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mp3dec.h - The main header file defining the structures and functions in the decoder mp3dec.c - The main source file, including the main loop and most decoding functions mp3dec_D.h - The windowing function data huff.c - The huffman decoder (speed-up ideas in this were borrowed from Amp by Tomislav Uzelac) huffman.h - Tablefile for the huffman decoder fastimdct.c - The optimized IMDCT transform fastsb.c - The optimized \"polyphase subband transform\", really another IMDCT windowing.c - The output filtering function -mp3dec.h - The main header file defining the structures and functions in the decoder mp3dec.c - The main source file, including the main loop and most decoding functions mp3dec_D.h - The windowing function data huff.c - The huffman decoder (speed-up ideas in this were borrowed from Amp by Tomislav Uzelac) huffman.h - Tablefile for the huffman decoder fastimdct.c - The optimized IMDCT transform fastsb.c - The optimized \"polyphase subband transform\", really another IMDCT windowing.c - The output filtering function
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 35.66kb Publisher : slam

mp3dec.h - The main header file defining the structures and functions in the decoder mp3dec.c - The main source file, including the main loop and most decoding functions mp3dec_D.h - The windowing function data huff.c - The huffman decoder (speed-up ideas in this were borrowed from Amp by Tomislav Uzelac) huffman.h - Tablefile for the huffman decoder fastimdct.c - The optimized IMDCT transform fastsb.c - The optimized "polyphase subband transform", really another IMDCT windowing.c - The output filtering function -mp3dec.h- The main header file defining the structures and functions in the decoder mp3dec.c- The main source file, including the main loop and most decoding functions mp3dec_D.h- The windowing function data huff.c- The huffman decoder (speed-up ideas in this were borrowed from Amp by Tomislav Uzelac) huffman.h- Tablefile for the huffman decoder fastimdct.c- The optimized IMDCT transform fastsb.c- The optimized "polyphase subband transform", really another IMDCT windowing.c- The output filtering function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : slam

subband filtering c++ source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : petrus

介绍了几种子带滤波方法,可以根据此进行信道的自适应辨识或者盲辨识-Describes several sub-band filtering method can be carried out according to the adaptive channel blind identification or recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 951kb Publisher : 张华

子带自适应滤波器原理 很好的学习子带滤波器的外文教程 有MATLAB程序-Subband Adaptive Filtering Theory and Implementation Foreign-language tutorial sub-band adaptive filter principle of good learning sub-band filters have MATLAB program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.97mb Publisher : li

次能带卡尔曼滤波结合掩蔽属性噪声语音信号-Subband Kalman filtering incorporating masking porperties for noisy speech signal
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : 唐鹏

DL : 0
Sub band adaptive filtering alogorhims
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : shooshee

将要传输的信号通过子带结构分成四路信号,分别通过预先调制滤波器组,在接收端收到信号,经过自适应滤波,然后形成一束波(The signal to be transmitted is divided into four signals by subband structure, and the signals are received at the receiving end through the pre modulation filter bank, and then a wave is formed after adaptive filtering)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 嘿喂狗
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