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Description: ssd7 exe6 my answer of this exercise
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nw312007 | Hits:

[SQL Servernormalization

Description: ssd7 ex6 完整答案,根据题目要求,交一个txt文档-non
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tangyao | Hits:

[Data structsExercise-6

Description: SSD7 exercise 6. Provide your solution to the following in a file named normalization.txt. Note: The discussion in this exercise is independent of (i.e., completed unrelated to) the E-Commerce project described in the Appendix. The following table captures the following fact about an E-Commerce bookstore: the employee whose name is EmpName and whose ID is EmpID has shipped the order (whose Order Number is OrderNo) to the address ShipToAddr on the date ShippedDate. The tracking number for the shipment is TrackingNum. The TrackingNum is provided by the courier company that picks up the shipment. The bookstore uses only one courier company. Note that a single order could be split up into multiple shipments based on the availability of the ordered items. Only one employee handles a shipment. However, multiple employees could handle an order if the order is shipped in multiple shipments.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Evgenya | Hits:

[Data structsnormalization

Description: SSD7. Provide your solution to the following in a file named normalization.txt. Note: The discussion in this exercise is independent of (i.e., completed unrelated to) the E-Commerce project described in the Appendix. The following table captures the following fact about an E-Commerce bookstore: the employee whose name is EmpName and whose ID is EmpID has shipped the order (whose Order Number is OrderNo) to the address ShipToAddr on the date ShippedDate. The tracking number for the shipment is TrackingNum. The TrackingNum is provided by the courier company that picks up the shipment. The bookstore uses only one courier company. Note that a single order could be split up into multiple shipments based on the availability of the ordered items. Only one employee handles a shipment. However, multiple employees could handle an order if the order is shipped in multiple shipments.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Evgenya | Hits:

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