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Description: 是意法半导体公司最新STM32系列ARM的中文版应用手册,翻译很正确,希望对大家有用-STM32F103x8 Medium-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 64 or 128 KB Flash, USB, CAN, 7 timers, 2 ADCs, 9 communication interfaces
Platform: | Size: 3068928 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop6_12864

Description: 用STM32驱动的12864程序,采用的是串行方式-12864 with STM32-driven process is used in serial mode
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: keyin | Hits:


Description: spi接口协议的点整液晶128*64点阵驱动实现-spi interface protocol point of the entire 128* 64 dot matrix LCD driver to achieve
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: 李宗军 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringGUI_T6963

Description: T6963 GUI程序,很不错是240×128的液晶点阵的 ,大家好好使用啊 -T6963 GUI program, very good LCD is 240 × 128 lattice, we make good use of ah
Platform: | Size: 375808 | Author: yuwei | Hits:


Description: STM32 12864B液晶驱动程序,可供大家参考-STM32 12864B Program
Platform: | Size: 346112 | Author: hjunli | Hits:

[Software Engineeringstm32_gpio_glcd12864

Description: ARM Cortex M3 STM32 - GLCD 128x64 BMP
Platform: | Size: 1522688 | Author: kha | Hits:


Description: 基于STM32系列ARM条件下的240*128液晶显示的驱动程序。本程序中对显示各种类型的数据或字符及汉字的程序进行了封装。-Based on STM32 series ARM under the condition of the 240 x 128 LCD display of the driver. In this program to display various types of data or character of Chinese characters and procedure of packaging.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: weixinli | Hits:


Description: STM32的128*160液晶驱动及显示程序,能以各种颜色及字体显示汉字和字符,示例显示了普中科技带您进入单片机世界-STM32 128* 160 LCD drive and display program, able to display Chinese characters in a variety of colors and fonts and character, the example shows a general science and technology with the microcontroller world
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: feidan | Hits:


Description: while(1) { if(k>=128) {k=0 LCD_Write_Pic(0xff) } else { for(i=0 i<4 i++) for(j=0 j<16 j++) { LCD_Write_A_CHAR(i*2, j*8, k) k++ } } Delay(0x2ffffff) key_num = ReadKeyDown() in_num = ReadHC165() Relay_On(key_num,in_num) }-failed to translate
Platform: | Size: 22320128 | Author: gtx | Hits:

[Other Embeded programRDA5820_3

Description: 使用STM32实现数字FM收音机的电台选择与音量调节功能,并有液晶显示相关信息。液晶为0.96寸128*64小液晶。-Use STM32 digital FM radio station selection and volume adjustment function, and LCD related information. 0.96-inch LCD 128* 64 small LCD.
Platform: | Size: 1096704 | Author: 小飞机 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programoled

Description: STM32控制OLED液晶(0.96寸,128*64分辨率)显示(包括汉字)-STM32 control OLED LCD (0.96-inch, 128* 64 resolution) display
Platform: | Size: 949248 | Author: 小飞机 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programSTM32-VirtualCOM

Description: STM32通过USB模拟串口,并将接收的数据,发回USB串口,同时显示在128×64点阵屏上。-STM32 serial port via USB emulation and data received back USB port, while in the 12864 dot matrix display screen.
Platform: | Size: 2705408 | Author: 顶顶顶 | Hits:


Description: 寄存器版本的128*64OLED显示屏STM32驱动程序-STM32 128*64OLED display register driver version
Platform: | Size: 313344 | Author: 王斌 | Hits:


Description: 1.此代码基于红牛开发板,请根据自己的板子进行修改。 2.通过修改网上的代码实现,修改前的功能开了一个很大的缓存接收app数据,然后一次性全部数据写入, 但是这个在实际应用中没多大用,所以修改为一次写入128个字节。 3.程序flash的偏移地址为0x8010000,所以app编译前应该在mdk中设置 Option窗口->Target页->IROM1,start 改为 0x8010000 4.设置中断向量重映射,我用的方法是在app端的main函数起始位置添加语句 SCB->VTOR = FLASH_BASE | 0x10000 5.启动时如果发现没有app,会进入bootloader模式(灯全亮),如果发现有程序就要看程序的功能了。 如果有app,但是又想重新升级的话就按住某个键(我这里是Tamper),然后按复位,松开复位之前不要松开 按键,这样就会进入bootloader模式。 6.进入bootloader后通过串口1接收升级app数据,bin文件数据,接收完成后按User1键进行升级操作,完成后 复位或者按User2键可以运行刚写入的app。-1. This code is based on the Red Bull development board, please modify it according to their own board. 2. Modify the online code, the function before the amendment opened a big reception app cache data, and then all at once data is written, But this is not much use in practical applications, it is changed to a write 128 bytes. 3. The program flash offset address 0x8010000, so should be set before the app compiled in mdk Option Window-> Target Page-> IROM1, start instead 0x8010000 4. Set the interrupt vector remapping, I use is to add statements in the main function of the starting end position app SCB-> VTOR = FLASH_BASE | 0x10000 If no app, will enter bootloader mode 5. Start (lights lit), if found to have the program depends on the functions of the program. If you have app, but want to re-upgrade, then press and hold a key (I have here is Tamper), then press the reset, do not let go until reset release Button, which will enter bootloader mode. App upgra
Platform: | Size: 1925120 | Author: qy | Hits:


Description: Stm32 开发板代码原理图十分不希望大家支持,学习stm32 是不错的选择
Platform: | Size: 4856832 | Author: YL | Hits:


Description: 4灰度液晶控制器UC1617 STM32 128*128 驱动程序 测试好用 绝非抄袭-4 STEP GRAY LCDcontroller UC1617 STM32 128*128 driver program
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 唐明 | Hits:


Description: STM32模拟IIC驱动OLED屏,实现对128*64OLED屏幕的控制,可以显示中文、英文、符号、数字(Implementing IIC OLED Communications)
Platform: | Size: 4436992 | Author: zz11111 | Hits:


Description: STM32F1系列属于中低端的32位ARM微控制器,该系列芯片是意法半导体(ST)公司出品,其内核是Cortex-M3。 该系列芯片按片内Flash的大小可分为三大类:小容量(16K和32K)、中容量(64K和128K)、大容量(256K、384K和512K)。 芯片集成定时器,CAN,ADC,SPI,I2C,USB,UART,等多种功能。(The STM series belongs to the 32 - bit arm microcontroller of the middle and low end, which is produced by stmicroelectronics ( st ) company and its core is cortex - m3. The series chips can be divided into three categories according to the size of flash: small capacity ( 16k and 32k ), medium capacity ( 64k and 128 ), large capacity ( 256, 384, and 512k ). Chip integrated timer, can, ADC, SPI, I2C, USB, UART, and other functions.)
Platform: | Size: 7097344 | Author: bingochan110 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopSTM32AES

Description: 基于STM32F103实现AES算法的工程,支持128,196,256位AES(Based on STM32F103, AES algorithm is implemented, supporting 128196256 bit AES.)
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: tszy208 | Hits:

[SCMSTM32 SH1106和SH1107驱动

Description: STM32单片机I2C驱动OLED驱动芯片SH1107和SH1106的驱动程序 里面程序的名字为SH1107,但SH1106的驱动方法基本一致 示例图片为64*128,实际可能需要调整起始坐标位置才能显示全(Driver program of OLED driver chip sh1107 and sh1106 driven by I2C of STM32 single chip microcomputer The name of the program is sh1107, but the driving method of sh1106 is basically the same The example picture is 64 * 128. In fact, you may need to adjust the starting coordinate position to display all)
Platform: | Size: 1801216 | Author: Aison | Hits:
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