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[Other resource基本图像分割实例

Description: P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数 -P0801 : Call text image segmentation P0802 : adhesion character segmentation P0803 : Character Recognition P0804 : color plates separated P0805 : Segmentation Recognition trademark characters : Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01 : Character Recognition structural feature extraction function.
Platform: | Size: 220753 | Author: 孙月 | Hits:

[Other resourceFingerprintIdentification

Description: c++开发的指纹识别算法,程序结构完整清晰,供学习使用-development of fingerprint recognition algorithm, structural integrity clear procedures for the use of learning
Platform: | Size: 29039 | Author: 郝春风 | Hits:

[Special EffectsStrDetect01

Description: 文字识别的结构特征提取子函数。对不同字型的字进行提取。-Character Recognition structural feature extraction Functions. Text of different characters extracted.
Platform: | Size: 1095 | Author: 王兆禹 | Hits:

[Other resourcedfdgg

Description: 图象处理源代码集 图像分割是图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等领域中极为重要的内容之一,是实现自动图像分析时首先需要完成的操作。它是根据图像的某些特征或特征集合的相似性准则,对图像像素进行分组聚类,把图像平面划分为一系列有意义的区域,使其后的图像分析及识别等高级处理阶段所要处理的数据量大大减少,同时又保留有关图像结构特征的信息。由于分割中出现的误差会传播至高层次处理阶段,因此分割的精确程度是至关重要的。-image processing source code is a set image segmentation image processing, pattern recognition, Computer Vision and other areas extremely important one is to achieve automatic image analysis first need to complete the operation. It is based on the image of certain features or characteristics similar set of criteria, the image pixels for a cluster, the image plane is divided into a series of meaningful regional, enable subsequent image analysis and identification of high-processing stage to deal with the volume of data greatly reduced. while retaining the structural characteristics of the image information. As segmentation of error would spread to high-level processing stage, the exact extent of segmentation is critical.
Platform: | Size: 803904 | Author: guoxiaoyong | Hits:

[Graph Recognizewzsb

Description: 文字识别系统--数字字符的识别算法,将数字字符的顶部、左右两侧的局部轮廓结构和统计特征组合成特征向量,用以描述10个数字。采用用结构语句识别算法识别底部残缺的和完整的数字字符。-Character Recognition System -- Character recognition algorithm, the top figures of characters, around both sides of the partial outline of the structure and statistical characteristics into a feature vector, to describe the 10 figures. Use of structural sentence recognition algorithms to identify the bottom incomplete and complete digital characters.
Platform: | Size: 2239 | Author: tangtang | Hits:


Description: P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数 -P0801 : Call text image segmentation P0802 : adhesion character segmentation P0803 : Character Recognition P0804 : color plates separated P0805 : Segmentation Recognition trademark characters : Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01 : Character Recognition structural feature extraction function.
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: 孙月 | Hits:


Description: c++开发的指纹识别算法,程序结构完整清晰,供学习使用-development of fingerprint recognition algorithm, structural integrity clear procedures for the use of learning
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 郝春风 | Hits:

[Special EffectsStrDetect01

Description: 文字识别的结构特征提取子函数。对不同字型的字进行提取。-Character Recognition structural feature extraction Functions. Text of different characters extracted.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 王兆禹 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringdfdgg

Description: 图象处理源代码集 图像分割是图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等领域中极为重要的内容之一,是实现自动图像分析时首先需要完成的操作。它是根据图像的某些特征或特征集合的相似性准则,对图像像素进行分组聚类,把图像平面划分为一系列有意义的区域,使其后的图像分析及识别等高级处理阶段所要处理的数据量大大减少,同时又保留有关图像结构特征的信息。由于分割中出现的误差会传播至高层次处理阶段,因此分割的精确程度是至关重要的。-image processing source code is a set image segmentation image processing, pattern recognition, Computer Vision and other areas extremely important one is to achieve automatic image analysis first need to complete the operation. It is based on the image of certain features or characteristics similar set of criteria, the image pixels for a cluster, the image plane is divided into a series of meaningful regional, enable subsequent image analysis and identification of high-processing stage to deal with the volume of data greatly reduced. while retaining the structural characteristics of the image information. As segmentation of error would spread to high-level processing stage, the exact extent of segmentation is critical.
Platform: | Size: 803840 | Author: guoxiaoyong | Hits:

[Graph Recognizewzsb

Description: 文字识别系统--数字字符的识别算法,将数字字符的顶部、左右两侧的局部轮廓结构和统计特征组合成特征向量,用以描述10个数字。采用用结构语句识别算法识别底部残缺的和完整的数字字符。-Character Recognition System-- Character recognition algorithm, the top figures of characters, around both sides of the partial outline of the structure and statistical characteristics into a feature vector, to describe the 10 figures. Use of structural sentence recognition algorithms to identify the bottom incomplete and complete digital characters.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: tangtang | Hits:


Description: C针对模式识别问题H描述了支持向量机的基本思想H着重讨论了OD=?PI最小二乘=?PI加权=?P 和直接 =?P 等新的支持向量机方法H用于降低训练时间和减少计算复杂性的海量样本数据训练算法分块法I分解法H提 高泛化能力的模型选择方法H以及逐一鉴别法I一一区分法IPD., 分类法I一次性求解等多类别分类方法@最后给 出了污水生化处理过程运行状态监控的多类别分类实例@作为结构风险最小化准则的具体实现H支持向量机具有 全局最优性和较好的泛化能力-C for pattern recognition problem of H describes the support vector machine basic idea of H focused on the OD =? PI squares =? PI weighted =? P and direct =? P, such as new support vector machine method used to reduce training time H and reduce the computational complexity of the mass sample data training algorithm block decomposition H Act I improve generalization ability of the model selection method to identify H as well as one by one law I 11 to distinguish between law IPD., classification, etc. I one-time solution of multi-class classification method @ Finally, biological wastewater treatment processes to monitor the operational status of the multi-class classification example @ as structural risk minimization criteria for the concrete realization of H support vector machine with the global optimum and good generalization ability
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: limingxian | Hits:

[Special Effectsmatlab

Description: 一个matlab做的图象处理程序. P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数-A matlab to do the image processing procedures. P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: Segmentation of color plates P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: Text Recognition Structural Feature Extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: 嘉川 | Hits:

[Special Effectsopen_reference_book

Description: 介绍OpenCV Beta 4.0 版本的用户手册中的图像处理、结构分析、运动分析和对象跟踪部分,模式识别、照相机定标与三维重建部分-Introduction OpenCV Beta 4.0 version of the user manual of image processing, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking part, pattern recognition, camera calibration and three-dimensional reconstruction of part of
Platform: | Size: 271360 | Author: beehard | Hits:

[Graph Recognize200572811235798

Description: 本文论述并设计实现了一个脱机自由手写体数字识别系统。文中首先对待识别数字的预处理进行了介绍,包括二值化、平滑滤波、规范化、细化等图像处理方法;其次,探讨了如何提取数字字符的结构特征和笔划特征,并详细地描述了知识库的构造方法;最后采用了以知识库为基础的模板匹配识别方法,并以MATLAB作为编程工具实现了具有友好的图形用户界面的自由手写体数字识别系统。实验结果表明,本方法具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能-In this paper, and designed to achieve a free offline handwritten numeral recognition system. First, the identification number of the preconditioning treatment were introduced, including binarization, smoothing filtering, standardization, refinement, such as image processing method Secondly, to explore how to extract the number of character strokes of structural features and characteristics, and described in detail Knowledge of the construction method Finally the use of a Knowledge-based template matching method to identify and MATLAB as a programming tool to achieve with a friendly graphical user interface of free handwritten numeral recognition system. The experimental results show that this method has higher recognition rate, and has better anti-noise performance
Platform: | Size: 1224704 | Author: wangjinfeng | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeNumberRecognitionSystem

Description: 本文论述并设计实现了一个脱机自由手写体数字识别系统。文中首先对待识别数字的预处理进行了介绍,包括二值化、平滑滤波、规范化、细化等图像处理方法;其次,探讨了如何提取数字字符的结构特征和笔划特征,并详细地描述了知识库的构造方法;最后采用了以知识库为基础的模板匹配识别方法,并以MATLAB作为编程工具实现了具有友好的图形用户界面的自由手写体数字识别系统。实验结果表明,本方法具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能。-In this paper, and design implementation of a freely Offline handwritten numeral recognition system. First, identify the figure of the pre-processing treatment were introduced, including binarization, smoothing filtering, standardization, refinement, such as image processing method Secondly, to explore how to extract the structural features of characters and stroke characteristics, and described in detail Knowledge of the construction method Finally the use of a Knowledge-based template matching to identify methods and MATLAB as a programming tool to achieve with a friendly graphical user interface of freely handwritten numeral recognition system. The experimental results show that this method has higher recognition rate, and has better anti-noise performance.
Platform: | Size: 349184 | Author: kongchao | Hits:

[Special Effectsopencv

Description: 本翻译是直接根据 OpenCV Beta 4.0 版本的用户手册翻 译的,原文件是: <opencv_directory>/doc/ref/opencvref_cv.htm, 可 以从 SOURCEFORG 上面的 OpenCV 项目下载,也可以直 接从 阿须数码 中下载: http://www.assuredigit.com/incoming/sourcecode/o pencv/chinese_docs/ref/opencvref_cv.htm。 翻译中肯定有不少错误,另外也有些术语和原文语义理 解不透导致翻译不准确或者错误,也请有心人赐教。 图像处理、结构分析、运动分析和对象跟踪部分由 R.Z.LIU 翻译,模式识别、照相机定标与三维重建部分由 H.M.ZHANG 翻译,全文由Y.C.WEI 统一修改校正。-This translation is directly from the OpenCV Beta 4.0 version of the user manual over Translation, the original documents are: <opencv_directory>/doc/ref/opencvref_cv.htm, can be From above SOURCEFORG download OpenCV project can also be directly Then from the Arab-Israeli to be a digital download: http://www.assuredigit.com/incoming/sourcecode/o pencv/chinese_docs/ref/opencvref_cv.htm. Am sure a lot of translation errors, but also some semantic terms and the original rationale Solution does not lead to translation through inaccurate or erroneous, please enlighten people. Image processing, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking in part by the RZLIU translation, pattern recognition, camera calibration and three-dimensional reconstruction in part by the HMZHANG translation, the full text of amendments to correction by the YCWEI reunification.
Platform: | Size: 687104 | Author: dugumengyouzi | Hits:

[Graph programchap8

Description: 程序代码说明 P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数-The structural character recognition feature extraction subroutine
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: lin65505578 | Hits:


Description: 二维线性鉴别分析(2DLDA)算法能有效解决线性鉴别分析(LDA)算法的“小样本”效应,支持向量机 (SVM)具有结构风险最小化的特点,将两者结合起来用于人脸识别。首先,利用小波变换获取人脸图像的低频分量,忽 略高频分量:然后,用2DLDA算法提取人脸图像低频分量的线性鉴别特征,用“一对多”的SVM 多类分类算法完成人脸 识别。基于ORL人脸数据库和Yale人脸数据库的实验结果验证了2DLDA+SVM算法应用于人脸识别的有效性。-”Small sample size”problem of LDA algorithm can be overcome by two—dimensional LDA f 2DLDA),and Support Vector Machine(SVM)has the characteristic of structural risk minimization.In this paper,two methods were combined and used for face recognition.Firstly,the original images were decomposed into high—frequency and low—frequency components by Wavelet Transform(WT).The high—frequency components were ignored,while the low—frequency components can be obtained.Then.the liner discriminant features were extracted by 2DLDA,and”one VS rest”。strategy of SVMs for muhiclass classification was chosen to perform face recognition. Experimental results based on ORL f Olivetti Research Laboratory1 face database and Yale face database show the validity of 2DLDA+SVM algorithm for face recogn ition.
Platform: | Size: 236544 | Author: 费富里 | Hits:


Description: 2011最新 结构和统计模型相结合的模式识别方法展望-Towards the Unification of Structural and Statistical Pattern Recognition
Platform: | Size: 724992 | Author: tang | Hits:


Description: 手写体数字识别有着重大的使用价值,用多层BP 网络来识别手写体数字是手写体数字识别的一大进步,但是,用 单纯的BP 网络来识别也存在识别精度不高等的问题。将BP 网络技术和数字本身的结构特征结合起来,提出了一种基于 结构特征分类BP 网络的手写体数字识别新方法-Handwritten numeral recognition has great value in use, multi-layer BP neural network to recognize handwritten numerals handwritten numeral recognition is a big step forward, but with a simple BP network to identify the recognition accuracy is not high, there are problems. The BP neural network technology and digital combine their structural characteristics, we propose a classification based on BP network structure Handwritten Digit Recognition Method
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: xj | Hits:
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