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[Other Embeded program2009111711235183

Description: stm8读写24c02程序调试成功的例子-stm8 reading and writing success stories debugging 24c02
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: hope | Hits:


Description: STVD IDE包含代码编辑、汇编编译器、代码调试功能,不含C编译器。同时IDE还自带ST Visual Programer编程软件,支持主流8bit-STVD IDE
Platform: | Size: 1164288 | Author: Stewen | Hits:


Description: IAR EW STM8下atom_threads轻量级实时操作系统,专用于STM8L系列的工程模板。笔者移植时选用TIM4作为系统节拍定时器。例子有四个任务,三个为LED控制,第四个是看门狗控制,在ST官方STM8L152 Discovery实验板上调试通过。atom_threads升级到1.3版,IAR EW STM8环境为1.3版,STM8L固件库为目前最新的1.51版。 -IAR EW STM8 under atom_threads lightweight real-time operating system, dedicated to STM8L series of project templates. I use TIM4 transplantation as the system tick timer. Examples of four tasks, three for the LED control, and the fourth is the watchdog control, the ST official STM8L152 Discovery experimental board debugging. atom_threads upgrade to version 1.3, IAR EW STM8 environment version 1.3, STM8L library, the latest firmware version 1.51.
Platform: | Size: 458752 | Author: PanHao | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSTM8-CPU-programming-manua

Description: STM8指令集。文档是英文说明档案,注意下载哦。 注:不过查了好多资料都没有中文的。-The STM8 family of HCMOS microcontrollers is designed and built around an enhanced industry standard 8-bit core and a library of peripheral blocks, which include ROM, Flash, RAM, EEPROM, I/O, Serial Interfaces (SPI, USART, I2C,...), 16-bit Timers, A/D converters, comparators, power supervisors etc. These blocks may be assembled in various combinations in order to provide cost-effective solutions for application-specific products. The STM8 family forms a part of the STMicroelectronics 8-bit MCU product line, which finds its place in a wide variety of applications such as automotive systems, remote controls, video monitors, car radio and numerous other consumer, industrial, telecom, and multimedia products.
Platform: | Size: 750592 | Author: xuanwuben | Hits:


Description: The STM8 family of HCMOS microcontrollers is designed and built around an enhanced industry standard 8-bit core and a library of peripheral blocks, which include ROM, Flash, RAM, EEPROM, I/O, Serial Interfaces (SPI, USART, I2C,...), 16-bit Timers, A/D converters, comparators, power supervisors etc. These blocks may be assembled in various combinations in order to provide cost-effective solutions for application-specific products.-The STM8 family of HCMOS microcontrollers is designed and built around an enhanced industry standard 8-bit core and a library of peripheral blocks, which include ROM, Flash, RAM, EEPROM, I/O, Serial Interfaces (SPI, USART, I2C,. ..), 16-bit Timers, A/D converters, comparators, power supervisors etc. These blocks may be assembled in various combinations in order to provide cost-effective solutions for application-specific products.
Platform: | Size: 755712 | Author: sxdy | Hits:


Description: 最简单的STM8样例程序,适合新手学习,I/O口模拟流水灯实验!-The most simple STM8 sample program, suitable for novice learning
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: csxl | Hits:


Description: STM8单片机用普通I/O口模拟IIC接口,可以使用。-STM8 microcontroller with general I/O interface IIC mouth simulation can be used.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王坤 | Hits:


Description: 采用C这样的高级语言,其实可以不用关心变量在存储器空间中是如何具体分配的。但如果了解如何分配,对编程还是有好处的,尤其是在调试时。 例如下面的程序定义了全局变量数组buffer和一个局部变量i,在RAM中如何分配的呢? -High-level language such as C, can actually do not care about the variables in the memory space is allocated specific. But if you understand how to distribute programming or beneficial, especially in debugging. For example, the following program defines a global variable array buffer and a local variable i in RAM and how to allocate it?
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: tony | Hits:

[Other Embeded programSTM8-Commonly-used-functions

Description: 这是一款提供stm8学习开发的实用工具,可以利用此软件大大的减小STM8开发者的开发周期,不用自己一个一个字的在码程序,直接选择要写的内容就可以出来编辑好的函数。希望对大家的学习和开发有所帮助-This is a practical tool for the STM8 learning development, can use this software to reduce the the STM8 development of the development cycle greatly, do not own a word in the code program, directly write the contents of the can out of the edited function . I hope everyone' s learning and development help
Platform: | Size: 3888128 | Author: 应歌 | Hits:


Description: STM8的软件模拟SPI口写的NRF24L01程序,相信对于开发人员有很大帮助。-STM8 software simulation SPI port write NRF24L01 program, I believe there is a great help for developers.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: lyh | Hits:


Description: 本代码包含管脚使用和ADC转换,本模块(我编写部分)无版权限制,你可以随便使用。初学者学习使用。 如有问题可以发信息给我,联系方式在模块前面备注。-Use this code contains the pin and ADC conversion, this module (I wrote part) without copyright restrictions, you can not use. For beginners to learn to use. If you have questions you can send a message to me, and contact information in front of the module notes.
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: michel | Hits:


Description: STM8-Q64-A207-AT24CXX,实测可用,希望能帮到你!-STM8-Q64-A207-AT24CXX, measurement is available, I hope to help you!
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: yaomin | Hits:


Description: STM8-Q64-A207-DS18B20,实测可用,希望能帮到你!-STM8-Q64-A207-DS18B20, measurement is available, I hope to help you!
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: yaomin | Hits:


Description: STM8-Q64-A207-MAX485,实测可用,希望能帮到你!-STM8-Q64-A207-MAX485, measurement is available, I hope to help you!
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: yaomin | Hits:


Description: STM8-Q64-A207-PCF8563,实测可用,希望能帮到你!-STM8-Q64-A207-PCF8563, measurement is available, I hope to help you!
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: yaomin | Hits:


Description: 此文件包含stm8硬件I2C源码,MCU之间采用I2C多机广播通信。-This file contains stm8 I2C hardware source, broadcast communication between MCU USES I2C more machine.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 嘿嘿 | Hits:


Description: 经过几天的摸索我终于掌握用STM8库的方法,大家可以-After days of groping finally I master the methods of using STM8 library, everyone can see
Platform: | Size: 715776 | Author: LHL | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIAR+for+STM8+2.10.5注册机

Description: 本人亲测 很好用 用IAR的朋友 科技下载试一下 网上有注册步骤 按文档操作 肯定能激活(IAR registration machine I personally tested)
Platform: | Size: 1659904 | Author: Alienware | Hits:


Description: 低功耗CAD,最大发射电流小于75mA,最大接受电流小于16mA(Based on STM8 sx1278 single-chip driver, engineering integrity, function packaging and variable declarations with Chinese description, a look to understand, I have been successful in the development board experiment.)
Platform: | Size: 1699840 | Author: zhouzhihao890318 | Hits:


Description: STM8技术资料文档,找了好久才找到,不敢私藏,需要的拿去用(Stm8 technical data and documents were found after a long time. I dare not hide them privately. Take what I need)
Platform: | Size: 960512 | Author: zzy1134 | Hits:
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