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Given a center and a radius, this program produces the coordinates of a square whether hollow or solid. This program is especially useful for drawing squares around circles. The result is a set of coordinates that is suitable for use to produce the square shape on a matrix.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.42kb Publisher : hiyisf

DL : 0
系统聚类算法K-means 属于聚类分析中一种基本的划分方法,常采用误差平方和准则函数作为聚类准则,该算法在处理大数据集时是相对可伸缩且高效率的,同时具有潜在的数据并行性。但是这种算法依赖于初始值的选择以及数据的输入顺序;此外,当运用误差平方和准则函数测度聚类效果时,如果各簇的形状和大小差别很大,为使误差平方和 Jc 值达到最小有可能出现将大的聚类簇分割的现象。-system clustering algorithm K-means cluster analysis is a basic method is often used squared error criterion function as a cluster criteria, the algorithm in handling large data sets are relatively scalable, high-efficient and has the potential of data parallelism. However, this algorithm depends on the initial value of the options and data input sequence; In addition, when using square error of measurement function and the criteria clustering effect, if the cluster size and shape vary greatly, the square error for the Jc value and minimize the possibility of the emergence of large cluster segmentation clustering phenomenon.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : tang

shape可以在窗口里画三角形,矩形和正方形三种,非常使用的图象工具-shape in the window painting triangular, rectangular and square the three, the very image tools
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.84mb Publisher : 颜霞飞

Given a center and a radius, this program produces the coordinates of a square whether hollow or solid. This program is especially useful for drawing squares around circles. The result is a set of coordinates that is suitable for use to produce the square shape on a matrix.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : hiyisf

This functions displays GUI for selecting square or rectangular part of the input image IMG. To perform selection user must click mouse twice: at two corners of the selection area. User can change the shape at any moment, even when first point is set, unless it is not forbidden by additional parameters. Use also cam change the way the selection area is calculated from the two selected points. Depending on the combination of the shape and mode it could be
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 龙鹏

DL : 0
通过读取文件 判断所读点组成的形状是否为正方形。-Read the paper through the points to determine the time for a square shape.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李明

DL : 0
/*请分别定义图形类Shape(抽象基类),继承类矩形类Rectangle、正方形类Square、 圆形类Circle;它们具有的方法是计算周长和面积。在另一个类的main函数中分别创建矩形、 正方形和圆形对象,设置所需的属性值,打印其周长和面积。*/-/* Definition graphics categories respectively Shape (abstract base class), the succession of quasi-rectangular type Rectangle, square-type Square, round type Circle the way they are calculating the perimeter and area. In another category, respectively, the main function in the creation of rectangular, square and round objects, set the required attribute value, print the perimeter and area.* /
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李松

对图片中的各种几何图形进行识别,包括圆形,正方形,矩形,六边形,菱形等-On the picture to identify the various geometric shapes, including round, square, rectangular, hexagonal, diamond, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : lilei

Shape Identification for Basic Images like square, circle.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : ganesh

Our project is to design and implement a Tetris game by using FPGA. Tetris a puzzle game that uses 4 square blocks joining edge to edge to form various combinations of shapes. There are 7 unique shapes. The shapes are controlled with the arrow keys from keypad or joystick. Both keypad and joystick are used to control the rotation of the shape. The reason we use both keypad and joystick as controller tool is that the players can have two options to control the game conveniently. However, we may use either keypad or joystick in our presentation to make the best effect. -Our project is to design and implement a Tetris game by using FPGA. Tetris is a puzzle game that uses 4 square blocks joining edge to edge to form various combinations of shapes. There are 7 unique shapes. The shapes are controlled with the arrow keys from keypad or joystick. Both keypad and joystick are used to control the rotation of the shape. The reason we use both keypad and joystick as controller tool is that the players can have two options to control the game conveniently. However, we may use either keypad or joystick in our presentation to make the best effect.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : krishna

本程序完成的是放大镜功能,这里的放大镜是一个正方形的形状,它是贴在屏幕上,所以无论用户如何修改视点都不会有影响。程序通过OpenGL实现-The completion of this program is a magnifying glass feature, where the magnifying glass is a square shape, which is attached to the screen, so no matter how users can modify the point of view will not be affected. OpenGL implementation procedure
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.74mb Publisher : 汪归归

this the matlab code to find the perceptual shape and this has been implemented sucessfully . and this has been checked using the perfomance evaluation, root mean square, psnr-this is the matlab code to find the perceptual shape and this has been implemented sucessfully . and this has been checked using the perfomance evaluation, root mean square, psnr
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 207kb Publisher : vicky

转换图像文件程序(方形,为音乐的最高120x120像素)文件(*. WAV和噪音)。你可以看在音乐谱图隐藏的图像 - 过程被称为声音隐秘。 -Program converts image file (square shape, maximum 120x120 pixels) into music file (*.wav, noise). You can watch the hidden image in spectrogram of music- process called sound steganography.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.71mb Publisher : cuijianzhu

Free Source Code for Shape Recognition Matlab实现的图像中的圆、矩形、正方形等形状识别-Shape Recognition differentiate Square, Rectangular, Circle from others
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : wt

在VC6.0环境下可以打印出三角形、正方形、菱形等图像-In VC6.0 environment can print out the triangle, square, diamond and other image
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张三

DL : 0
定义抽象类Shape,抽象方法为showArea(),求出面积并显示,定义矩形类Rectangle,正方形类Square,圆类 Circle,根据各自的属性,用showArea方法求出各自的面积,在main方法中构造3个对象,调用showArea方法-Define abstract class Shape, abstract methods showArea (), find the area and showed that define the rectangle class Rectangle, square type Square, round classes Circle, according to their properties, obtained by the respective area showArea method, constructed in the main method three objects, method calls showArea
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 胡迪

用Matlab实现图像中的形状如矩形、圆形和正方形的检测-Matlab implementation by the shape of the image, such as rectangular, circular and square test
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : 孔子墨

游戏开始,游戏区域上方不断的出现预定义的形状的下坠物件,下坠物件可以通过旋转改变其显示的形态,并且不断地往下坠,直到它接触到游戏区域底部或其他之前已经累叠起的下坠物件。当一个下坠物件到达底部后,其位置则确定下来并占有该空间的位置区域。当游戏区域的某一行被下坠物件完全填充,则消除该行的所以下坠物件,垒在其上的物件将掉下代替该行空间。游戏的结束是以下坠物件的顶部到游戏区域顶部作为判断依据,表示装满溢出。并且在某一瞬间,下一个下坠物件的形态在游戏区域的右上方有预先提示,同时没抵消一行空间积分自增100。-In the beginning, the game area has come up above the shape of predefined falling objects, falling objects can through the rotation of the form to change its shows, and constantly to fall until it access to the game at the bottom of the area before or other has tired of mammoth falling objects. When a falling objects to the bottom, the position is sure down and possess the space location area. When the game area of one of the visit was falling objects completely fills the elimination of the bank, the falling objects, so in the home the objects on the will drop the bank instead of space. The end of the game on the top of the falling objects to the area as a top judgement basis, filled with overflow said. And in a moment, a fall in the area of the object form the upper right-hand have ? in advance
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 486kb Publisher : 马凯

Matlab实现的图像中的圆、矩形、正方形等形状识别-Matlab realize the image circle, rectangle, square shape recognition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 107kb Publisher : 李岩

以shape作为基类,其他类由shape派生出来,求三角形、矩形、正方形、梯形的周长和面积。(The perimeter and area of the triangle, rectangle, square and trapezoid are derived.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 家鸽
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