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[File Operate20040913190255_vczx_clsrwini

Description: 读写ini的C++类 一、本类只有4个函数,分别为写数字,读数字,写文本,读文本。支持相对路径。可以用于有或无mfc支持的程序。visual c++6编译通过。 ini格式: [appname] keyname=s 二、代码:请下载压缩包。 三、如需要绝对路径删除CHAR FilePath[255] ---strcat(FilePath,fn)-literacy ini a category C, the only four categories of functions, namely digital writing, word reading, writing text, reading text. Support relative path. Can be used with or without mfc support procedures. Visual C + +6 compile. Ini format : [appname] keyname = s 2, code : Please download compressed. Three, if required absolute path to delete CHAR FilePath [255] --- Geodetic (FilePath, fn)
Platform: | Size: 1220 | Author: 王迎芳 | Hits:


Description: strcat,C语言字符串连接程序
Platform: | Size: 2097 | Author: chea | Hits:

[Windows DevelopListingFiles

Description: This Program to listing all files and folder in one directory. FindNextFile, FindFirstFile, GetLastError, strcpy, strcat, printf
Platform: | Size: 29859 | Author: Merc | Hits:

[Other resourcestrcat

Description: 设计函数STRCAT,模拟标准函数strcat
Platform: | Size: 6208 | Author: yasha | Hits:


Description: SecureCRT Sample: Converting Deprecated CRT Functions to their _s Counterparts This sample demonstrates how to convert CRT functions which have been deprecated for security reasons to their _s counterparts. It covers the conversion of the following functions: strcpy, strncpy, fopen, _splitpath, sprintf, getenv, strcat, _creat, and itoa. It also demonstrates the use of _set_invalid_parameter_handler, another Secure CRT addition.
Platform: | Size: 11250 | Author: 徐海峰 | Hits:

[Windows Developcstringcode

Description: strchr strcmp strcat 源码
Platform: | Size: 1433 | Author: tianya | Hits:

[File Operate20040913190255_vczx_clsrwini

Description: 读写ini的C++类 一、本类只有4个函数,分别为写数字,读数字,写文本,读文本。支持相对路径。可以用于有或无mfc支持的程序。visual c++6编译通过。 ini格式: [appname] keyname=s 二、代码:请下载压缩包。 三、如需要绝对路径删除CHAR FilePath[255] ---strcat(FilePath,fn)-literacy ini a category C, the only four categories of functions, namely digital writing, word reading, writing text, reading text. Support relative path. Can be used with or without mfc support procedures. Visual C++6 compile. Ini format : [appname] keyname = s 2, code : Please download compressed. Three, if required absolute path to delete CHAR FilePath [255]--- Geodetic (FilePath, fn)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王迎芳 | Hits:


Description: strcat,C语言字符串连接程序 -strcat, C language string linker
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: chea | Hits:

[Windows DevelopListingFiles

Description: This Program to listing all files and folder in one directory. FindNextFile, FindFirstFile, GetLastError, strcpy, strcat, printf-This Program to listing all files and folder in one directory. FindNextFile, FindFirstFile, GetLastError, strcpy, strcat, printf
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: Merc | Hits:


Description: 设计函数STRCAT,模拟标准函数strcat-Design function STRCAT, analog standard function strcat
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: yasha | Hits:


Description: SecureCRT Sample: Converting Deprecated CRT Functions to their _s Counterparts This sample demonstrates how to convert CRT functions which have been deprecated for security reasons to their _s counterparts. It covers the conversion of the following functions: strcpy, strncpy, fopen, _splitpath, sprintf, getenv, strcat, _creat, and itoa. It also demonstrates the use of _set_invalid_parameter_handler, another Secure CRT addition. -SecureCRT Sample: Converting Deprecated CRT Functions to their _s CounterpartsThis sample demonstrates how to convert CRT functions which have been deprecated for security reasons to their _s counterparts. It covers the conversion of the following functions: strcpy, strncpy, fopen, _splitpath, sprintf, getenv , strcat, _creat, and itoa. It also demonstrates the use of _set_invalid_parameter_handler, another Secure CRT addition.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 徐海峰 | Hits:


Description: 两个字符串连接程序 进程管理的四个设计 概要 -两个字符串连接程序 #include "stdio.h" main() {char a[]="acegikm" char b[]="bdfhjlnpq" char c[80],*p int i=0,j=0,k=0 while(a[i]!= \0 &&b[j]!= \0 ) {if (a[i] { c[k]=a[i] i++ } else c[k]=b[j++] k++ } c[k]= \0 if(a[i]== \0 ) p=b+j else p=a+i strcat(c,p) puts© }
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: asdasdasd123 | Hits:

[Windows Developstrcat-strcpy-strcmp-strlen(hanshuyuanxing)

Description: strcat,strcpy,strcmp,strlen函数原型,本人在VC6.0下调试通过的例子。-strcat, strcpy, strcmp, strlen function prototype, I have to debug through the VC6.0 example.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 刘飞飞 | Hits:


Description: 缓冲区溢出通常是向数组中写数据时,写入的数据的长度超出了数组原始定义的大小。 比如前面你定义了int buff[10],那么只有buff[0] - buff[9]的空间是我们定义buff 时 申请的合法空间,但后来往里面写入数据时出现了buff[12]=0x10 则越界了。C 语言常用的 strcpy、sprintf、strcat 等函数都非常容易导致缓冲区溢出问题-look at this!
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: lunix | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsstring_connect_c

Description: 字符串连接算法,非strcat-not strcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!strcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!strcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!strcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!strcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!strcat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Platform: | Size: 158720 | Author: susan | Hits:


Description: 字符串相关函数的学习,strcpy(),strcat(),对学习很有帮助-String correlation function of learning, strcpy (), strcat (), helpful in learning
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 高锋 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsproject

Description: 用matlab编写的HUFFMAN树的程序,按照要求输入输入,概率以及信号编号,就可以得到各个信号的Huffman编码。并且有课题报告附上。(编码是逆序输出的,若要改为正序,修改strcat内的两个参数顺序就好)-HUFFMAN prepared using matlab tree program, enter the requested input, probability, and signal numbers, each signal can be Huffman coding.
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: 陈鹏 | Hits:


Description: 在Linux环境下实现字符串连接,即strcat函数。-Realize strcat function in the Linux environment.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: ChristinaZhang | Hits:


Description: 实现string.h中Strcat的功能,使用Visual C++6.0编译-To string.h Strcat the compiled using Visual C++6.0
Platform: | Size: 199680 | Author: zhou | Hits:


Description: Concat_strings without using strcat function
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Pralay Saha | Hits:
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