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Update : 2010-10-16 Size : 5.38kb Publisher :

--Linux系统移植,该文档的目的是总结我们在工作中的一些经验,并把它们分享给喜欢 ARM和Linux的朋友-- -- Linux System Migration, the purpose of the document is a summary of our work some of the experiences and share them like ARM and Linux friends--
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : 陈晓

STM32系列芯片的最新版本ucos-II 2.85的移植例程,-STM32 family of the latest version of the chip ucos-II 2.85 transplant routines,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.48mb Publisher : 阳志勇

在Linux下用Gcc 4.3.1进行STM32开发入门-In Linux using Gcc 4.3.1 for the development of entry-STM32
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : 江灿胜

DL : 0
STM32的RTC例程,使用ST的V2.0版固件库,开发平台为MKD。-STM32 of RTC routines, use the ST version of the V2.0 firmware libraries, the development platform for the MKD.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 286kb Publisher : Scott

stm32 bootlader under linux
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : sena

几个触摸屏笔点校验算法讲解,还有系统自带触摸屏校验算法。包括三点校验和五点校验。-Several touch-screen pen-point calibration algorithm is explained, as well as Linux comes with touch-screen calibration algorithm. Including three five-point calibration and verification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 456kb Publisher :

STM32 ARM Cortex M3 development base for Linux.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher : Dekar

ST公司三轴加速度器驱动代码及其实例,适合stm32 需要自己编写i2c/spi的读写寄存器代码-ST company three axis accelerometer driver code and examples for STM32 need to write your own i2c/spi read and write register code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : 郝卓

各种单片机(51、AVR、MSP430、PIC、STM8、STM32)、ARM、DSP、TFT彩屏、C语言,WiFi小车,FPGA、LINUX、机器人,CAD、VB、Protel99、Protues、Unix、UCOSII等各种视频教程超800G-Various microcontroller (51, AVR, MSP430, PIC, STM8, STM32), ARM, DSP, TFT color screen, C language, WiFi car, FPGA, LINUX, robots, CAD, VB, Protel99, Protues, Unix and UCOSII all kinds of video tutorials over 800 g
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 116kb Publisher : 张旭

linux下ymodem协议下载工具源码,主要功能是配合stm32串口更新固件程序-Ymodem download the source code under the Linux protocol, the main function is to coordinate with the STM32 serial port to update the firmware
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : XiaoXie

嵌入式linux编程 基于stm32基本入门-study for stm32
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.8mb Publisher : 柏莉

介绍如何在linux环境使用roslib进行机器人底层控制编程(A document on how to use ros_lib in the Linux environment for robot bottom control programming.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 869kb Publisher : ztz6869

DL : 0
Linux之Uboot移植,包括uboot配置编译,dm9000网卡的配置,和如何引导内核等(Linux Uboot migration)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53.4mb Publisher : 草拟跌

Computing time and two-dimensional histogram, Calculate the maximum eigenvalue judgment matrix of AHP, STM32 all the information produced by the MP3.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : nengpoutangpie

STM32 all the information produced by the MP3, Matlab to achieve user-friendly, LM386 audio signal amplification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 56kb Publisher : 郭建录

在A8上建立服务器,利用QT建立客户端,两者通过TCP/IP协议进行通讯。STM32通过BMP180、BH1750传感器获得温度,大气压强,光强等参数。通过串口通信将这些参数传给服务器,服务器通过数据分析判断是否通过蜂鸣器进行报警。同时将这些参数传给客户端用来实时显示。客户端可以控制服务器报警程序的开始和停止。注:A8上运行linux系统!!!(Set up the server on A8 and use QT to set up the client, which communicates through the TCP/IP protocol. STM32 obtains temperature, atmospheric pressure and light intensity through BMP180 and BH1750 sensors. These parameters are passed to the server through serial communication, and the server determines whether or not to call the alarm via a buzzer. These parameters are also passed to the client for real-time display. The client can control the start and stop of the server alarm program. Note: A8 runs Linux system!!!)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.57mb Publisher : 文松

大家都知道Unix/Linux系統是由指令驅動的。那么最基本的系統是指令行的(就是想DOS一樣的介面)。X-Window-System是Unix/Linux上的圖形系統,它是通過X-Server來控制硬體的。但有一些Linux的發行版在啟動的時候就會在螢幕上出現圖形,這時的圖形是不可能由X來完成的,那是什么機制呢?答案是FrameBuffer。 FrameBuffer不是一個圖形系統,更不是視窗系統。它比X要低級,簡單來說FrameBuffer就是一種機制的實現。這種機制是把螢幕上的每個點對映成一段線性記憶體空間,程式可以簡單的改變這段記憶體的值來改變螢幕上某一點的色彩。X的高度可攜式性就是來自于這種機制,不管是在那種圖形環境下,只要有這種機制的實現就可以執行X。所以在几乎所有的平台上都有相應的X版本的移植。(FrameBuffer is not a graphics system, nor is it a windows system. It is lower than X, FrameBuffer is simply a mechanism to achieve. This mechanism is to map each point of the screen into a linear memory space, the program can simply change the value of this memory to change the color of a point on the screen. X's high degree of portability comes from this mechanism, regardless of the graphical environment, as long as the implementation of this mechanism can be implemented X. So in almost all platforms have a corresponding X version of the transplant.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 413kb Publisher : 小小強

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Matlab on linux for testing codes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 373kb Publisher : Himansh

用STM32F103ZET6实时采集光敏传感器数据,检测周围环境光照强度。(The light sensor data are collected in real time by STM32F103ZET6, and the ambient light intensity is detected.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 348kb Publisher : wqn
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