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[Other resourcec51模拟串口通讯

Description: 51在多机通讯时可采用此方式,3线式,忙时可无限等待,闲时传输速率高-51 in the multi-machine communication use this form, a three-line, busy waiting for an unlimited time, in his spare time high speeds
Platform: | Size: 2070 | Author: 徐中阳 | Hits:

[OS programbuddy_算法

Description: Buddy(伙伴)算法每次分配包含一个或者多个物理页面的内存块,页面以2的次幂的内存块来分配。首先搜寻满足请求大小的页面,它从满足当前申请大小的Buddy数据结构的m_ freePages域着手沿链来搜索空闲页面。如果没有这样请求大小的空闲页面,则它搜索两倍于请求大小的内存块。这个过程一直将持续到所有的Buddy 被搜索完或找到满足要求的内存块为。如果找到的页面块大于请求的块则对其进行分割以使其大小与请求块匹配。由于块大小都是2的次幂所以分割过程十分简单:空闲块(低地址)被连进相应大小的队列而这个页面块被分配给调用者。 释放时,先检查该块的伙伴的使用情况,如果没有被使用,则合并这对Buddy,再检查该两倍大小的块的Buddy,一直持续到合并后的块没有Buddy为止,并将之链到该大小的freepage队列中。-Buddy (partners) each allocation algorithm contains a number of physical pages or blocks of memory, two pages to the Powers of the block of memory to allocate. First of all search requests to meet the size of pages, from the application to meet the current size of the data structure Buddy 8 freePages domain proceed along the chain to search leisure pages. If no such request size spare pages, which then search request twice the size of a memory block. This process has to continue until all the Buddy Search End or were found to meet the requirements for the memory block. If found in the pages block greater than the requested block is divided in its size and make it the request block matching. As pieces are the two Powers So segmentation process is very simple : free block (low-address) was e
Platform: | Size: 4311 | Author: npu | Hits:

[Other resource鞋塑企业的计件工资系统

Description: 这是我在去年年底利用业余时间做的一个鞋塑企业的计件工资系统。由于本人技术有限,请各位下载看过源码的同仁能给些建议,谢谢了。 我的Email:softboy@vip.sina.com QQ:9844389 验证信息:DFW,谢谢了!以下我说一下使用源码注意项: 1、Windows2000 Professional SP3、DELPHI 6.0、SQL Server2000的开发环境; 2、开发目录为:D:PieceRate,数据库备份存放于Data目录中,还原SQL Server后名为PieceRate; 3、目前客户3站点在使用,初次运行时服务器名、客户机名的设置大家应该会吧,不会就QQ吧。 4、里面有大量数量,数据日期为2003年1月份的,所以大家查看统计时要注意日期,如果统计全部人员的数据耗时会比较长一些; 5、统计大部分使用了存储过程; 6、使用了Devexpress Quantum、LxMenu、Reportmachine等控件; 7、二用户密码均为1; 8、此源码献给DELPHI最初级者学习使用,如果您认为您是高手或看过源码后觉得垃圾一堆,您可立即删除。但也欢迎您给我建议。 9、谢谢! -This is my last year to use their spare time to do a plastic shoes enterprise piece-rate wage system. Because my limited skills, please read the source code download colleagues give suggestions, I thank the. My Email : softboy@vip.sina.com QQ : 9844389 certification information : DFW, thank you! I talk about attention to the use of FOSS in : 1, Windows 2000 Professional SP3, Delphi 6.0, SQL Server 2000 development environment; 2, the development of Contents : D : PieceRate, database backup storage in the Data directory and restore SQL Server named after PieceRate; 3, Head former customers in the use of three sites, the initial operation server name, client name we should set Goodbye, it will not QQ. 4, where a lot of volume data for the period January 2003, so we have to look at the statis
Platform: | Size: 1890725 | Author: 何云 | Hits:

[Other resource200554155727991

Description: vb编的计算机设备管功能简介如下: 一、配件类管理: 1.配件入库 2.库存配件修改 3.库存配件删除 4.库存配件报损 5.库存配件分类查询 6.库存配件报表 7.以损坏配件分类查询 8.损坏配件送保 9.损坏配件修复 10.损坏配件报废 11.已报废坏件查询 12.废件还原 13.清空废件 14.库存零配件维修历史记录跟踪 二、整机类管理: 1.整机组装 2.整机维修 3.整机配置综合调整 4.库存整机分类查询 5.库存整机报表 6.整机坏件更换历史记录跟踪 三、数据库维护管理: 1.数据库备份 2.数据库还原 四、用户操作类追踪: 1.配件操作追踪 2.整机操作追踪 3.数据库维护操作追踪 4.用户资料操作追踪 五、用户信息类管理: 1.用户注册 2.修改/删除用户 3.用户切换理系统 包括整机入库,-vb series of the computer equipment control functions are described below : 1, accessories category management : 1. Arsenal 2 accessories. Three parts inventory changes. Four stocks accessories deleted. Stocks accessories reportedly damaged 5. Spare parts inventory classification inquiries 6. Seven stocks accessories statements. Damage to accessories - Classes 8. damage to send Bao 9 accessories. 10 repair damaged parts. damage accessories scrap 11. bad has spent 12 pieces of inquiries. waste Reduction 13. waste emptied 14. maintenance spare parts inventory tracking two historical records, the management unit category : 1. unit 2 assembly. the whole three aircraft maintenance. integrated unit configuration adjustments 4. inventory classification inquiries unit 5. inventory unit statements
Platform: | Size: 300282 | Author: 雪梦 | Hits:

[Other resourcesdram

Description: sdram控制器 这里考虑将SDRAM控制器结合目前项目开展来做相应的模块,而不做SDRAM通用控制器,这样也是考虑了FPGA的器件资源而采取的措施。同时编写的逻辑简单,没有多余的逻辑资源有利于提高控制器的速度,满足最后的设计要求。-SDRAM controller here consider SDRAM controller current projects do the corresponding module, but not so common SDRAM controller, as well as consider the FPGA device resources and the measures taken. While the preparation of simple logic, the logic is no spare resources to improve the speed controller to meet the final design requirements.
Platform: | Size: 3806 | Author: 林博 | Hits:


Description: 1. 存储管理采用可变分区方式。可变分区方式是按作业需要的主存空间大小来分配分区的。当作业装入主存时,根据主存的需要量察看有无足够的空间分配,若有,则按需要量分配一个分区给该作业;若无,则作业不能装入。随着作业的装入,撤离,主存被分成许多分区,有的占用,而有的是空闲的。 2. 存储分配分别采用首次适应算法、最佳适应算法和最差适应算法。 3. 当一个新作业要求装入主存时,查找空闲区表,从中找出一个足够大的空闲区。若找到大于作业需要量的空闲区,则把它分成二部分,一部分为占用区,另一部分又成为一个空闲区。 4. 当一个作业撤离时,归还的区域如果与其他空闲区相邻,则应合并成一个较大的空闲区,登在空闲区表中。 5. 本实验是模拟主存分配,按照存储分配算法设计主存分配和回收程序,并不实际启动装入作业。 -1. Storage management through the use of Variable way. Variable area by way of operational requirements is the main deposit size space to be allocated to the district. When loading operations at the main deposit, the owners of the deposit requirement to see whether enough space allocation, if so, according to a regional distribution requirements for the operation; If no, operation can not be loaded. With the loading operations, evacuation, the main deposit is divided into many districts, some occupied, while others are idle. 2. Storage allocation were used to adapt the first algorithm, the best adaptation algorithm and the worst adaptation algorithms. 3. When a new operational requirements of the main deposit loaded when you spare the District table to find a large enough free zone. If fou
Platform: | Size: 15319 | Author: 王阳 | Hits:


Description: 这是本人最近利用业余时间变得,本人最近初学c语言,希望大家指教-This is the use of spare time I have recently become, I recently beginners c language, we hope the exhibitions
Platform: | Size: 7686 | Author: 利好 | Hits:

[Other resourcemo例子5

Description: 利用mo和vb 编写的图形处理的例子,读者可以自己更改,自己动手实验!-use mo and vb prepared by the graphics processing example, readers can change themselves, their spare time!
Platform: | Size: 3393 | Author: 何学洲 | Hits:

[OS programGroupLink

Description: 操作系统试验:模拟UNIX空闲磁盘空间管理-OS test : simulated UNIX spare disk space management
Platform: | Size: 4949 | Author: yang | Hits:

[OS DevelopLinuxGroupMan

Description: Unix 成组链接法 模拟UNIX系统的空闲块成组链接法,实现磁盘存储空间的管理-Unix Group Links UNIX System Simulation of spare pieces Group link, disk storage space to achieve the management
Platform: | Size: 37451 | Author: 戴其蓬 | Hits:


Description: 汽车零配件的库存管理系统,能根据进价和销售价格计算利润。-of automobiles and spare parts inventory management system, according to Purchasing Price sales prices and profits.
Platform: | Size: 588738 | Author: 费文龙 | Hits:

[Other resourcellk3

Description: 业余时间可以给我们的生活带来乐趣,使我们的生活丰富多彩.-spare time we have to bring the fun of life so that our life colorful.
Platform: | Size: 1122699 | Author: hxlhxl2008 | Hits:


Description: 在资料浩瀚的互联网中,却找不到一份最新的Mysql4.0.13与Tomcat4.1.24的整合配置文档。 在自己工作之余,总结了自己搭建JSP环境的实际经验并参照以前版本Mysql、Tomcat相关配置文章, 写了这篇配置文档。希望能给和我一样喜欢JAVA的广大初学者以作参考,以期少走些弯路;水平有限加之时间仓促,欢迎斧正!-information in the vast Internet, but one can not find a copy of the latest Mysql4.0.13 Tomcat4.1.24 integration and configuration files . In his spare time, he summed up his own structures JSP environment and in the light of actual experience of the previous version Mysql, Tomcat configuration related articles, writing the configuration file. And I hope that will give Java Like the vast reference for beginners to take fewer more detours; the fact that time is limited to rush to welcome Jackie!
Platform: | Size: 1819231 | Author: 小龙 | Hits:


Description: 自己利用业余时间写的图象数据库源码,可以保存BMP和JPEG图象至数据库。还支持BMP<->JPEG图象格式的转换,很实用!-use their spare time to write the source image database, can be preserved for BMP and JPEG images to the database. Also supports BMP
Platform: | Size: 905403 | Author: 甫子 | Hits:

[Data structsjiqishejixiuzheng

Description: 某机器由n个部件组成,每一个部件可从 个供应商那里购得。设 是从供应商 那里购得的零件 的重量, 为该零件的成本。试设计一个回溯算法,给出总成本不超过 的最小重量机器设计,并分析算法的复杂度。-A machine by the n-components, each component can be purchased where suppliers. Set is purchased from suppliers of parts of the weight of the spare parts costs. Test the design of a backtracking algorithm, given the total cost does not exceed the minimum weight of the machine design and analysis of algorithm complexity.
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: me | Hits:


Description: NAND flash spare area assignment
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: 郑臣鑫 | Hits:


Description: 用于生产企业设备备件管理系统,能够快速查找备件存放处和备件异常提示-Used in the production of business equipment, spare parts management system, able to quickly find spare parts and spare parts repository anomaly prompted
Platform: | Size: 657408 | Author: tomshan | Hits:

[transportation applicationsthe_mending_system_of_cars

Description: 本程序是一个汽车维修企业的管理系统.完成的功能主要有以下几个方面:(1)系统信息的管理,包括用户密码的修改,用户的添加等。(2)基本信息的管理,包括配件的管理,汽车类别的设置等。(3)进货信息的管理,包括入库单的管理以及进货单信息的查询等。(4)维修信息的管理,包括维修单的管理以及维修信息的查询等。(5)库存信息的管理,包括转仓单的管理,配件盘点和转仓信息的查询等。(6)财务信息管理,包括应收信息的管理、应付信息的管理等。-This procedure is a vehicle maintenance enterprise management system. The function of the completion of the following areas: (1) information management system, including user password changes, add users, etc.. (2) the management of basic information, including the management of parts, cars and other types of settings. (3) purchase of information management, including storage management, as well as single query, such as information进货单. (4) maintenance of information management, including management and maintenance of a single query, such as maintenance information. (5) the management of inventory information, including the transfer of management of warehouse receipts, spare parts inventory and warehouse information to inquiries. (6) the financial information management, including accounts receivable management information to meet the information management.
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: wangwei | Hits:

[Other Embeded programSpare_assignment_recommendation

Description: Samsung NAND flash Spare assignment recommendation
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: Jack Tsai | Hits:

[SCMCatalogZP Tohatsu-M5

Description: directory of spare parts for the boat motor Tohatsu 5
Platform: | Size: 3404800 | Author: nik71 | Hits:
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