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Energy detection based cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
Update : 2011-04-29 Size : 679.58kb Publisher : kevinshu

A Survey of Spectrum Sensing Algorithms The spectrum sensing problem has gained new aspects with cognitive radio and opportunistic spectrum access concepts. It is one of the most challenging issues in cognitive radio systems. In this paper, a survey of spectrum sensing methodologies for cognitive radio is presented. Various aspects of spectrum sensing problem are studied from a cognitive radio perspective and multi-dimensional spectrum sensing concept is introduced. Challenges associated with spectrum sensing are given and enabling spectrum sensing methods are reviewed. The paper explains the cooperative sensing concept and its various forms. External sensing algorithms and other alternative sensing methods are discussed. Furthermore, statistical modeling of network traffic and utilization of these models for prediction of primary user behavior is studied. Finally, sensing features of some current wireless standards are given.
Update : 2012-02-22 Size : 442.87kb Publisher : chenpeng3361

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这是关于认知无线电的频谱感知仿真的文章 挺好的 比较详细-This is on the spectrum sensing cognitive radio simulation of a more detailed article, very good
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : shaoweijian

认知无线电中频谱感知是其应用的基础和前提,文章是最新频谱感知的形式-Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio applications is the basis and premise, the article is the latest form of spectrum sensing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.73mb Publisher : 张玉

Spectrum sensing is a key technology in Cognitive Radio (CR). It provides the CR system with available vacant channels list by sensing the spectrum environment over a wide frequency band. However, local sensing by single node will be compromised if the sensing node experiences shadowing or fading effect. Cooperative spectrum sensing is derived to solve this problem
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 330kb Publisher : phong

认知无线电频谱感知算法综述2009.对主流感知算法进行了介绍,引入了多维频谱感知算法。-The spectrum sensing problem has gained new aspects with cognitive radio and opportunistic spectrum access concepts. It is one of the most challenging issues in cognitive radio systems. In this paper, a survey of spectrum sensing methodologies for cognitive radio is presented.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 441kb Publisher : zhou

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认知无线电中频谱感知技术的两种频谱检测方法-Two kinds of spectrum detection methods of spectrum sensing technology in cognitive radio
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : wushuang

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cognitive radio model as in an efficient Discovery of Spectrum Opportunities with MAC-Layer Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : sahar

认知无线电频谱检测优秀硕士论文(电子科技大学)非常详细 对于初学者和深入研究要发论文的同学都有帮助-spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.65mb Publisher : 小刚

认知无线电中频谱感知技术的AM信号能量检测技术和周期平稳检测技术-Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio technologies AM signal energy detection and cyclostationary detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 葛海

无线通信中的认知无线电协作频谱感知方针代码-simulation code for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 肖鹏

DL : 0
基于能量检测的频谱感知.由于实际信道中的多径和阴影效应,单个认知用户频谱感知的性能受到影响,因此需要靠不同用户间的协同频谱感知来对抗多径和阴影效应。本设计要求在文中采用一种协作机制,即两用户进行协作频谱感知,提高主用户的检测率,减少检测时间,并且得到捷变增益。要求给出仿真结果。-spectrum sensing in cognitive radio based on energy detection.As the channels in diameter and shadow, not a single user spectrum of capabilities and therefore need different between a user to the spectrum is perceived as more and the effect. this design for the use of a coordination mechanism, the two users collaborate spectrum, the detection rate of increase and decrease the test of time and get a change requires immediate gain. some emulation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 275kb Publisher : 林熙怡

DL : 0
matched filter detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Ritesh chanchal

认知无线电技术中频谱感知中的能量感知仿真代码。-Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio technology in the power aware simulation code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 孙璇

基于双门限的协作能量检测方法以及Dempster-Shafer理论-Double Threshold Energy Detection of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 646kb Publisher : 陈蓝天

一篇很好的关于认知无线电协作频谱感知方面的英文资料,具有很高的参考价值。-A good collaboration on spectrum sensing in cognitive radio information in English, with a high reference value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 556kb Publisher : feixiang

video on spectrum sensing in cognitive radio
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.27mb Publisher : ahmed

paper Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Multidimensional Correlations 2014
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 387kb Publisher : noble

This book is primarily designed for senior undergraduate students, postgraduates, researchers, and industry personnel working in the areas of signal processing, nextgeneration wireless communication, and detection and estimation. The book will introduce readers to cognitive radio and the recent research in its main functionality, that is, spectrum sensing. The cognitive radio is the essential enabling technology for next-generation wireless communication like 5G and beyond. It guides the readers from the basic spectrum sensing algorithm for narrowband spectrum sensing to the more advanced wideband spectrum sensing, including cooperative sensing. In addition to that, the book discusses practical issues associated with implementing them in practice, like fading and noise uncertainty. Each chapter is equipped with rich mathematical proofs and derivations. We have also added appendices to help readers understand and derive the equations used in different chapters of the book.
Update : 2021-12-24 Size : 7.28mb Publisher : nedjma

Spectrum sensing is critically important for cognitive radio, an emerging solution to the spectrum congestion and low usage of licensed spectrum. Energy detection is a promising low-complexity and low-cost spectrum sensing technique. Its performance analysis has been revisited extensively in the recent literature. This book thus aims at a comprehensive summary of recent research on energy detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. This book is for researchers and engineers in both industry and academia who would like to know more about applications of energy detection.
Update : 2021-12-24 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : nedjma
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