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Description: 语音信号的频谱分析,包括采样语音的FFT变换,及倒频谱分析.-Speech signal spectrum analysis, including FFT, voice samples, and cepstrum analysis.
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: leiwi | Hits:


Description: 运行sound_main。先利用声卡采集声音信号,并保存为wav格式文件。然后可以读取wav格式文件,分析其幅度,相位,功率等等。-Run sound_main. Acoustic signals collected by the sound card first, and saved as wav format files. Wav format file can then be read and analyze the amplitude, phase, power and so on.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 冯鑫 | Hits:


Description: Sound analysis usind matlab in order to find environmental sounds and test them to see their analysis
Platform: | Size: 346112 | Author: Eirinaki_gr | Hits:

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