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Bug Barrier事务系统 项目内容:对软件开发中的bug进行管理 主要模块:项目组长事物模块、开发人员事物模块、 测试人员事物模块、无项目人员模块 开发平台: Windows2000 Server 开发工具:JBuilder2005+SQLServer2000企业版 程序构架基于:运用JSP+Struts等技术 开发MVC架构网站 项目描述: 可添加项目和用户,用户在系统中权限分为系统管理员,用户管理员,项目管理员,普通用户;在项目 中用户权限分为测试人员,开发人员,项目组长,角色权限可重叠。 用户根据系统权限和项目权限可对bug进行相应状态的自动操作和管理,并可对自己设置相关参数,另外可对项目中的bug进行数据统计 -Bug Barrier Service System project : the software development management for the bug main modules : Module things head of the project, developers things modules, test Module things, no project personnel module development platform : Windows 2000 Server development tools : cancel CRM Enterprise Edition framework, based on : using technologies such as JSP Struts MVC framework for the development of the project site Description : can add projects and users, users competence in the system is divided into system administrators, users managers, project managers, general users; the project is divided into user privileges testers, developers, the project leader, role competence may overlap. Users under the system of authority and competence of the project can be carried out to bug state of automat
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.6mb Publisher : wind

Bug Barrier事务系统 项目内容:对软件开发中的bug进行管理 主要模块:项目组长事物模块、开发人员事物模块、 测试人员事物模块、无项目人员模块 开发平台: Windows2000 Server 开发工具:JBuilder2005+SQLServer2000企业版 程序构架基于:运用JSP+Struts等技术 开发MVC架构网站 项目描述: 可添加项目和用户,用户在系统中权限分为系统管理员,用户管理员,项目管理员,普通用户;在项目 中用户权限分为测试人员,开发人员,项目组长,角色权限可重叠。 用户根据系统权限和项目权限可对bug进行相应状态的自动操作和管理,并可对自己设置相关参数,另外可对项目中的bug进行数据统计 -Bug Barrier Service System project : the software development management for the bug main modules : Module things head of the project, developers things modules, test Module things, no project personnel module development platform : Windows 2000 Server development tools : cancel CRM Enterprise Edition framework, based on : using technologies such as JSP Struts MVC framework for the development of the project site Description : can add projects and users, users competence in the system is divided into system administrators, users managers, project managers, general users; the project is divided into user privileges testers, developers, the project leader, role competence may overlap. Users under the system of authority and competence of the project can be carried out to bug state of automat
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.6mb Publisher : wind

在 MyEclipse 中创建一个新的 Web 模块项目 并向它添加 Struts 功能 (Struts Capabilities)模块,形成StrutsUpload项目,附上源代码-In MyEclipse to create a new Web Module project and add it Struts functionality (Struts Capabilities) module, the formation of StrutsUpload projects, accompanied by source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher :

在 MyEclipse 中创建一个新的 Web 模块项目 并向它添加 Struts 功能 (Struts Capabilities)模块,形成StrutsPageDemo项目,附上源代码-In MyEclipse to create a new Web Module project and add it Struts functionality (Struts Capabilities) module, the formation of StrutsPageDemo projects, accompanied by source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 442kb Publisher :

在 MyEclipse 中创建一个新的 Web 模块项目 并向它添加 Struts 功能 (Struts Capabilities)模块,形成StrutsUpload项目,附上源代码-In MyEclipse to create a new Web Module project and add it Struts functionality (Struts Capabilities) module, the formation of StrutsUpload projects, accompanied by source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher :

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本项目在前台提供新闻页面浏览。使用了struts、hibernate、spring框架,分为3大模块:用户管理模块,新闻管理模块,权限管理模块。 -The project provides news in front page views. Using struts, hibernate, spring framework, divided into 3 major modules: the user management module, news management module, management module permissions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.49mb Publisher : 文梁

DL : 0
本系统采用struts+spring+hibernate架构,重在讲述三者结合在一起的应用开发,所有源程序都 有详细的注释,供入门者学生参考,未经作者允许不得用于商业用途,只能用于教学或个人学习。 程序只是整个系统中的一个模块,用于和各位程序爱好者交流之用。 使用方法: (1)在oracle数据库中运行数据库脚本文件cnc.sql. (2)用eclipse(或其它开发工具)直接导入工程. (3)将spring配置文件applicationContext.xml中数据库连接地址改为您自已的地址。 (4)部署到tomcat服务器中即可运行(jdk1.5以上). 用户名和密码均为:admin -The system uses struts+ spring+ hibernate framework, with emphasis on the combination of application development, have all detailed source notes, for beginners to students, without allowing the author not be used for commercial purposes, can only be used in teaching or individual learning. Procedures for the entire system is a module for enthusiasts and members of the exchange process only. Usage: (1) in the oracle database run the database script file cnc.sql. (2) using eclipse (or other development tools) directly into the project. (3) in the spring configuration file applicationContext.xml address change database connection your own address. (4) deployed to the tomcat server to run (jdk1.5 and above). A user name and password are: admin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.72mb Publisher : 月月

在线购书系统是一个基于Web的应用,整个项目采用采用JSP/Servlet,struts-2为框架,并结合了当前DWR ,javaScript等技术。它实现了常用的购书模块,例如新用户注册和登录模块,用户信息的修改模块,账户管理,书籍的分页浏览模块,以及书本的在线的搜索功能模块,购物车模块,订单生成及查询查询模块 本系统以客户为中心而设计-Online shopping System is a Web-based applications, the entire project by using JSP/Servlet, struts-2 as a framework, combined with the current DWR, javaScript technologies. It implements the common textbook modules, such as the new user registration and login module, modify user information module, account management, tabbed browsing books, modules, and book online search function modules, shopping cart module, orders and inquiries generated Query Module The system is designed customer-focused
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.79mb Publisher : 冯涛

本项目结构上分为表现层,业务层和数据访问层,层次间的依赖关系自下到上, 采用的技术有Struts,Hibernate,JDom,Spring等,其中表现层采用Struts框架开发,业务 层封装业务流程,为适应业务的变更,每一业务模块均有专门的接口及实现类,利用Spring 中的IoC功能将实现类注入给表现层的Action,数据访问层借助于Heibernate实现,代码 简洁且可适用于不同的数据库,事务部分利用了Spring的声明事务管理。为提高性能, 采用Servlet Filter实现了缓存代理-The project is divided into the structure of the presentation layer, business layer dependencies and data access layer, down to the level of inter-self on the use of technology Struts, Hibernate, JDom, Spring, etc., where the presentation layer using Struts framework development, business layer encapsulation business processes to adapt to changing business, each business module has a special interface and implementation class, use the Spring IoC features will inject to the Action implementation class presentation layer, data access layer by means Heibernate, the code is simple and can be for different databases, transaction part of the use of the Spring declarative transaction management. To improve performance, the use of Servlet Filter to achieve a caching proxy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.42mb Publisher : 王彦霏

DL : 0
本项目为客户关系管理系统,主要模块分为:客户管理模块、联系人管理模块、客户拜访管理模块、综合查询模块和统计分析模块;实现了客户与联系人的增删改查,分页显示、级联删除、多条件组合查询和统计分析。本项目结构上分为表现层、业务层和数据访问层,采用Spring+Struts+Hibernate实现。(This is a project of customer relationship management system, the main module includes: customer management module, contact management module, customer call management module, integrated query module and statistical analysis module; the customer contact crud and paging display, a cascade delete query and statistical analysis. The structure of this project is divided into presentation layer, business layer and data access layer, and implemented by Spring+Struts+Hibernate.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19.82mb Publisher : 风卷云舒
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