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[Shell apitraytest2

Description: 提供一个功能非常完善的系统托盘类,该类可以实现以下功能:任务栏重建后托盘图标自动添加;托盘图标可以动态改变。-provide a function very sound system tray categories, such functions can achieve the following : after the redevelopment task bar icon tray automatically added; Tray icon can be changed dynamically.
Platform: | Size: 69764 | Author: 江健 | Hits:

[WEB Codeit0915school

Description: 安康计算机联盟学校网站程序正式更名为极速安康学校网站程序,极速安康学校网站程序V1.1 免费版功能介绍: 1.前台包括学校概况,学校信息,教学研究,德育教育,学生园地,留言6大栏目; 2.在1.0的基础上完善了后台管理,使在后台就可以修改标题栏信息; 3.去掉了前台用户注册功能,所有用户必须在后台管理员自行添加; 4.对部分程序进行了优化,修改了一些已知的BUG。 感谢大家使用本程序,如果你有什么意见和建议请到本站论坛提出。 官方论坛:http://www.52ak.cn 后台地址:http://www.XXX.com/admin/login.asp 后台管理员:admin 后台管理员密码:admin-Ankang computer Union school website officially changed its name to the highest well-being of the school site procedures, Dukes Ankang school site V1.1 functional free version introduced : 1. Overview prospects, including schools, school information, teaching and research, moral education, students Centers, the voice of six columns; 2. 1.0 on the basis of the background sound management, in the background so that we can amend the title bar; 3. removed the registration of future users, All users must have their own managers in the background added; 4. Part of the procedure for the optimization, revised some of the known BUG. Thank you for the use of this procedure, if you have any comments and suggestions, visit the site Forum. Crown Forum : http://www.52ak.cn background Address : http : /
Platform: | Size: 1523680 | Author: 张露 | Hits:


Description: Windows状态栏也称系统托盘,位于任务栏的右侧。很多软件运行时会在系统托盘区出现一个小图标,它作为程序运行的一个标志,用户可以通过使用小图标控制程序的显示/隐藏,以及用弹出菜单的方式来控制应用程序。这样不仅方便了用户,而且使用系统托盘图标以更好的节约Windows任务栏的资源。这个小图标被称作Windows系统托盘图标,如:Windows系统的输入法、声音控制图标,或金山词霸、MSN、超级解霸等软件的图标. 程序实现功能: 能够接受任何16x16大小的JPG/GIF图片文件作为托盘图标; 能够在鼠标移到托盘图标上面时显示提示信息; 通过单击托盘图标显示/隐藏程序界面; 程序最小化时不显示在任务条中; 右键单击托盘图标弹出程序控制菜单; 为托盘的其它鼠标事件提供接口,如双击等; -Windows status bar also called the system tray at the right side of the task bar. Many software running in the system tray zone in a small icon, it is running a logo Users can use the small icon control procedures of the Show / Hide, with a pop-up menu and the way to control the application. This is not only convenient for users, but using the system tray icon with a better Windows task bar to save resources. The small icon called the Windows system tray icon, such as : Windows system input method sound control icon, or Kingsoft, MSN, Super Audio software icon. Programming features : can accept any size of 16 x16 JPG / GIF image files as a tray icon; Mouse moved to the top tray icon is displayed when a message; by clicking tray icon Show / Hide program interface; minimization procedures wi
Platform: | Size: 563643 | Author: 宾斌 | Hits:


Description: progress bar value change according input sound
Platform: | Size: 58725 | Author: guohui | Hits:

[Shell apitraytest2

Description: 提供一个功能非常完善的系统托盘类,该类可以实现以下功能:任务栏重建后托盘图标自动添加;托盘图标可以动态改变。-provide a function very sound system tray categories, such functions can achieve the following : after the redevelopment task bar icon tray automatically added; Tray icon can be changed dynamically.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 江健 | Hits:

[WEB Codeit0915school

Description: 安康计算机联盟学校网站程序正式更名为极速安康学校网站程序,极速安康学校网站程序V1.1 免费版功能介绍: 1.前台包括学校概况,学校信息,教学研究,德育教育,学生园地,留言6大栏目; 2.在1.0的基础上完善了后台管理,使在后台就可以修改标题栏信息; 3.去掉了前台用户注册功能,所有用户必须在后台管理员自行添加; 4.对部分程序进行了优化,修改了一些已知的BUG。 感谢大家使用本程序,如果你有什么意见和建议请到本站论坛提出。 官方论坛:http://www.52ak.cn 后台地址:http://www.XXX.com/admin/login.asp 后台管理员:admin 后台管理员密码:admin-Ankang computer Union school website officially changed its name to the highest well-being of the school site procedures, Dukes Ankang school site V1.1 functional free version introduced : 1. Overview prospects, including schools, school information, teaching and research, moral education, students Centers, the voice of six columns; 2. 1.0 on the basis of the background sound management, in the background so that we can amend the title bar; 3. removed the registration of future users, All users must have their own managers in the background added; 4. Part of the procedure for the optimization, revised some of the known BUG. Thank you for the use of this procedure, if you have any comments and suggestions, visit the site Forum. Crown Forum : http://www.52ak.cn background Address : http :/
Platform: | Size: 1523712 | Author: 张露 | Hits:


Description: Windows状态栏也称系统托盘,位于任务栏的右侧。很多软件运行时会在系统托盘区出现一个小图标,它作为程序运行的一个标志,用户可以通过使用小图标控制程序的显示/隐藏,以及用弹出菜单的方式来控制应用程序。这样不仅方便了用户,而且使用系统托盘图标以更好的节约Windows任务栏的资源。这个小图标被称作Windows系统托盘图标,如:Windows系统的输入法、声音控制图标,或金山词霸、MSN、超级解霸等软件的图标. 程序实现功能: 能够接受任何16x16大小的JPG/GIF图片文件作为托盘图标; 能够在鼠标移到托盘图标上面时显示提示信息; 通过单击托盘图标显示/隐藏程序界面; 程序最小化时不显示在任务条中; 右键单击托盘图标弹出程序控制菜单; 为托盘的其它鼠标事件提供接口,如双击等; -Windows status bar also called the system tray at the right side of the task bar. Many software running in the system tray zone in a small icon, it is running a logo Users can use the small icon control procedures of the Show/Hide, with a pop-up menu and the way to control the application. This is not only convenient for users, but using the system tray icon with a better Windows task bar to save resources. The small icon called the Windows system tray icon, such as : Windows system input method sound control icon, or Kingsoft, MSN, Super Audio software icon. Programming features : can accept any size of 16 x16 JPG/GIF image files as a tray icon; Mouse moved to the top tray icon is displayed when a message; by clicking tray icon Show/Hide program interface; minimization procedures wi
Platform: | Size: 563200 | Author: 宾斌 | Hits:


Description: progress bar value change according input sound
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: | Hits:


Description: VolumeMeter (Managed DirectX) This project is a live volume meter control for monitoring audio levels from a sound card. It is written entirely in C#, and uses Microsoft s Managed DirectX (June release). You can drag-and-drop the control into any Windows Forms application. You may select the input, and tweak the appearance of the animation through various parameters. The idea behind this project is to maintain a very short buffer of audio and constantly record into it. The control is on a timer, and periodically queries the buffer to see what volume level the most recent sample has, and then sets a progress bar s value accordingly.
Platform: | Size: 150528 | Author: mark | Hits:


Description: 君正早期ucos系统(只有早期的才不没有打包成库),MPLAYER,文件系统,图片解码,浏览,电子书,录音,想学ucos,识货的人就下吧 russblock fmradio explore settime lyric_parser-Eagle is early uCOS system (only early not only not packaged into a library), MPLAYER, file system, picture decoding, browser, e-books, sound recordings, I wanted to learn ucos, people who know all about the goods on the next bar russblock fmradio exploresettimelyric_parser
Platform: | Size: 45139968 | Author: lzy | Hits:

[assembly languagesound

Description: 微机技术实验时的控制8253,8255,0809,0832,进行的录音放音实验,用汇编语言实现,将源程序用MASM进行编译,然后用LINK进行连接,运行文件后,提示录音后按任意键开始录音,12秒后开始出现放音信息,按空格键可以重复放音,其他键放音一次后跳出程序。自己根据实验流程图编写,用于学习交流,有部分注解。-Computer Technology 8253,8255,0809,0832 control experiments, carried out by recording playback experiments, using assembly language to achieve, to the source code to compile with MASM, and then connect with LINK, run file, prompted by pressing any key after recording the beginning of recording, 12 seconds after playback of information began to emerge, according to the space bar can repeat playback, and other key after playing out a procedure. Experimental flow chart in accordance with the preparation of their own for the exchange of learning, some comments.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 韩杰 | Hits:


Description: 这个是一个视频播放器,主要功能有开始、暂停、播放进度条、声音控制等-This is a video player, the main function to start, pause, play progress bar, sound control
Platform: | Size: 46619648 | Author: taocc | Hits:

[Software EngineeringInstructionDict2005

Description: 集成了多种语言查询的“指令字典2005” 增加了新的功能,新的语言,新的界面, 还对原有语言进行了全面扩充与完善(例如:C、C++的函数增加到了350多个, 开放了文件修改功能等等)还有很多扩充完善这里就不多做介绍了,快来下载吧 "_"-Integrated multi-lingual query " instructions Dictionary 2005" added new features, new language, new interface, but also the original languages of the overall expansion and improvement (for example: C, C++ function increased to more than 350 , open the file editing features, etc.) There are many more expansion of sound is not presented here, come download the bar " _"
Platform: | Size: 1031168 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 如果对Windows开发有什么问题的话,请翻阅PetZold的著作吧。在《Window程序设计》(第5版)中,这位杰出的“Windows先锋奖”(Windows Pioneer Award)获得者根据最新的Windows操作系统权威技术修订了他的经典著作——再一次演示了基本的Win32程序设计的API核心内容。本书的内容包括: ** 基本内容——输入、输出和对话框 ** Unicode概述 ** 图形——绘图、文本和字体、位图和元文件 ** 内核和打印机 ** 声音和音乐 ** 动态链接库 ** 多任务和多线程 ** 多文档界面 ** Internet和 Intranet的程序设计 其中采用的大多是具有代表性的示例,这本Petzold著作为使用 Windows 95、Windows 98或 Windows NT的各级windows程序员提供了最基本的参考和指导。没有经验的开发人员也可以从中获取大量的新知识。-If you have any questions on the Windows developers, please read the writings of PetZold bar. In the "Window Programming" (5th edition), who distinguished "Windows Pioneer Award" (Windows Pioneer Award) winner of the Windows operating system, according to the latest technical amendments to the authority of his classics- once again demonstrated the basic Win32 programming API of the core content. This book includes: ** Basic elements- input, output, and dialog boxes ** Unicode Overview ** Graphics- graphics, text and fonts, bitmaps and metafiles ** Kernel and the printer ** Sound and Music ** Dynamic Link Library ** Multi-tasking and multi-threading ** Multiple Document Interface ** Internet and Intranet Programming Most of them used a representative sample, this Petzold book for the use of Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT programmers at all levels of windows provides a basic reference and guidance. Inexperienced developers can also reap a lot of new knowledge.
Platform: | Size: 2982912 | Author: wangxt | Hits:

[Delphi VCLDelphi6_bcds_kjyy

Description: 给LISTBOX组件增加水平滚动条 获取RICHEDIT组件中光标所在的行号 消除在EDIT组件中按下回车键时的蜂鸣声 运行时拖动组件 在LISTBOX和COMBOBOX组件中实现自动搜索 在SPEEDBUTTON组件上使用图标-LISTBOX component to increase the horizontal scroll bar to obtain RICHEDIT component line number where the cursor is to eliminate EDIT press the Enter key component of the beep sound when the drag component run-time LISTBOX and COMBOBOX components for automatic search the use of icons in the SPEEDBUTTON Components
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: fengchefei | Hits:

[mpeg mp3Unit1

Description: 用MediaPlayer 控件常用的属性和方法,制作M音乐播放器程序,它的功能 是能够任意的选择一个有效的以*.midmp3 缀的音乐文件,然后在程序中播放,在播放音乐的同时,在窗体中还 将有一个滚动条来随时的显示声音文件的播放进度-Using MediaPlayer control properties and methods used to produce M music player program, it is the ability to arbitrarily select a valid suffix to*. midmp3 music files, and then play in the process, while playing music in the window There will be a body at any time scroll bar to display progress of playback of sound files
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hyb | Hits:


Description: 利用STC11系列开发组合音响,SOUND BAR,LED指示音量和高低音。-Development of component systems using STC11 series, SOUND BAR, LED indicating the volume and treble bass.
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: aniu | Hits:

[Other systemsbar-management-system

Description: 网吧项目管理系统,提供了所有源码和数据库文件,是java初学者和提高着青睐的源码小项目。- The Internet bar project management system, has provided all sound codes and the database file, is the java beginner and is enhancing the sound code small project which favors.
Platform: | Size: 2455552 | Author: woniu | Hits:


Description: 简单的Turbo C 下的模拟电子琴程序,用键盘数字键模拟电子琴,空格键停止,适合C语言初学者了解键盘中断。-Turbo C sound program, analog keyboard with the keyboard number keys, space bar to stop, suitable for beginners to learn C language keyboard interrupt.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王贵仁 | Hits:


Description: Arduino 节奏灯: 1、麦克风 2、WS2812B 全彩LED 麦克风获取音频,WS2812B 根据声音的频率高低发出不同的亮度。类似酒吧的音乐节奏灯效果(Arduino rhythm light: 1.Microphone 2.WS2812B full color LED The microphone gets audio, and the WS2812B emits different brightness according to the frequency of the sound. Bar-like music rhythm light effect)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 绝傲中华 | Hits:
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