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This a USB core stack for the built-in USB device of LPC214x microcontrollers. It handles the hardware interface and USB enumeration/configuration. Also included are application examples like a USB joystick HID and USB serial port emulation. -This a core USB stack for the built-in USB LPC214x device of microcontrollers. It handle 's the hardware interface and USB enumeration/c onfiguration. Also included are application e xamples like a USB HID joystick and USB serial po rt emulation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 64kb Publisher : zhangning

层叠中值滤波和层叠秩排序滤波的Matlab实现。-Cascaded median filtering and layering rank order filtering Matlab implementation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 44kb Publisher : Anna

DL : 0
本文将排课五要素绑定、封装成课元、课栈两个向量,并以二维权值矩阵描述课元 和课栈之间的关联系。 提出了最佳匹配和遗传算法的排课算法,以随机生成的二维数字矩阵来反映课元和 课栈的关联权重,对数字矩阵组处理和最佳匹配得到的匹配偶图组为遗传算法的初始种 群,以排课各种原则的加权和为目标函数,在遗传算子控制下迭代来寻求更优的匹配结 果即使目标函数最小的偶图匹配结构,进而得到满意的排课结果。 提出了关联匹配和禁忌搜索的排课算法,以随机二维数字矩阵描述课元和课栈之问 的关联权重,按照重权优先并根据正确性原则进行约简,获得课元和课栈之间的匹配偶 图。在此基础上,引入禁忌搜索算法,以排课的完备性原则、合理性原则和人性化原则 的加权和为目标函数,以随机二维权值矩阵生成的匹配偶图为初始解,对二维权值矩阵 进行扰动构成搜索邻域,以生成的匹配偶图为禁忌对象,采用全局藐视准则,获得最优 的排课方案。 以Matlab为平台,利用Excd数据库和Mallab的互联实现数据交换,编写了两套 算法的应用程序,通过实例来验证两套排课算法,结果表明两套算法是可行的。-Arranging the five elements of this paper, binding, packaging into a class element, class stack of two vectors and matrices described by two classes per Rights And the relationship between class stack link. Offers the best match and Genetic Algorithm Platoon algorithm to randomly generated two-dimensional figures to reflect the class element and matrix Class stack associated with weight, the digital matrix group received treatment and the best matching group bipartite graph matching the initial kind of genetic algorithm Group to the weighted course arrangement of principles and the objective function, under the control of the genetic operator iteration to seek the better match Results Results even if the objective function structure of the smallest bipartite graph matching, and then Timetabling satisfactory results. Match the proposed association Timetabling algorithm and tabu search, a random two-dimensional digital matrix element and the class description class stack of Q
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.73mb Publisher : 张林杰

演示如何在matlab中实现TCP/IP的功能,很详细。-demonstrate how to implement the tcp/ip stack.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 211kb Publisher : 流浪汉

DL : 0
matlab数据结构 算法工具箱, 包括堆栈 队列 2叉树 红黑树 -Data Structures & Algorithms Toolbox ==================================== The Data Structures & Algorithms Toolbox provides advanced data structures and algorithms for the Matlab(r) 5 environment. It implements functions to create and destroy singly and doubly linked list, stack, queue, binary tree and red-black (balanced) binary tree. Data elements can be inserted, deleted or searched for. A graphical representation of trees can be shown. All algorithms are clearly written as m-files, which allows the toolbox to be used as a teaching aid in educational data structures courses. This is the first implementation available of advanced datatypes, common in other languages, for Matlab.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 114kb Publisher : austin

Matlab tool for segmentation and re-creation of H-MRS volumes of interest in MRI image stack-Matlab tool for segmentation and re-creation of H-MRS volumes of interest in MRI image stack
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.29mb Publisher : stochastic

在matlab,传统的边缘检测直接调用edge函数,但是得到的边缘信息较稀薄,可以通过将sobel,roberts,prewitt三种算子的边缘检测叠加起来,并且对于连续的边缘部分拓宽,使得边缘更连贯清晰-In matlab, traditional edge detection edge direct call function, but thinner than the edge information can be obtained by sobel, roberts, prewitt three edge detection operator stack up, and for widening the continuous edge portion, so that the edge is more consistent clear
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : huanglianjing

DL : 1
WOLA加权叠加滤波器组算法,matlab 加权叠加滤波器组在助听器领域应用广泛,是一种独特的声音信号频域处理滤波器结构,具有实现简单,复杂度低,低延时,低功耗的优点-WOLA weighted superposition filter bank algorithm, matlab weighted stack filter group in the field of hearing aids widely used, is a unique sound signal frequency domain processing filter structure, with a simple, low complexity, low latency, low power consumption advantage
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何超
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