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Description: 基于STM32平台,自创的原代码,I2C与EEPROM通信,很好用-Based on the STM32 platform, create their own source code, I2C communication with the EEPROM, very good use
Platform: | Size: 800768 | Author: celery | Hits:


Description: 34、STM32 Flash模拟EEPROM 存储数据例程,我买的光盘里的例子-34, STM32 Flash EEPROM data storage simulation routines, I bought the CD in the case
Platform: | Size: 684032 | Author: 卢彬彬 | Hits:


Description: EEPROM读写程序实验(STM32神舟I号-库函数版)-EEPROM read and write procedures experiment
Platform: | Size: 1336320 | Author: homes | Hits:


Description: 基于STM32的I方C通信,源代码,可直接使用-I2c communication
Platform: | Size: 929792 | Author: zxy | Hits:

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