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语音识别与合成工具箱.具有如下功能:时域分析,频域分析,LPC分析与合成等.-speech recognition and synthesis toolkit. Have the following functions : time-domain analysis and frequency domain analysis, LPC analysis and synthesis.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : 侯强

简单LPC-n声码器与声激励LPC声码器语音编码合成;-simple LPC-n vocoder and voice-excited LPC vocoder synthesis speech coding
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 327kb Publisher : menger

本文提出了一种利用MBE 模型改进的低速率LPC 语音编码算法文中介绍了该算法 的参数提取量化编码及语音合成的具体方案并用C 语言构造了一个基于该算法的速率 为1.6kb/s 的语音编码/解码系统主观测听表明该系统性能与2.4kb/s 的MELP 算法接近 或相当-In this paper, a LPC algorithm in low bit rate speech coding improved by MBE model is presented. The detailed schemes of parameter extraction, quantization, coding, and speech synthesis are introduced. In addition, a 1.6kb/s speech coding/decoding system based on this algorithm is constructed with language C. By subjective evaluation, it is concluded that the performance of this system approaches or corresponds to that of 2.4kb/s MELP algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 441kb Publisher : lu

DL : 0
语音信号使用lpc线性预测法识别并提取共振峰,共振峰提取技术是语音识别和语音合成的关键。-Using lpc line estimate method identifies and withdraws the resonance in speech signal, the technique of resonance withdraws is the key of the speech understanding and speech synthesis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 511kb Publisher : 王丽

Levison-Durbin 语音信号处理中的线性预测编码LPC 理论、格型滤波器以及求解现行预 测方程的算法,可以实现对语音信号重要元素的分析、合成甚至识别。 基于现有的实验平台,我们可以利用 Matlab 函数来获得几个固定语音元素(如元音) 的模型系数,LPC 得到的系数组成 IIR 滤波器。利用冲击脉冲 序列作为输入,我们就可以得到原来的语音。这是一种简单的语音合成功能。-Levison-Durbin speech signal processing in linear predictive coding LPC theory, lattice filters, as well as the current prediction equation solving algorithm, can achieve an important element of the speech signal analysis, synthesis or recognition. Based on the existing experimental platform, we can use Matlab function to obtain the number of fixed-voice elements (such as vowels) model coefficients, LPC coefficients are the composition of IIR filters. Shock pulse sequence used as input, we can get the original voice. This is a simple voice synthesis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 277kb Publisher : Ender Lee

基于LPC的语音合成,可以实现变调变速功能,附带注释便于学习。-LPC-based speech synthesis, can achieve modulation speed function, annotated easy to learn.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : lifei

LNCS 3285 - Introducing Pitch Modification in Residual Excited LPC Based Tamil Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : tunee

DL : 1
语音信号的LPC参数提取及合成,可以提取基音及残差信号-LPC parameters of speech signal extraction and synthesis, and the residual signal can be extracted pitch
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : 方蕾

VOICEBOX: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB LPC Analysis of Speech Speech Synthesis Speech Enhancement Speech Recognition-VOICEBOX is a speech processing toolbox consists of MATLAB routines . LPC Analysis of Speech Speech Synthesis Speech Enhancement Speech Recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : Rui

SPTK是一套语音信号处理工具为UNIX环境中,如LPC分析,PARCOR分析、LSP分析,PARCOR合成过滤器,LSP合成过滤器,矢量量化技术,以及其他扩展的版本。-SPTK is a suite of speech signal processing tools for UNIX environments, e.g., LPC analysis, PARCOR analysis, LSP analysis, PARCOR synthesis filter, LSP synthesis filter, vector quantization techniques, and other extended versions of them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.06mb Publisher : 石中华

c语言写的wav音频文件简单处理函数源码,包括wav_io处理,提取lpc系数、plar系数,可用于语音识别和合成中。可直接调用。-wav audio files simple c language handler source, including wav_io processing, extraction lpc coefficient plar coefficient, can be used for speech recognition and synthesis. Can be called directly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : lvchao

用matlab实现语音合成,并修改基频、lpc、lsp参数,使合成质量有所提高-Using matlab speech synthesis, and modify the baseband, lpc, lsp parameters, the quality has improved synthesis
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 莫芊韵

语音分析合成Matlab工具箱,用于语音编码,语音解码,语音DSP数字化处理,LPC,MELP,PCM,CEP-VOICEBOX is a MATLAB toolbox for speech processing. Speech synthesis analysis Matlab Toolbox for speech coding, speech decoding, digital voice processing DSP, LPC, MELP, PCM, CEP ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 588kb Publisher : lcd

一个带用户界面的matlab语音合成和识别的程序,MainGuide01.fig通过提取MFCC,用dtw来计算实时录音和模板之间的最小距离,给出识别结果,并且给出波形图,频谱图,语谱图。MainGuide02.fig是语音合成程序,通过load一个wav文件用LPC,残差和pitch两种方式进行合成,并且能实时听合成语音的效果。-This is an simple user interface program including speech recoginition and speech synthesis.MainGuide01.fig extracting MFCC and using DTW to calculate the minimum distance between the real-time recording and templates , the recognition results are achieved, and the waveform diagram, FFT result , spectrum diagram are shown. MainGuide02.fig is a speech synthesis program, it load a wav file using LPC, synthesis by the residuals or by pitch two ways, you can listen to synthesized speech effect in the real time .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 357kb Publisher : 袁斌

线性预测分析是最有效的语音分析技术之一,在语音编码、语音合成、语音识别和说话 人识别等语音处理领域中得到了广泛的应用。语音线性预测的基本思想是:一个语音信号的 抽样值可以用过去若干个取样值的线性组合来逼近。通过使实际语音抽样值与线性预测抽样 值的均方误差达到最小,可以确定唯一的一组线性预测系数。-Linear predictive analysis is one of the most effective voice analysis technology has been widely applied in the field of speech processing speech coding, speech synthesis, speech recognition and speaker recognition and the like. The basic idea of ​ ​ linear prediction of speech is: a voice signal sample values ​ ​ can be approximated by a linear combination of a plurality of sample values ​ ​ of the past. By making the actual speech sample mean square error of the value of the smallest linear prediction sample values, to determine a unique set of linear prediction coefficients.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher : tabob

这个MATLAB构建一个锻炼LPC声码器,即,执行LPC分析和合成语音文件,导致合成语音近似原始的演讲。LPC分析使用一个标准的自相关分析来确定LPC系数的设置,一帧一帧的基础上,以及框架获得。一个独立的分析方法(cepstral螺距内检测器)把每一帧的言论是要么表示演讲(时间由cepstral峰值的位置在指定范围的音调时期)或无声的言论(模拟随机噪声帧)0帧基音周期的样本。独立的分析提供了一个两国并存的激发函数LPC合成处理的一部分,包括一系列的脉冲(表示帧期间)和/或噪声序列(在无声的帧)。-This MATLAB exercise builds an LPC vocoder, i.e., performs LPC analysis and synthesis on a speech file, resulting in a synthetic speech approximation to the original speech. The LPC analysis uses a standard autocorrelation analysis to determine the sets of LPC coefficients, on a frame-by-frame basis, along with the frame-based gain. An independent analysis method (a cepstral pitch period detector) classifies each frame of speech as being either voiced speech (with period determined by the location of the cepstral peak in a designated range of pitch periods) or unvoiced speech (simulated by a random noise frame) with a frame pitch period of 0 samples. The independent analysis provides a two-state excitation function for the LPC synthesis part of the processing, consisting of a series of pitch pulses (during voiced frames) and/or noise sequences (during unvoiced frames). The file 5.13 LPC Vocoder.pdf provides a User s Guide for this exercise.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.38mb Publisher : wujin

Linear-Predictive-Coder MATLAB Implementation of LPC algorithm for speech signal # Why LPC? In communication systems it is often necessary to transmit audio(speech) signal in compressed or encoded form because of bandwidth limitation of the channel. In this regard, ‘Linear predictive coding(LPC)’ is an effctive method of speech coding at a low bit-rate. # Features ** Analysis/Encoding phase,Synthesis/Decoding phase. **Human voice modelled with all-pole filter. ** LPC parameters(filter coefficients, pitch, gain etc) extraction at the decoding phase. ** Non-overlapping frames of 30 milliseconds in duration # How To Run ** Make sure MATLAB(latest version) is installed ** Put both files(LPC.m with .mp3 file) in the same folder ** Open LPC.m file and run it. ## Comments Different audio (.mp3) files can be coded/decoded by changing the input file name in the code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : japaoli

利用MATLAB执行LPC分析和合成语音文件和显示原始语音信号通过滤波,提取LPC的错误(激发)信号,然后使用逆LPC的滤波误差信号,可以完全恢复原始语音信号。-This MATLAB exercise performs LPC analysis and synthesis on a speech file and shows that by filtering the original speech signal, extracting the LPC error (excitation) signal, and then using the inverse LPC filter on the error signal, the original speech signal can be recovered exactly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.9mb Publisher : 付晓强

lpc synthesis for speech generation in matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15kb Publisher : kath
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