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基于子空间算法的ofdm系统半盲估计,希望对信道估计的同仁有帮助!-subspace algorithm based on the semi-blind system ofdm estimate, and I hope to channel estimation colleagues help!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.81kb Publisher : wangfuli

基于子空间算法的ofdm系统半盲估计,希望对信道估计的同仁有帮助!-subspace algorithm based on the semi-blind system ofdm estimate, and I hope to channel estimation colleagues help!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : wangfuli

DL : 0
基于子空间的OFDM信道盲估计,可直接运行-Subspace-based OFDM blind channel estimation can be directly run
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王慧

基于子空间的MIMO-OFDM系统的盲信道估计,可直接运行-Subspace-based MIMO-OFDM system for blind channel estimation can be directly run
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王慧

一个对OFDM信道进行盲估计的子空间算法,具有较好的MSE性能-1 pairs of OFDM blind channel estimation for sub-space algorithm, with better MSE performance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Laura

DL : 0
基于子空间的盲信道估计算法,用的是奇异值的分解-Subspace-based blind channel estimation algorithm, using a singular value decomposition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : xiaochen

Subspace Projection Based Blind Channel Order Estimation of MIMO Systems m file for a classical channel order estimation method -Subspace Projection Based Blind Channel OrderEstimation of MIMO Systemsm file for a classical channel order estimation method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 509kb Publisher : 软猫

基于子空间的OFDM系统半盲信道估计,是IEEE上的经典文章,请同学们相交流.-Subspace-based blind and semi-blind channel estimation for OFDMsystems(120,2002
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 370kb Publisher : 天天

ofdm的一种盲信道估计方法:子空间盲信道估计方法-ofdm a blind channel estimation methods: the subspace blind channel estimation methods
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 198kb Publisher : 苏拉

对于多输入多输出系统, 传统的基于训练序列的信道辨识方法为跟踪信道的变化, 必须 发送大量冗余信息, 传输效率较低 而基于子空间的纯盲方法又带有不可避免的模糊性, 辨识结果 精度不够。在子空间法的基础上, 利用少量训练符号估计出模糊矩阵, 以此矫正子空间法得到的结 果。仿真结果显示: 在保证辨识精度的前提下, 该方法减少了训练符号等冗余, 提高了传输效率。-In o rder to t rack the channel variat ion of MIMO􀀁 OFDM sy stems, t radit io nal channel identif icat io n methods based on training sequence had to send larg e amount of redundant informat ion, w hich result s in low er eff iciency o f t ransmissio n. Meanw hile, the blind method based o n subspace may have inevitable ambiguity and low er precision of identif icat io n. In this paper, an est imat io n method fo r the ambiguity mat rix is proposed, which utilizes less tr aining symbo ls to rect ify the result s f rom subspace method. T he simulation result s show that this pro posed algo rithm can reduce the amount of t raining symbols and incr ease the ef ficiency of t ransmission.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 244kb Publisher : 蜡笔

MIMO-OFDM系统子空间法进行盲信道估计,可更改循环前缀长度以比较不同CP对估计性能的影响。-subspace method for blind channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM system. One can change the length of cyclic prefix in order to compare the performance of different CP impact on the estimates.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : snoopy

A subspace-based blind method is proposed for estimating the channel responses of a multiuser and multiantenna orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) uplink system. It gives estimations to all channel responses subject to a scalar matrix ambiguity and does not need precise channel order information (only an upper bound for the orders is required). Furthermore, the scalar ambiguity matrix can be easily resolved by using only one pilot OFDM block, given that the number of users is smaller than the number of symbols in the pilot symbol block. Equalization methods are discussed based on the estimated channels. By using partial knowledge of the channels, a multipath subspace method is proposed that reduces the computational complexity. Simulations show that the methods are effective and robust.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 280kb Publisher : Moyad
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