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VC编写的DLL,可以获得硬盘的型号、序列号以及计算机 ID, 带Delphi的源程序,在Win2K下通过,但是没有在Win9X下试过, 感兴趣的朋友可以在Win9X 下试一下,或者编写一个VB的范例。 函数以及定义: function ReadPhysicalDrive(driveID:integer;buffer:Pointer;bufLen:integer):integer; stdcall; external DiskID.dll name ReadPhysicalDriveInNT ; 获得WinNT下的硬盘型号以及序列号。参数driveID为硬盘的位置, IDE1上的主盘为0,类推到IDE2上的从盘的driveID为3。 function ReadPhysicalDrive9X (driveID:integer;buffer:Pointer;bufLen:integer):integer; stdcall; external DiskID.dll name ReadDrivePortsInWin9X ; 获得Win9X下的硬盘型号以及序列号。参数同上 function getHardDriveComputerID:int64; stdcall; external DiskID.dll name getHardDriveComputerID ; 获得计算机的ID
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 199.92kb Publisher :

JJ测试仪采集数据函数格式为: delphi: function Readjj(i:Pchar p:Pchar):integer stdcall external Readjj.dll name Readjj i:为酒精值 p:为结论-JJ tester data acquisition function format : delphi : function Readjj (i : Pchar p : Pchar) : integer stdcall external Readjj.dll name Readjj i : p value of alcohol : Conclusion
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 170.07kb Publisher : my

一个经典的dll例子!可以看一下,对初学都很有用-dll a classic example! Look at it, very useful for beginners
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 54.28kb Publisher : fds

嘿嘿,大侠看到不要见笑呀... 大家都知道使用DLL的好处.于是我就想把FORM封装到DLL里面去. 到网上找,发现是MDI和模式窗体的,非模式的也有很多问题.便想自己解决这个问题. 原来是用DLL创建一个对象返回,但发现有很多的问题. 想了半天就去寻根问柳吧. 找到了类. 我就想把类封装进DLL,到时简单的返回一个类,然后在主程序里操作不就简单了? 找了半天发现了TFormClass,于是试了试从DLL导出来,像一般的程序一样创建窗体发现成功. 接着我又想看看其他的类是不是也能这样,就拿TFrame来实验. function GetDllFrameClass():TFrame stdcall 第一次是这样声明的,失败.奇怪?! 试了好多次都不行,就想到了TFormClass(Ctrl+左键),进去看看,发现是这样声明的. TFormClass = class of TForm 哎呀,恍然大悟!! class(TFrame) 是声明一个类, 这个类继承了TFrame类 f: TFrame 是一个对象 class of TFrame 声明的是类类型, f:TFrameClass 是一个类. function GetDllFrameClass():TFrame 返回就不是类而是对象了,照TFormClass修改后TFrameClass = class of TFrame 运行...成功,
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 63.3kb Publisher :

MD5变换动态链接库文件调用:(delphi例子) ========================================================================= function transfer(tran:widestring):widestring stdcall external md5.dll name transfer //edit1为输入字符,edit2为输出md5摘要 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) begin edit2.text:=transfer(edit1.Text) end
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 261.69kb Publisher : 果松

VC编写的DLL,可以获得硬盘的型号、序列号以及计算机 ID, 带Delphi的源程序,在Win2K下通过,但是没有在Win9X下试过, 感兴趣的朋友可以在Win9X 下试一下,或者编写一个VB的范例。 函数以及定义: function ReadPhysicalDrive(driveID:integer;buffer:Pointer;bufLen:integer):integer; stdcall; external DiskID.dll name ReadPhysicalDriveInNT ; 获得WinNT下的硬盘型号以及序列号。参数driveID为硬盘的位置, IDE1上的主盘为0,类推到IDE2上的从盘的driveID为3。 function ReadPhysicalDrive9X (driveID:integer;buffer:Pointer;bufLen:integer):integer; stdcall; external DiskID.dll name ReadDrivePortsInWin9X ; 获得Win9X下的硬盘型号以及序列号。参数同上 function getHardDriveComputerID:int64; stdcall; external DiskID.dll name getHardDriveComputerID ; 获得计算机的ID -VC prepared DLL, get the hard drive model, serial number and computer ID, with Delphi s source code, adopted in Win2K, but not under Win9X tried interested can try under Win9X, or prepare a VB example. Function as well as the definition: function ReadPhysicalDrive (driveID: integer buffer: Pointer bufLen: integer): integer stdcall external DiskID.dll name ReadPhysicalDriveInNT obtained under WinNT Model and serial number of the hard disk. DriveID parameters for the hard disk location, IDE1 on the main disk to 0, by analogy to IDE2 on driveID from the disk 3. function ReadPhysicalDrive9X (driveID: integer buffer: Pointer bufLen: integer): integer stdcall external DiskID.dll name ReadDrivePortsInWin9X obtained under Win9X Model and serial number of the hard disk. Ibid parameters function getHardDriveComputerID: int64 stdcall external DiskID.dll name getHardDriveComputerID access to the computer s ID
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 200kb Publisher : 许豫飞

JJ测试仪采集数据函数格式为: delphi: function Readjj(i:Pchar p:Pchar):integer stdcall external Readjj.dll name Readjj i:为酒精值 p:为结论-JJ tester data acquisition function format : delphi : function Readjj (i : Pchar p : Pchar) : integer stdcall external Readjj.dll name Readjj i : p value of alcohol : Conclusion
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 170kb Publisher : my

一个经典的dll例子!可以看一下,对初学都很有用-dll a classic example! Look at it, very useful for beginners
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 54kb Publisher : fds

嘿嘿,大侠看到不要见笑呀... 大家都知道使用DLL的好处.于是我就想把FORM封装到DLL里面去. 到网上找,发现是MDI和模式窗体的,非模式的也有很多问题.便想自己解决这个问题. 原来是用DLL创建一个对象返回,但发现有很多的问题. 想了半天就去寻根问柳吧. 找到了类. 我就想把类封装进DLL,到时简单的返回一个类,然后在主程序里操作不就简单了? 找了半天发现了TFormClass,于是试了试从DLL导出来,像一般的程序一样创建窗体发现成功. 接着我又想看看其他的类是不是也能这样,就拿TFrame来实验. function GetDllFrameClass():TFrame stdcall 第一次是这样声明的,失败.奇怪?! 试了好多次都不行,就想到了TFormClass(Ctrl+左键),进去看看,发现是这样声明的. TFormClass = class of TForm 哎呀,恍然大悟!! class(TFrame) 是声明一个类, 这个类继承了TFrame类 f: TFrame 是一个对象 class of TFrame 声明的是类类型, f:TFrameClass 是一个类. function GetDllFrameClass():TFrame 返回就不是类而是对象了,照TFormClass修改后TFrameClass = class of TFrame 运行...成功,
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 63kb Publisher :

MD5变换动态链接库文件调用:(delphi例子) ========================================================================= function transfer(tran:widestring):widestring stdcall external md5.dll name transfer //edit1为输入字符,edit2为输出md5摘要 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) begin edit2.text:=transfer(edit1.Text) end -MD5 transform dynamic-link library file called: (delphi examples )====================================== =================================== function transfer (tran: widestring): widestring stdcall external md5.dll name transfer// edit1 for input characters, edit2 output md5 summary procedure TForm1.Button1Click (Sender: TObject) beginedit2.text: = transfer (edit1.Text) end
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 261kb Publisher : 果松

一个Delphi实现的MD5加密,里面导出一个函数,原型EncryptMD5Str(Value: PChar lpMd5Str: PChar var nDataLen : Integer): BOOL stdcall 此动态库支持c++调用,typedef bool (__stdcall*pEncryptMD5Str)(char *psz, char *pRet, int *nLen) -Delphi achieved an MD5 encryption, which is derived a function
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 40kb Publisher : 夏炳冬

双进程守护开发库 VB 声明 Private Declare Sub StartMon Lib "MonHelper.dll" () Private Declare Sub StopMon Lib "MonHelper.dll" () Private Declare Function IsMainAPP Lib "MonHelper.dll" () As Boolean Delphi 声明 procedure StartMon stdcall external MonHelper.dll procedure StopMon stdcall external MonHelper.dll function IsMainAPP:Boolean stdcall external MonHelper.dll StartMon//开启进程守护 StopMon//停止进程守护 IsMainAPP// True=主进程 False=守护进程 -Two-process daemon development library VB declaration Private Declare Sub StartMon Lib " MonHelper.dll" () Private Declare Sub StopMon Lib " MonHelper.dll" () Private Declare Function IsMainAPP Lib " MonHelper.dll" () As Boolean Delphi declaration procedure StartMon stdcall external ' MonHelper.dll' procedure StopMon stdcall external ' MonHelper.dll' function IsMainAPP: Boolean stdcall external ' MonHelper.dll' StartMon// open the process of protecting StopMon// stop the process of protecting IsMainAPP// True = False = daemon main process
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 44kb Publisher : JOE

delphi 脚本源码 支持pascal C basic javascript-. All pax-languages support such concepts of the modern programming as namespaces, nested classes, inheritance, static(shared) members, indexed properties, default parameters, delegates, exception handling, regular expressions. If you know VB.NET, C# or Object Pascal, you are already familiar with paxScript. . Cross-language integration. For example, you can use modules written in paxBasic and paxC in your paxPascal scripts and vice versa. . Separate compilation of the modules. . Direct calling dll-defined routines. All calling conventions register, pascal, cdecl, stdcall, safecall are supported. . Embedding scripts into html pages.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : c

封包助手接口参数 一、功能描述: 1、封包助手全面支持算法导入导出功能,使您在截取数据包的时候不必再因为算法问题困扰,只要写一个DLL文件,封包助手就可以调用,并且解密或加密数据 二、加密函数: 1、函数名:Plugin_Encode 2、参数:pIn: pChar(数据源) Size: LongWord(数据源长度) pOut: pChar(输出数据) 3、返回值类型:LongWord 4、整体描述:Plugin_Encode(pIn: pChar Size: LongWord pOut: pChar): LongWord stdcall 5、具体请参考软件附带例子(Encode_Example) 三、解密函数: 1、函数名:Plugin_Decode 2、参数:pIn: pChar(数据源) Size: LongWord(数据源长度) pOut: pChar(输出数据) 3、返回值类型:LongWord 4、整体描述:Plugin_Decode(pIn: pChar Size: LongWord pOut: pChar): LongWord stdcall 5、具体请参考软件附带例子(Decode_Example)-封包助手接口参数 一、功能描述: 1、封包助手全面支持算法导入导出功能,使您在截取数据包的时候不必再因为算法问题困扰,只要写一个DLL文件,封包助手就可以调用,并且解密或加密数据 二、加密函数: 1、函数名:Plugin_Encode 2、参数:pIn: pChar(数据源) Size: LongWord(数据源长度) pOut: pChar(输出数据) 3、返回值类型:LongWord 4、整体描述:Plugin_Encode(pIn: pChar Size: LongWord pOut: pChar): LongWord stdcall 5、具体请参考软件附带例子(Encode_Example) 三、解密函数: 1、函数名:Plugin_Decode 2、参数:pIn: pChar(数据源) Size: LongWord(数据源长度) pOut: pChar(输出数据) 3、返回值类型:LongWord 4、整体描述:Plugin_Decode(pIn: pChar Size: LongWord pOut: pChar): LongWord stdcall 5、具体请参考软件附带例子(Decode_Example)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 23kb Publisher : 按时

DL : 0
串口工具源码,进行简单的串口通信。可加载DLL,调用方式为STDCALL。-Serial tool source, a simple serial communication. Can load the DLL, calls for STDCALL.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陆剑锋

DllTest-隐式调用+_stdcall调用-sbout dll
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1mb Publisher : jumoran

微软Detours钩子库的DLL版。采用VS2012重新编译,生成stdcall的DLL,方便其他开发工具调用。已经测试了可以在Delphi中调用成功。-Microsoft Detours hook API, DLL version . Recompiled using VS2012 to generate stdcall functions, facilitate other development tools called. Have tested can be successfully invoked in Delphi.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 48kb Publisher : Chris Liu

在VB中,卸载NTDLL杀进程就是这种方法,但请慎重卸载其它DLL,先载入DLL并获取地址,然后Call函数地址,如果映像大小大于0,并且小于1.25G,估计没有那么大的DLL,这是只是为了判断数据是否合法,程序源码及方法仅供参考。以下为Assembly部分:Dim lngIndex As Long, lngCodeStart As Long    程序起始位址必须是16的倍数    VarPtr函数是用来取得变量的地址    lngCodeStart = VarPtr(m_OpCode(0))    m_opIndex = 0 程序开始的元素的位置    --------以下开始放入所需的程序----------    将参数push到堆栈    由于是stdcall CALL 参数由最后一个开始放到堆栈-In VB, uninstall NTDLL kill the process is this way, but please carefully unloaded another DLL, first load the DLL and get the address, then Call function address, if the image size is greater than 0 and less than 1.25G, estimated not so much DLL This is only to determine whether the data is legitimate, program source code and methods for reference only. The following is the Assembly section: Dim lngIndex As Long, lngCodeStart As Long ' program starting address must be a multiple of 16' VarPtr function is used to obtain the address of the variable lngCodeStart = VarPtr (m_OpCode (0)) m_opIndex = 0 ' program begins position of the element ' -------- The following required procedures to start---------- into' push the parameters onto the stack ' because it is stdcall CALL parameters onto the stack by the last start
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 23kb Publisher : apudn35

DL : 0
驱动线模拟鼠标键盘操作,并写成了类和接口文件-procedure MouseLeftDown(x:Integer y:Integer) stdcall external interface.dll
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 忍镇思

以下为Delphi版的数据结构和相关调用函数声明 使用其他开发语言的,只要转换成自己语言的相应格式就可以了 目前在 RSRStock.dll 中,提供了如下几个导出函数: DLLVER, R_Open, R_Close, R_Connect, R_DisConnect, R_InitMarketData, R_GetPK, R_GetTestRealPK, R_GetKDays, R_GetDeals, R_GetMins, R_GetMarket, R_GetMarketByStockCode, R_GetMarketByStockName, R_GetStockName, R_GetStockCode 它们都使用的是 stdcall 的参数传递格式-The following is a Delphi version of the data structure and the related call function statement Using the other development language, as long as the conversion to the corresponding format of their own language can be At present in RSRStock.dll, the following several export functions are provided: DLLVER, R_Open, R_Close, R_Connect, R_DisConnect, R_InitMarketData, R_GetPK, R_GetTestRealPK, R_GetKDays, R_GetMins, R_GetDeals, R_GetMarket, R_GetMarketByStockCode, R_GetMarketByStockName, R_GetStockCode, R_GetStockName They all use the stdcall parameter to pass the format.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : 陈生
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