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This simulation script set allows for an OFDM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m generates the OFDM signal, saving it as a windows WAV file. This allows the OFDM signal to be played out a sound card and recorded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract the data. settings.m contains all the common settings to specify all the simulation parameters such as FFT size, number of carriers, input data source file, input and output WAV files, etc. -This simulation script set allows for an OF DM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m gen erates the OFDM signal. saving it as a WAV file windows. This allows the O FDM signal to be played out a sound card and recor ded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract t he data. settings.m contains all the common set tings to specify all the simulation parameters such as FFT size, number of carriers, input data source file, input and output WAV files, etc..
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 158kb Publisher : baoruihan

OFDM信号的编码译码仿真,英文说明更详细。-This simulation script set allows for an OFDM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m generates the OFDM signal, saving it as a windows WAV file. This allows the OFDM signal to be played out a sound card and recorded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract the data. settings.m contains all the common settings to specify all the simulation parameters such as FFT size, number of carriers, input data source file, input and output WAV files, etc. See settings.m for more details. Note: The both the receiver and transmitter must have a copy of the input data file, as this is used for calculating the exact number of data words in the transmission. The scripts should work as extracted. Just run imagetx.m to generate the OFDM signal. Then run imagerx.m to decode the signal. The initial settings transmit a wave file Corrs.wav . The decoded OFDM data ( Out.wav ) can be compared with the original data by listening to the two wave files.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 58kb Publisher : 以琳

This simulation script set allows for an OFDM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m generates the OFDM signal, saving it as a windows WAV file. This allows the OFDM signal to be played out a sound card and recorded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract the data.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 176kb Publisher : mike

function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file-function pitchwatch(x,Ts) Plot the pitch keys. pitchwatch(x,[Ts]) :: Syntax The array x is the input signal and Ts is the (optional) sampling period. Example on use: [x,Fs] = wavread( Hum.wav ) pitchwatch(x,1/Fs) :: Information Make your own wav-files with the Windows Sound Recorder. Choose the attributes PCM 8000Hz, 16bit, Mono when saving the wav-file
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 97kb Publisher : michael4u2345

DL : 0
钢琴声音频谱分析,电子音乐合成的源程序 以及合成声音wav文件。 sound spectrum analysis, the synthesis of electronic music synthesis of the sound source, as well as wav files.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.68mb Publisher : huxuec

可以將WAV檔的資訊取出,並且能由TXT檔自創WAV檔,顯示聲音資訊,包含取樣頻率,長度,波形...等等之類-WAV files of information can be removed, and can create their own WAV files from the TXT file, display the sound information, including sampling frequency, length, wave ... and so forth and the like
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : aaron

OFDM系统仿真,包含了发射、信道估计、接受等完整的OFDM系统仿真-his simulation script set allows for an OFDM transmission to be simulated. Imagetx.m generates the OFDM signal, saving it as a windows WAV file. This allows the OFDM signal to be played out a sound card and recorded back. Imagerx.m decodes the WAV to extract the data. settings.m contains all the common settings to specify all the simulation parameters such as FFT size, number of carriers, input data source file, input and output WAV files, etc. See settings.m for more details.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 157kb Publisher : liangjun

转换图像文件程序(方形,为音乐的最高120x120像素)文件(*. WAV和噪音)。你可以看在音乐谱图隐藏的图像 - 过程被称为声音隐秘。 -Program converts image file (square shape, maximum 120x120 pixels) into music file (*.wav, noise). You can watch the hidden image in spectrogram of music- process called sound steganography.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.71mb Publisher : cuijianzhu

to record a sound in wav format and play it
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Fatima Sabir

将背景音乐(交响乐)中的摩斯电码找出并分离出来-morse_code_sound.wav is a mono (1-channel) 11,025 samples per sec, 16-bits per sample, WAV file. There is a morse code signal within the audio file, you should be able to hear it in the background, but it is not very audible (able to be heard). Write a Matlab program to analyze the wav file and determine the narrow range of frequencies occupied by the morse code sound. Then separate the morse code sound into a separate file and the music into a separate file. Write out the separated morse code and the separated music to separate wav files titled your_name_morse.wav and your_name_music.wav
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 453kb Publisher : 张小云

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数字音效处理器以MATLAB为设计平台,有.wav文件的获取、滤波、保存和播放功能。在对声音文件进行基本波形分析和频率分析的基础上,增加了特殊音效的功能,并有8段均衡器可对声音信号进行调节后保存播放。此外还附有语音识别程序。-Digital audio processor uses MATLAB design platform,it has wav file access, filtering, saving and playback function. On the basis of sound files for basic waveform analysis and frequency analysis, it adds special effects features, and an 8-band equalizer to adjust the sound signal after saving play. In addition, there s a speech recognition program.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : Czz

DL : 0
matlab语音批量读取,能批量读取指定文件夹的语音。-get voice in matlab.It can get a list of .wav sound.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 169kb Publisher : 钟嘉瑜
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