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MATLAB的SVM算法实现,Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox,This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 124.8kb Publisher : chenbin

DL : 0
MATLAB的SVM算法实现,Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox,This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab is particularly good for since source code is relatively legible and simple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if used with the supplied optimiser. However, if you really want to speed things up you should consider compiling the matrix composition routine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really want to speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlab anyway... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understand the algorithm.-MATLAB-SVM algorithm, Matlab Support Vector Machine Toolbox, This toolbox was designed as a teaching aid, which matlab isparticularly good for since source code is relatively legible andsimple to modify. However, it is still reasonably fast if usedwith the supplied optimiser. However , if you really want to speedthings up you should consider compiling the matrix compositionroutine for H into a mex function. Then again if you really wantto speed things up you probably shouldn t be using matlabanyway ... Get hold of a dedicated C program once you understandthe algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 125kb Publisher : chenbin
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