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[GUI Developren

Description: 不得在其他的地方所有,若是的话,就告你侵权~!你们自己看着办吧-not in all the other places, if so, it will sue you infringement ~! You babe!
Platform: | Size: 208749 | Author: 卢祖保 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stack20060416075449976

Description: 卡爱 阿 爱哦复苏 合法厄复苏厄 的本 呢讷讷 恩 恩 恩-card love love, oh A legitimate recovery of Ecuador Minute Sue Neneenenen this?
Platform: | Size: 1149180 | Author: liuliu | Hits:

[GUI Developren

Description: 不得在其他的地方所有,若是的话,就告你侵权~!你们自己看着办吧-not in all the other places, if so, it will sue you infringement ~! You babe!
Platform: | Size: 208896 | Author: 卢祖保 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stack20060416075449976

Description: 卡爱 阿 爱哦复苏 合法厄复苏厄 的本 呢讷讷 恩 恩 恩-card love love, oh A legitimate recovery of Ecuador Minute Sue Neneenenen this?
Platform: | Size: 1148928 | Author: liuliu | Hits:


Description: 代码保护功能处于持续发展中。Microchip 承诺将不断改进产品的代码保护功能。任何试图破坏Microchip 代码保护功能的行为均可视 为违反了《数字器件千年版权法案(Digital Millennium Copyright Act)》。如果这种行为导致他人在未经授权的情况下,能访问您的 软件或其他受版权保护的成果,您有权依据该法案提起诉讼,从而制止这种行为。-Code protection in sustainable development. Microchip is committed to continuous improvement of the code protection. Any attempt to undermine the Microchip s code protection feature may act as a breach of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) . If such acts lead to others without authorization, can access your software or other copyright-protected results, you have the right to sue under the Act, in order to curb such behavior.
Platform: | Size: 994304 | Author: 舒理 | Hits:

[assembly languagepicapps

Description: 代码保护功能处于持续发展中。Microchip 承诺将不断改进产品的代码保护功能。任何试图破坏Microchip 代码保护功能的行为均可视 为违反了《数字器件千年版权法案(Digital Millennium Copyright Act)》。如果这种行为导致他人在未经授权的情况下,能访问您的 软件或其他受版权保护的成果,您有权依据该法案提起诉讼,从而制止这种行为。-Code protection in sustainable development. Microchip is committed to continuous improvement of the code protection. Any attempt to undermine the Microchip s code protection feature may act as a breach of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) . If such acts lead to others without authorization, can access your software or other copyright-protected results, you have the right to sue under the Act, in order to curb such behavior.
Platform: | Size: 2031616 | Author: 舒理 | Hits:


Description: SUE from MIT for schematic edit!
Platform: | Size: 7661568 | Author: ge binjie | Hits:


Description: 数据挖掘之类的电子书, 数据挖掘在SAS中的应用-Applying Data Mining Techniques Using Enterprise Miner™ Course Notes was developed by Sue Walsh. Some of the course notes is based on material developed by Will Potts and Doug Wielenga. Additional contributions were made by John Amrhein, Kate Brown, Iris Krammer, and Bob Lucas. Editing and production support was provided by the Curriculum Development and Support Department.
Platform: | Size: 4141056 | Author: LJ | Hits:

[Windows Develop567495sourceofMyICQ

Description: MyICQ是一套公开源代码的即时通讯软件,包括服务器端和客户端,可以用于互联网或局域网中。可以运行在Windows或Linux(KDE/Qt)操作系统上,这是Windows版。目前客户端程序的界面完全模仿腾讯的QQ(如果Tencent告我的话,我会马上改的:-)。 总之,如果你崇尚自由,对QQ的越来越多的广告骚扰感到深恶痛绝的话,MyICQ绝对是你很好的选择。-MyICQ is an open source instant messaging software, including server and client, can be used for Internet or LAN. Can run on Windows or Linux (KDE/Qt) operating system, which is Windows. Current client interface is a mimic of Tencent QQ (Tencent sue me if, I will immediately reform :-). In short, if you advocate freedom, QQ, more and more ads are hated, then harassment, MyICQ is definitely a good choice.
Platform: | Size: 1150976 | Author: 嘿嘿 | Hits:

[Education soft systemcPP-homework-by-Alex-Sue-2000CS(4)

Description: 学生信息管理系统,希望对学习C++的同学有所帮助-Student information management system, I hope to learn C++ students help
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 杨希明 | Hits:


Description: we sue another way to plost 4-QAM, BPSK, QPSK by raise cosine pulse shape
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: ernie | Hits:


Description: We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features ofour products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: Sau | Hits:

[OS programiontab

Description: VC++简单的在tab控件,在控件增加位图。操作简单,适合初学者借鉴。-VC++ tancontrol .add icon,and sue to jueror lener.
Platform: | Size: 167936 | Author: 陆仁兵 | Hits:


Description: tish code is mulltisvm and sue in classification
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: roya | Hits:


Description: This file can be sue to measure quality matrix for multi focus and multi modal image fusioan
Platform: | Size: 266240 | Author: Jatt | Hits:

[Software Engineering05567108.pdf

Description: The sky region of restored images often appears serious noise and color distortion using classical dark channel prior algorithm. To address this is- sue, we propose an improved dark channel prior algorithm which recognizes the sky regions in hazy image by gradient threshold combined with the absolute value of the difference of atmospheric light and dark channel. And then we es- timate the transmission in sky and non-sky regions separately. At last, we en- hance the brightness and contrast of results. Experimental results show that our restored images are more natural and smooth in sky regions.
Platform: | Size: 6621184 | Author: YaqingChang | Hits:


Description: 数独解法入门佳作 目录 标准数独技巧导读帖 [数独入门技巧]唯一数 4 [数独入门技巧]宫摒除法使用 7 [数独入门技巧]行列摒除法的应用探讨 15 [数独进阶技巧]区块摒除法的应用讨论 23 [数独进阶技巧]数对法的应用讨论 46 [数独进阶技巧]BUG(全双值坟墓)的探讨 61 [数独高级技巧]Unique Rectangle 66 [数独高级技巧入门]链的逻辑及AIC 91 [数独高级技巧]双强链及其变形的运用 110 [数独高级技巧]XY-Wings与XY-Chains . 162 [数独高级技巧]欠一数对Almost Locked Pair 170 [数独高级技巧]Y-Wing 178 [数独高级技巧]M-Wing 191 [数独高级技巧]Sue de Coq 199
Platform: | Size: 3360255 | Author: Seazara | Hits:

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