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VC 审讯室监控软件,取下位机时间,温度,湿度,并显示-VC interrogation room monitoring software and removing the crew time, temperature, humidity, and show
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 88kb Publisher : 龙睛鱼

DL : 0
温湿度传感器SHT的AVR ICC源代码-temperature and humidity sensors SHT the AVR ICC source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher :

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msp430温湿度监测系统源码及原理图-MSP430 temperature and humidity monitoring system source code and schematics
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47kb Publisher :

DL : 1
这是单片机驱动温湿度传感器SHT11温湿度传感器的源代码,在程序中,有传感器温度计算,湿度计算,湿度补偿,露点计算,驱动的时序是用IO口模拟的-This is a single-chip temperature and humidity sensor-driven temperature and humidity sensors SHT11 source code, in the proceedings, there are temperature sensors, the humidity, the humidity compensation, dew point, the timing is driven simulation IO mouth
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 149kb Publisher : 廖芳宇

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一款电力行业使用的温湿度控制器源代码 湿度传感器采用HF3223 温度采用DS18B20 单片机采用mega8 编程采用winavr2007-A power industry temperature and humidity controllers used in the source code used HF3223 temperature humidity sensor using single-chip microcomputer used mega8 programming DS18B20 used winavr2007
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 279kb Publisher : Harvard

SHT10数字温湿度传感器,可以直接与单片机接口,接口简单,提供c源代码程序-SHT10 digital temperature and humidity sensors, can interface directly with the single-chip microcomputer, interface is simple, to provide the source code program c
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1018kb Publisher : li

一个温湿度控制的全部源程序,主要是介绍传感器SHT10的接口源代码。单片机是8051系列-A temperature and humidity control of all source code, mainly the introduction SHT10 sensor interface source code. 8051 series are single-chip
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : jiao

基于PIC16F877 温湿度控制器原代码及原理图PCB图-PIC16F877 based on temperature and humidity controller source code and PCB schematic diagram
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 449kb Publisher : 胡兵

现用的产品源码。对外部的高分子湿敏电阻和温度传感器进行冲放电方式采样,对数据并打包后,设计了一套单总线协议提供给用户使用。-Products are used in source code. Resistance to external humidity and temperature of the polymer sensors sample charge and discharge mode, the data package, the design of a single bus protocol available to the users.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 57kb Publisher : 宁佐文

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139个单片机源代码程序和仿真图(DSN),用proteus仿真,学习单片机绝佳的程序。例如:《lcd1602仿真实例》、2io5键盘模拟音量数码管显示、4线步进电机控制、8通道自动温度检测系统仿真(含原程序)、32X16LED汉字点阵显示屏(atmega16)、32x16汉字、DS18B20仿真实例、PWM电机正反转、PWM调温、SPI演示文件两个595对接、ULN2803、播放音乐、代码大全中文版[1]、单片机控制的电动自行车驱动系统、单片机实验29个、俄罗斯方块、刚做好的十个字的led屏模拟有程序、搞得一个温湿度传感器电路、混合电压系统设计、基于PROTEUS的推箱子游戏、流水灯-139 microcontroller source code program and simulation diagram (DSN), with proteus simulation, learning microcontroller excellent program. For example: "lcd1602 simulation of real- Cases ", 2io5 keyboard analog volume digital tube display, 4 wire stepper motor control, 8-channel automatic temperature detection system simulation (including the original program), 32X16LED character dot-matrix display (atmega16), 32x16 characters, DS18B20 simulation example, PWM motor positive inversion, PWM thermostat, SPI presentation files 2 595 docking, ULN2803, music, code complete Chinese version [1], microcontroller-controlled electric bicycle drive system, single-chip experiment 29 Months, the Russian box, just do a good job in 10 words led screen simulation of process gets to a temperature and humidity sensor circuit, mixed-voltage system design, based on the PROTEUS the Sokoban game, water lights ... ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20.8mb Publisher : tong

仓库温湿度的监测系统的源代码程序和PROTEUS仿真电路图-Warehouse temperature and humidity monitoring system for source code programs and PROTEUS simulation circuit
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 491kb Publisher : wwww

此为温湿度传感器源代码,用于测量温度和湿度,误差范围小,很实用-The source code for the temperature and humidity sensors for measuring temperature and humidity, the error range is small, very practical
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : xiaotianhong

温湿度传感器的源代码可以数字显示温湿度,程序具有较完整的说面,可供大家参考-The source code of the temperature and humidity sensors can be digital display temperature and humidity, the program has a more complete surface of said available
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 60kb Publisher : wuxiaohui

此温湿度测量系统是基于单线式温度传感器DS18B20、电容式湿度传感器,单片机STC89C52 对温度湿度分别测量并通过液晶显示屏1602经行显示。里面包含了源程序,说明文件和仿真电路图。-Temperature and humidity measurement system is based on the one-wire temperature sensor DS18B20, capacitive humidity sensors, microcontroller STC89C52 temperature and humidity were measured and 1602 by the line LCD display. Which contains the source code, documentation and circuit simulation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 794kb Publisher : 赵文轩

数字温湿度传感器的操作C语言源代码(STM8S单片机) 带数据传送超时检测 校验合判断 应用于加湿器-Digital temperature and humidity sensor operating C language source code (STM8S microcontroller) with data transfer the timeout detection checksum aggregate judgment applied to humidifier
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 黎彪

本文档介绍了用USB来做一个温湿度计,内容包含资料及源码-This document describes the use of USB to do a hygrometer, contains information and source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.57mb Publisher : 盛亮

各种温湿度控制器,有pcb板,源代码,说明书等各种资料。-A variety of information on the various temperature and humidity control, there pcb board, source code, manuals, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.77mb Publisher : zp

该程序主要是用来实现传感器SHT15的温湿度测量,程序比较简单,但是如果要结合无线通信来使用的话,可能会复杂一点,就需要您自己添加程序了-The program is mainly used to achieve sensor SHT15 temperature and humidity measurements, the procedure is relatively simple, but if you want to use a combination of wireless communication, it may be a bit more complex, you need to add a program of your own
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 曾人之

温湿度传感器DTH11官方源代码,C语言编写-Temperature and humidity sensor DTH11 official source code, C language
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : AttTiv

DL : 0
单片机程序DHT11温湿度检测,包括源程序、原理图、实物照片等-SCM procedures DHT11 temperature and humidity testing, including source code, schematics, and other real photos! ! ! !
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.53mb Publisher : kkk
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