drag the tape composition. The purpose is to control the glue glue the length of the tape to form a section of the colloid, the colloidal length and interval can be set manually. Installation of the encoder wheel on the machine from the machine encoder wheel drive rotation, Dsp by collecting the encoder pulse to know at this time and current wheel rotation speed, based on the current rate of compensation the amount calculated using the electromagnetic Dsp Control 8 valve action, now do first move to control a solenoid valve.
Platform: | Size: 3895296 | Author: yhs | Hits:

[Graph programstep1tttt20060923

Description: 使用天敏图象采集卡,采集流水产品图象,然后进行图形尺寸和颜色对比检测,剔除合格产品.利用LPT口控制电磁阀动作.是一个完整的视觉检测系统.已经在生产中应用.-The use of days-min image acquisition card, collecting water product images, and then graphics size and color contrast detection, excluding qualified products. The use of LPT port control solenoid valve action. Is a complete visual inspection system. Has been applied in production.
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: xuyanggang | Hits:


Description: 实现对充气装置中电磁阀的pid控制,并在屏幕上进行模拟.-Realize the inflatable device pid solenoid valve control and simulation on the screen.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jw | Hits:

[Other systemsCANEGRMoni

Description: 利用MFC编辑的基于CAN总线的汽车EGR电磁阀PID控制测试平台,该平台可以设置PID参数实现对电磁阀的控制-Edited by MFC CAN bus vehicles based on EGR valve PID control test platform that can set the PID parameters to achieve the control of solenoid valve
Platform: | Size: 7561216 | Author: Alan | Hits:
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