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多层感知器(MLP)(BP算法训练)、径向基函数网络(RBF网络)、支持向量机(SVM)对2D Mexican Hat、Gabor、Friedman 以及Polynomial等几种函数数据集进行回归和预测-multilayer perceptron (MLP) (BP algorithm training), RBF network (RBF), Support Vector Machine (SVM) to 2D Mexican Hat, Gabor, Friedman Polynomial and several other data sets function regression and forecasting
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.42mb Publisher : 张毅

VC维理论和结构风险最小化准则是统计学习理论中的重要内容,基于这一理论的支持向量机算法由于具有好的泛化性能受到重视,并被研究用于文本分类问题.基于多项式核的研究工作认为SVM的泛化能力不受多项式阶数的影响,并且能够处理很高维的分类问题,用于文本分类无需进行特征选择.研究发现,随着多项式核阶数的升高,SVM文本分类器会出现过学习现象,并且特征数越多越明显,特征选择是必需的.通过估计函数集的VC维,基于结构风险最小化理论对此问题进行分析,得出的结论跟实验结果相符. -err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 苏苏

DL : 0
svm(支持向量机)能进行分类。有不同的核函数,如线性,多项式等-svm (support vector machine) can be classified. There are different kernel functions, such as linear, polynomial, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 223kb Publisher : 孟祥

This is a support vector machine program developed based on quadprog. Polynomial and RBF kernel are supported. Test it by executing example.m with supported data.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 254kb Publisher : SUNGWOONG KIM

利用polynomial order kernel function来秀出SVM执行时可能产生出来的错误并汇图表示-Use of polynomial order kernel function to SVM showed off that may arise out of implementation errors and exchange graph
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : Steve Evan

DL : 0
最小二乘支持向量 MATLAB源码 有说明-The SVM can be seen as a method of training polynomial, radial basis function, or multilayer perception classifiers, in which the weights of the network are found by solving a quadratic programming (QP) problem with linear inequality and equality constraints.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 907kb Publisher : 郭乐

DL : 0
本资料包括实验要求文档,报告文档,训练及测试数据,matlab源代码。就给定问题,利用SVM来进行分类。SVM包括hardmargin的线性和非线性内核,softmargin的线性和非线性内核分别来分类以及评估分类准确度-a MATLAB (M-file) program to compute the discriminant functiong for the following SVMs, using the training set provided:A hard-margin SVM with the linear kernel, A hard-margin SVM with a polynomial kernel, A soft-margin SVM with a polynomial kernel as given above
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : hyz

SVM Light工具箱 Matlab接口,已经编译好,可直接用(SVMlight, by Joachims, is one of the most widely used SVM classification and regression package. It has a fast optimization algorithm, can be applied to very large datasets, and has a very efficient implementation of the leave-one-out cross-validation. Distributed as C++ source and binaries for Linux, Windows, Cygwin, and Solaris. Kernels: polynomial, radial basis function, and neural (tanh).)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 65kb Publisher : ym89413
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