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第三届Supermap杯全国GIS大赛的作品<<郑州市查询信息系统>>,基于VB+SupermapObject,运行需要GIS组件 SupermapObject相关支持,推荐大家学习借鉴源代码.声明:转载作品源代码请勿用作学习和交流之外的其他用途...-,Visual Basic,GIS编程/GIS program -third Supermap Cup National Championship GIS works
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.42mb Publisher : 都飞

DL : 0
基于vb和supermap的GIS原码,非常好的。-supermap Based on Visual Basic and GIS original code, very good.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.72kb Publisher : 任小梅

supermap制图源代码-The supermap map design source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 安东

supermap源代码-The general supermap source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 安东

supermap制图-design map in the style of supermap
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 安东

这是一个基于supermap的gis开发。没设密码。-This is a GIS development basing on the "SuperMap" software. and no key for use.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : 任凯婷

第三届Supermap杯全国GIS大赛的作品<<郑州市查询信息系统>>,基于VB+SupermapObject,运行需要GIS组件 SupermapObject相关支持,推荐大家学习借鉴源代码.声明:转载作品源代码请勿用作学习和交流之外的其他用途...-,Visual Basic,GIS编程/GIS program -third Supermap Cup National Championship GIS works
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.42mb Publisher : 都飞

第三届GIS大赛(SuperMap)设计开发组作品,郑州房产中介地理信息系统(VB),值得推荐.-third GIS Competition (SuperMap) design development team works, Zhengzhou property intermediary geographic information system (VB), worth recommending.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.88mb Publisher : 顾留碗

supermap二次开发优胜奖购房查询辅助系统 是学习超图二次开发的好离例子!-supermap Second Development Award winning purchase inquiries assisted learning system is the second-development plans from the good cases !
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.48mb Publisher : sheng

SuperMap经纬度坐标系下量算示范源码-SuperMap latitude and longitude coordinate system measurement model FOSS
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : zhangming

基于vb和supermap的GIS原码,非常好的。-supermap Based on Visual Basic and GIS original code, very good.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 任小梅

=== === === =SuperMap Objects示范工程说明======================================= 功能简介:示范SuperMap Objects 如何实现投影坐标系转换 所用控件:SuperMap控件和SuperWorkspace控件 所用数据:上一级目录\..\Data\World\PrjSample中wgs84.sdb和wgs84.sdd两个文件 操作说明:1、单击选择、放大、缩小等按钮可以进行简单的地图操作; 2、单击"投影坐标系"按钮,可以显示当前数据源所使用的投影方式和坐标系,单击“转换”按钮 可以设置目标投影坐标系并实现不同坐标系之间的转换;单击“地理坐标系”按钮可以查看当 前投影坐标系所使用的地理坐标系的详细信息。注意,本程序不支持地理坐标系的转换。 ===================================SuperMap Objects 示范工程说明结束===================================== -err
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 118kb Publisher :

随着计算机和地理信息技术的飞速发展,以组件技术为基础的新一代地理信息系统(GIS)异军突起,改变了传统集成式 GIS 平台的工作模式,更适合用户进行二次开发和与 MIS、OA等其它系统的有机集成。 ActiveX 控件是当今可视化程序设计中应用最为广泛的标准组件, SuperMap 2000 是迄 今为止功能最强大的、以 COM/ActiveX 技术规范为基础的全组件式 GIS 开发工具。 作为全组件式 GIS 软件开发工具,SuperMap 完全不同于传统的 GIS 软件。如果您希望快速开发一套真正属于自己的 GIS 软件,SuperMap 正是为实现您的这种愿望而设计。 SuperMap 是面向真正的 GIS 开发者的开发平台。-With the computer and GIS technology, the rapid development of technology-based components of a new generation of geographic information systems (GIS) rise and change the traditional GIS platform integrated mode, it is more suitable for the secondary development of the user and MIS, OA, such as the organic integration of other systems. ActiveX controls are visual programming of today s most widely used in the standard components, SuperMap 2000 so far are So far today the most powerful to COM/ActiveX basic technical specifications for the entire component-based GIS development tools. As the component-based GIS software development tools, SuperMap completely different from the traditional GIS software. If you really want to belong to a set of rapid development of their own GIS software, SuperMap is to achieve your desire and design. SuperMap really are for the GIS development platform for developers.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.87mb Publisher : 魏玲利

幼儿园管理系统采用的开发语言是Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0,地理信息系统平台是北极超图公司的Supermap Object 5.0,数据库采用的是Microsoft Access数据库。-The kindergarten management system uses the development language is Microsoft Visual Basic 6, the geographic information system platform is the Arctic hypergraph company Supermap Object 5, the uses is the Microsoft Access .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.51mb Publisher : 强子
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