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熟悉source insight的应该都知道其宏功能的强大吧。这是我自己精心修改的宏配置,共享给大家。主要是实现了几个精美的注释和插入当前时间(如06:35pm,30.Jul.2009)等。你可以根据自己的需求稍作修改(如作者名)。 使用说明: 可以实现在sourceinsight中快速添加修改注释。 1. Project->Open Project... 打开Base工程(该工程一般在我的文档\\Source Insight\\Projects\\Base中) 2. 搜索utils.em 里的字串"Sirius" 改成自己的姓名 3. Project->Add and Remove Project Files... 加入宏文件(即utils.em) 4. Options->Menu Assignments 打开Menu Assignments窗口, 在Command中输入Macro, 选中要使用的宏(SingleLineComment ,MultiLineCommentHeader,MultiLineCommentEnd), 添加到合适的菜单中.-Familiar with the source insight should all know the power of its macro function now. This is my own macros carefully modified configuration, for everyone to share. Mainly to achieve a number of beautiful note and insert the current time (eg 06:35 pm, 30.Jul.2009) and so on. You can according to their own needs with some slight modifications (such as author name). Usage: can be added quickly in sourceinsight modify Notes. 1. Project-> Open Project ... to open Base project (the project in general in my documents \ \ Source Insight \ \ Projects \ \ Base in) 2. Utils.em search string in the " Sirius" into their own name 3. Project-> Add and Remove Project Files ... adding macros file (that is, utils.em) 4. Options-> Menu Assignments Open Menu Assignments window, enter in the Command in Macro, select the macro to be used ( SingleLineComment, MultiLineCommentHeader, MultiLineCommentEnd), added to the appropriate menu.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : Charlie
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