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Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 496kb Publisher : luoshihui

Struts新闻管理系统学习版: 8 L* ]2 ]& B0 Q- t5 a2 jStruts新闻管理系统学习版说明 " z o r. n7 g1 u9 {. [5 i& x & f k! F y/ ]+ T1.本程序为学习struts的朋友提供一个例子。" I) w8 R9 z w( c3 ? : ?7 y1 K) J& R! {3 a( T8 c1 a2.本程序部分实现AJAX功能,采用DWR框架。( h X+ M l, C7 X k( ]: z( f2 v5 e* J3.程序运行环境为MYECLIPSE 5.0 + TOMACT 5.5 + ORACLE 9i7 m ]5 a+ T9 ^0 p8 B5 e9 _ l9 v( q $ B: ` w* b k- P 4.配置说明:将lib目录下的commons-pool-1.2.jar,commons-dbcp-1.2.jar,ojdbc14.jar复制到TOMACT目录下的COMMON下的LIB目录中。 9 e, g8 n k X6 e H q$ h) K$ k- ^( \2 M 5.登陆用户名:test密码为空。-Struts News Management System Learning Edition: 8 L*] 2] & B0 Q-t5 a2 jStruts News Management System Learning Help " z o ' r. n7 g1 u9 {. [5 i & x & fk! F y /]+ T1. This process of learning struts friends provide an example. " I) w8 R9 z ' w (c3?:? 7 y1 K) J & R! {3 a (T8 c1 a2. implement AJAX functionality in this part of the program, using DWR framework. (h ' X+ M l, C7 X k (]: z (f2 v5 e* J3. running environment for MYECLIPSE 5.0+ TOMACT 5.5+ ORACLE 9i7 m' ] 5 a+ T9 ^ 0 p8 B5 e9 _ l9 v (q $ B: `w* b k-P 4. configuration instructions: The lib directory of the commons-pool-1.2.jar, commons-dbcp-1.2.jar, ojdbc14.jar copied to TOMACT directory COMMON LIB directory under. 9 e, g8 nk X6 e H q $ h) K $ k-^ (\ 2 M 5. Login Username: test password is blank.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.75mb Publisher : 对心锁爱
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