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本论文叙述了我校学成绩管理的现状以及Visual basic6.0语言的概况.重点介绍了学生成绩管理系统的实现过程:包括系统分析、 系统调查、 数据流程分析、功能设计、 数据库设计、 系统物理配置方案、 系统实现、 系统测试和调试.本系统主要功能有用户管理、学生注册、班级信息录入、学生信息录入、班级课程录入、学校专业信息录入、课程信息录入、学生成绩录入、教师信息录入、数据...........包括功能需求描述、数据库设计等内容.第四章介绍了本系统的具体实现.第五章关于本系统开发过程中的结论及体会.-This paper describes the school management study results as well as the status of the Visual Language Overview basic6.0 status. Students focus on the performance management system implementation process include : systems analysis, investigation, data flow analysis, Functional design, database design, system configuration physics program, the realization of the system, System testing and debugging. The system's main function is user management, student registration, class information input, student information input, Input class courses, professional information into schools, the curriculum information input, input pupils, teachers input information, Data ........... including functional requirements described, Database design elements. Chapter IV of the system is a concrete realization
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 123.08kb Publisher : 墨林

课程管理信息系统,不过自己要先建立名称为“Student Registration”的ODBC数据源-curriculum management information systems, But the establishment of their first names as "Student Registration" ODBC data source
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 105.94kb Publisher : jane

高校学生成绩管理系统的设计与实现 本论文叙述了我校学成绩管理的现状以及Visual basic6.0语言的概况。重点介绍了学生成绩管理系统的实现过程:包括系统分析、 系统调查、 数据流程分析、功能设计、 数据库设计、 系统物理配置方案、 系统实现、 系统测试和调试。本系统主要功能有用户管理、学生注册、班级信息录入、学生信息录入、班级课程录入、学校专业信息录入、课程信息录入、学生成绩录入、教师信息录入、数据。。。。。。。。。。。包括功能需求描述、数据库设计等内容。第四章介绍了本系统的具体实现。第五章关于本系统开发过程中的结论及体会。 【关键词】学生成绩管理系统,功能,特点,论文内容。 -college students performance management system design and implementation of this paper describes the school management study results as well as the status of Vi sual basic6.0 Language Overview. Students focus on the performance management system implementation process include : systems analysis, investigation, data flow analysis, functional design, database design, the physical system configuration programs, systems, system testing and debugging. The system's main function is user management, student registration, class information input, input student information, class courses logging, professional information into the school curriculum information input, input pupils, teachers input information and data. . . . . . . . . . . Description including functional requirements, such as data
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 390.44kb Publisher : fnxg

本论文叙述了我校学成绩管理的现状以及Visual basic6.0语言的概况.重点介绍了学生成绩管理系统的实现过程:包括系统分析、 系统调查、 数据流程分析、功能设计、 数据库设计、 系统物理配置方案、 系统实现、 系统测试和调试.本系统主要功能有用户管理、学生注册、班级信息录入、学生信息录入、班级课程录入、学校专业信息录入、课程信息录入、学生成绩录入、教师信息录入、数据...........包括功能需求描述、数据库设计等内容.第四章介绍了本系统的具体实现.第五章关于本系统开发过程中的结论及体会.-This paper describes the school management study results as well as the status of the Visual Language Overview basic6.0 status. Students focus on the performance management system implementation process include : systems analysis, investigation, data flow analysis, Functional design, database design, system configuration physics program, the realization of the system, System testing and debugging. The system's main function is user management, student registration, class information input, student information input, Input class courses, professional information into schools, the curriculum information input, input pupils, teachers input information, Data ........... including functional requirements described, Database design elements. Chapter IV of the system is a concrete realization
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 123kb Publisher : 墨林

课程管理信息系统,不过自己要先建立名称为“Student Registration”的ODBC数据源-curriculum management information systems, But the establishment of their first names as "Student Registration" ODBC data source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 106kb Publisher : jane

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asp.net开发网上报名系统,具体采用vb.net与sql server2000,开发平台为vs.net2003,运行时候可以在上述软件配置齐全下直接运行。具体实现报名系统的基本功能。 development of online registration system, the specific use of with sql server2000, development platform for vs.net2003, run time can be complete in the above software configuration directly to run. Concrete realization of the basic functions of application systems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.79mb Publisher : 陈金中

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学生成绩管理系统,结合数据库技术,综合使用各种控件,做一个小型应用系统:学生成绩管理系统,能够实现对每个学生每学期的各科成绩能进行输入、删除、查询、打印等等。功能强大,具有注册功能,特别添加了留言版功能。-Student achievement management system that combines database technology, the integrated use of various controls, a small-scale application systems: student achievement management system that can be achieved for each student each semester of the various results can be input, delete, query, print etc.. Powerful, with the registration, in particular, added a message board feature.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 139kb Publisher : xj

适合学生信息管理系统适用于全国各大民办高校,方便新生登记,学生注册,文考与自考成绩查询等操作。可以自定义院系,奖学金,考试类别。提供完善的添加、更改、查询操作,完全独立的数据库系统,数据管理为您提供:添加新生、更改档案。数据查询为您提供:学生查询、成绩查询。本系统具有安全的数据库备份方案、数据共享、简单易用、仿WINDOWS操作方式,可以使您很快上手,打印机设置为您打印提供解决方案根据需要自动设置院系和相应的年级和课程。-Suitable for students of information management system is suitable for the major private universities nationwide to facilitate the new registration, student registration, examination and自考text query, such as operating results. Can customize the faculties, scholarships, examinations categories. Provide a sound to add, change, query operation, totally independent of database systems, data management to provide you with: Add new life, change the file. Data Query offers you: students query results query. This system has the secure database backup program, data sharing, easy to use, imitation WINDOWS mode of operation allows you to quickly get started, the printer is set to provide solutions to your print is automatically set according to the needs of faculty and the corresponding grades and curricula.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 73kb Publisher : 林撒旦

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学生信息注册系统,数据库是ACCESS!-Student Registration information systems, databases are ACCESS!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 452kb Publisher : edione

适合学生信息管理系统适用于全国各大民办高校,方便新生登记,学生注册,文考与自考成绩查询等操作。可以自定义院系,奖学金,考试类别。提供完善的添加、更改、查询操作,完全独立的数据库系统,数据管理为您提供:添加新生、更改档案。-Student Information Management System for the application of the major private universities in the country to facilitate the new registration, student registration, examination and自考text query, such as operating results. Can customize the faculty, scholarships, test category. Provide a sound to add, change, query operation, totally independent of database systems, data management to provide you with: add new, change the file.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : bobo

《Visual C++数据库通用模块开发与系统移植》,侯其锋等著,清华大学出版社。主要包括以下内容:用户登录模块、用户注册模块、数据显示模块、图片显示模块、文本编辑模块、打印和打印预览模块、报表模块、酒店管理系统、学生档案管理系统、宾馆管理系统、驾校管理信息系统、系统移植与升级等。-" Visual C++ Database Module development and system migration," the front waiting for Hou, Tsinghua University Press. Mainly include the following: user login module, the user registration module, data display module, image display module, a text editor module, print and print preview module, report module, the hotel management system, student records management system, hotel management system, management驾校information systems, system migration and upgrading.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48mb Publisher : 小明

Problem Statement As the head of information systems for Wylie College you are tasked with developing a new student registration system. The college would like a new client-server system to replace its much older system developed around mainframe technology. The new system will allow students to register for courses and view report cards from personal computers attached to the campus LAN. Professors will be able to access the system to sign up to teach courses as well as record grades.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 93kb Publisher : azooz

学生成绩管理系统,结合数据库技术,综合使用各种控件,做一个小型应用系统:学生成绩管理系统,能够实现对每个学生每学期的各科成绩能进行输入、删除、查询、打印等等。功能强大,具有注册功能,特别添加了留言版功能-Student achievement management system that combines database technology, the integrated use of various controls, a small-scale application systems: student achievement management system that can be achieved for each student each semester of the various results can be input, delete, query, print etc.. Powerful, with the registration, in particular, added a message board feature.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : John

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系统分四大功能模块,为了方便地对各种信息用计算机进行有效的管理,各模块的基本功能说明如下: 学生信息管理:包括学生信息的登记,查询及维护功能 测评信息管理:包括测评信息的登记,查询及维护功能 信息打印:包括学生信息打印和测评信息打印 系统管理:包括专业信息设置,学期信息设置,个人密码修-System divided into four modules, in order to easily use all kinds of information for effective management of the computer, the basic functions of each module as follows: student information management: including student information, registration, inquiry and maintenance functions evaluation information management: including evaluation of information registration, inquiry and maintenance functions of information to print: student information, including print and print evaluation information systems management: the professional information set, term set of information, personal passwords repair
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 594kb Publisher : qixiaoxi

VB数据库系统:学生档案管理,SQL2000数据库,内附源代码 和毕业设计文档、数据库建库脚本等。本档案管理的功能主要有:学生学籍注册与变动、成员维护管理、用户管理、学籍报告等模块,对学习VB数据库编程,这是个很不错的例子。-VB database systems: student records management, SQL2000 database, containing the source code and graduate design documents, database building a database scripts. The file management functions are: registration and student record changes in members of the maintenance and management, user management, student status reporting module, to learn VB database programming, this is a good example.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.41mb Publisher : shiwolai

悠索科技高校教务管理系统采用先进的.Net2.0技术开发,数据库基于通用的数据库访问组件,可以和Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008无缝结合,采用AJAX技术无刷新更新系统。系统的性能和安全性得到了极大的保证。-The main features are the basic settings system, student management system, teacher management systems, course management systems, curriculum inquiries, public information systems, performance management systems, teacher evaluation system, the certificate management system, online registration system, since the forms system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.54mb Publisher : 吴小雄

悠索教务管理系统-成绩管理系统采用先进的.Net2.0技术开发,数据库基于通用的数据库访问组件可以和Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008无缝结合,采用AJAX技术无刷新更新系统。系统的性能和安全性得到了极大的保证。 本系统主要的功能有基本设置系统,学生管理系统,教师管理系统,课程管理系统,课程表查询,公用信息系统,成绩管理系统,教师评价系统,证书管理系统,在线报名系统,自定表单系统,门户管理子系统,在线考试系统,(教学计划系统,学生品德评估系统,教师工资管理正在开发),满足了大多数学校的需求。系统设计的功能从学生入学到毕业的整个教务流程都可以采用软件进行操作,提高了学校的教务管理的方便性和准确性。 本系统的开发,是在原版本的基础上升级的,经过了广大用户的考验,得到了部分学校的大力支持,系统的易用性,通用性,移值性都经过良好的测试。系统的易用性在原系统的基础上在一次进行了提高,对于课程和班级,教师之间的关系操作也更灵活方便了。 当然,系统可能还有很多功能没有实现,也可能有很多学校有更多的功能要求,本系统模块化的设计完全可以单独开发相关的模块在加入到系统之中,系统的可扩展性能极强。 -You cord Educational Management System- performance management system uses advanced the. Net2.0 technology development, database based on a common database access components can and Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008 the seamless integration, the use of AJAX technology Refresh to update the system. System performance and security has been a great deal of assurance. The main function of this system have a basic set system, student management system, teacher management systems, course management systems, curriculum inquiries, public information systems, performance management systems, teacher evaluation system, the certificate management system, online registration system, since the form system, portal management subsystem, the online examination system (teaching programs, students moral evaluation system, teachers salaries management is being developed) to meet the needs of most schools. Function of system design from the students for admission to a graduate of the entire Senate process can
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.46mb Publisher : 广宏

悠索科技高校教务管理系统采用先进的.Net2.0技术开发,数据库基于通用的数据库访问组件,可以和Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008无缝结合,采用AJAX技术无刷新更新系统。系统的性能和安全性得到了极大的保证。 本系统主要的功能有基本设置系统,学生管理系统,教师管理系统,课程管理系统,课程表查询,公用信息系统,成绩管理系统,教师评价系统,证书管理系统,在线报名系统,自定表单系统,门户管理子系统,在线考试系统,(教学计划系统,学生品德评估系统,教师工资管理正在开发),满足了大多数学校的需求。系统设计的功能从学生入学到毕业的整个教务流程都可以采用软件进行操作,提高了学校的教务管理的方便性和准确性。-You claim university educational management system using state-of-the-art a. Net2.0 technical development, database based on a common database access components can be seamlessly combined and Access2003/SQL2000/2005/2008 using AJAX technology refresh update the system. The performance and security of the system has been a great guarantee. The main features of this system are the basic settings for the system, student management system, teacher management system, course management system, curriculum query, public information systems, performance management systems, teacher evaluation system, certificate management system, online registration systems, custom form system, portal management subsystem, online examination system (teaching plan, students ' moral evaluation system, teachers' salaries, management is being developed), to meet the needs of most schools. The entire Senate process of system design features admission to graduation from the students can use the software to ope
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.09mb Publisher : lidkd

毕业生信息管理系统就是基于这样一种现实提出的一种利用互联网络的快速、高效、方便、快捷等特点来帮助高校管理人员更好更快的完成大批量毕业生信息的管理任务的管理系统网站。主要内容包括不需要学生注册,由学校管理人员根据三方协议确认就业情况;实现根据签的协议生成图表,查看学校毕业生就业率(同时不同的学院也会生成不同的图表);定时发布就业信息,方便广大毕业生;学生可以按学号登陆,查看个人的信息及就业信息,如果有错误可以提出修改申请,待管理员审核后修改;实现权限管理,如学生和管理老师可以实现不同的功能;-Graduate Information Management System is based on the reality of such a proposed use of the Internet as a fast, efficient, convenient, fast and so to help university administrators better and faster completion of large quantities of graduate management information systems management tasks website. The main contents include no student registration, the school administrators are recognized under the tripartite agreement employment situation achieve generate charts based on signed agreements, view school graduate employment rate (both different colleges also generates different charts) timed release employment information facilitate the majority of graduates students can log in by student number, view personal information and employment information, if there is an error may propose amendments apply until after an administrator to modify implement rights management, such as students and teachers can implement different management functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28.11mb Publisher : 向志星

课程管理信息系统,不过自己要先建立名称为“Student Registration”的ODBC数据源-Course management information systems, but their first establish the ODBC data source name " Student Registration" in
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 106kb Publisher : 陈日成
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