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[Game Server SimulatorEVEmu-0.2

Description: EVE Online模拟器源码,采用C++编写 编译环境 real linux (not cygwin) gcc 3.3 mysql 4.1 32 bit 相比上个版本服务端增加一些功能,配合对应的数据库,可以架设成功 客户端请使用美版3913客户端-EVE Online simulator source code, C compiler environment to prepare real linux (not cygwin) gcc 3.3 mysql 4.1 32 bit compared to the previous version of the server for additional functions, with the corresponding database, it was built client please use the 3913 version of the U.S. client
Platform: | Size: 1741824 | Author: LSW555 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSQL_USE

Description: 很好的SQL自学教程,Word格式,做注释比较容易吆。-good self-SQL Directory, Word format, so relatively easy Notes newsletter.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 3、使用如下命令更改密码: shell> mysqladmin -u root -p password ‘newpass’ Enter Password:******* 出现Enter Password的提示后输入原来的密码oldpass即可。 读者可以尝试其它所有本章介绍的方法。 4、首先以root用户的身份连接到服务器: shell> mysql -u root -p Enter password:******* 出现Enter password提后输入root用户的密码,然后即进入mysql客户机的交互模式,可以看到下面的提示: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 3.23.25-beta-log Type help or \h for help. Type \c to clear the buffer mysql> 然后发布查询,直接键入题目中的语句: mysql> SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user -3, use the following command to change the password: shell> mysqladmin-u root-p password newpass Enter Password :******* the Enter Password prompt appears enter the original password after you oldpass. Readers can try all other methods described in this chapter. 4, first of all to root the identity of the user to connect to the server: shell> mysql-u root-p Enter password :******* appear Enter password to enter the root after the user s password, and then entering the mysql client interactive mode , we can see the following prompt: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with or g.Your MySQL connection id is 4 to server version: 3.23.25-beta-logType help or h for help. Type c to clear the buffermysql> and then release inquiries, directly type the subject of statement: mysql> SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user
Platform: | Size: 22449152 | Author: qwli | Hits:


Description: oracle sql语句优化 hawk 收集,与大家一起分享-oracle sql statement optimization hawk collection, and the U.S. share
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: hawk | Hits:

[Database systemListCtrlToExcel

Description: 以SQL语句从数据库里查询出记录,并输出到EXCEL中,这下好了,我们要从数据库里出报表就方便多了,先把数据取出来,再在大家熟悉的EXCEL里下进行后期处理就可以了[注:这是源代码,需要编译]。-SQL statement to query from the database of records, and output to EXCEL, which under the Well, from the database of our statements on the much more convenient, first out data, and then in the U.S. familiar with EXCEL in the late treatment under can be a [Note: This is the source code, the need for the compiler].
Platform: | Size: 246784 | Author: 达达 | Hits:


Description: 新闻管理系统,jsp sql 请大家放心下载 研究研究-News Management System, jsp sql download, please rest assured that U.S. studies
Platform: | Size: 2030592 | Author: 杨平 | Hits:

[WEB Codexyl

Description: asp+sql的校友录 是青青校园版的 请大家下载-asp+ sql alumni recorded version of the campus is green, please download the U.S.
Platform: | Size: 608256 | Author: 他他 | Hits:

[SQL ServerSQLCDkey

Description: SQL2000最好的破解KEY 大家一起来-SQL2000 best to break up one U.S. KEY
Platform: | Size: 652288 | Author: | Hits:

[SQL Serverjiudianguanli

Description: 适合毕业设计用,vb+sql2000.有什么意见大家提出来啊!我会改进。-Suitable for graduate design, vb+ Sql2000. What are the opinions of U.S. propose to ah! I will improve.
Platform: | Size: 410624 | Author: 张建新 | Hits:

[Windows Developxueshengxinxiguanli1

Description: 学生成绩管理系统,适合毕业设计用,vb+sql2000.有什么意见大家提出来啊!我会改进。谢谢 -Student achievement management system, designed for graduates, vb+ Sql2000. What are the opinions of U.S. propose to ah! I will improve. Thanks
Platform: | Size: 365568 | Author: 张建新 | Hits:

[Hotel software systemJIUDIANGUANLI

Description: 用VB做的,酒店管理系统课程设计,希望可以帮到大家!-Using VB to do, and hotel management system, curriculum design, the desire to help the U.S.!
Platform: | Size: 436224 | Author: jiancai | Hits:


Description: 用于SQL注入式攻击,里面提供了多种方法,供给大家学习参考-For SQL injection attacks, which offers a variety of methods, reference supply U.S. study
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 陈巧莹 | Hits:


Description: 新闻发布系统,jsp,java,sql,大家快来下载呀-Press Release System, jsp, java, sql, U.S. Come and download it
Platform: | Size: 1602560 | Author: ruo | Hits:


Description: sql21天自学通,可以粗略的掌握SQL方面的知识,向大家推荐-self-sql21 days pass, you can have a rough knowledge of SQL, recommend to the U.S.
Platform: | Size: 2031616 | Author: zq | Hits:

[SQL Serversqlback

Description: SQL数据备份的小工具,可对SQL数据进行备份,请大家-SQL data backup small tool to backup data to SQL, please look at the U.S.
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: zhangj | Hits:


Description: 本人的毕业设计,JAVA实现数据库转化,我用Java作为编程语言(Java的版本是6.0),JDOM作为XML解析器。数据库是SQL Server 2000,开发工具是NetBeans IDE 5.5 大家在运行程序的时候最好还是使用NetBeans IDE 5.5和Java 6.0,因为我设计的是图形界面,在设计的时候我用到了NetBeans的Swing设计工具Martisse,如果把我的程序放在JBuilder、Eclipse或JCreator中无法运行的(NetBeans是免费下载的) src就是我程序的源代码,XRSystem.SQL就是建立数据库的脚本文件,解压缩后在查询分析器中打开直接运行就可以建立好数据库,文件夹XML是几个XML文档示例-My graduation project, JAVA implementation into a database, I used Java as a programming language (Java version 6.0), JDOM as an XML parser. Database is SQL Server 2000, development tools, NetBeans IDE 5.5 U.S. are running the program at a time when it would be better to use NetBeans IDE 5.5 and Java 6.0, because my graphics are designed to interface design at a time when I used the NetBeans Design Tools Martisse of Swing If I put the procedure on JBuilder, Eclipse or JCreator can not run in the (NetBeans is a free download) src is the source code of my program, XRSystem.SQL is set up the database script file, unzip it in the Query Analyzer open a direct operation can be well set up databases, XML folder are some examples of XML documents
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: xinyu | Hits:


Description: 办公自动化系统 (UDS),开发环境vs2003,数据库sql server2000 优点:文档齐全 缺点:开发环境较旧-Office Automation System (UDS), development environment vs2003, database sql server2000 advantages: complete document disadvantage: older development environment
Platform: | Size: 21257216 | Author: cnet | Hits:

[SQL ServerSQLInjection2[1]

Platform: | Size: 265216 | Author: Nguyen trung Hieu | Hits:

[Windows DevelopUDPSocket

Description: UDP类QQ聊天系统,VC++,SQL Server,供初学者交流学习使用-AppWizard has created this Communication application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Communication application.
Platform: | Size: 8162304 | Author: zhangqing | Hits:


Description: [SQL.Cookbook(中文版)].(美)莫利纳罗.扫描版-[SQL.Cookbook (Chinese Edition)]. (U.S.) Molinaro. Scanned version
Platform: | Size: 24520704 | Author: GeonWoo | Hits:
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