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新型M3核ARM STM32的串口通信例程,可以向计算机发送数据和接受计算机的数据。-New M3 nuclear ARM STM32 serial communication routines, you can send data to the computer and receiving computer data.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 116kb Publisher : 王义

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在万利199元开发板上实现了uCOS-II移植到STM32的操作,建立了LED闪烁任务以及USART1向计算机发送数据的任务。-Manley 199 yuan in the development board implements the STM32 uCOS-II ported to the operation, the establishment of the task and the LED flashes USART1 send data to the computer task.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 452kb Publisher : 苏阳

在STM32上编写实时操作系统uc/os2,同时运行5个任务,实现led灯扫描,检测板上cpu温度和片外温度,当两个温度相差过大时,通过蜂鸣器报警,同时通过USART串口向PC机发送报警信号,并接受PC机的消除报警指令取消报警。-In STM32 written on real-time operating system, at the same time running os2/uc five task, realize led lamp scanning, detecting board of CPU temperature and the temperature, when two temperature varies too big when, through the buzzer alarm, and at the same time through a serial port to PC USART send warning signal, and accept the PC eliminate alarm instructions cancelled call the police.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 579kb Publisher : 郭攀

STM32 usart中断方案,用于串口中断输入,带有ucos操作系统-STM32 usart2 INTERRUPT
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.81mb Publisher : 杜克

IAR_STM32_uCOS-II+V2.86.rar STM32 IAR的UCOS-II V2.86基础配置以及设计文件(IAR_STM32_uCOS-II+V2.86.rar)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.76mb Publisher : make128
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